Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 70 The Attack Begins

Chapter 70 The Attack Begins

The first green flare rose slowly in the early morning forest.

The woodland was deserted just now, and the low sound of engines suddenly resounded through the sky. The well-disguised infantry vehicles of the Seventh Company looked like bushes just now, but they quickly attacked and seized the main passage between the woodlands.

Now all the guns on the car were aimed at the unknown open space outside the woodland.

In the command vehicle of the company commander, Gao Cheng was calling among several armed soldiers through the intercom system: "Attention all squads, the regiment headquarters ordered each company to launch an attack in the direction of 3 in 453 minutes. The mission of our company is to Use the maximum maneuvering speed to seize the 034 highland in the blue army's defense area, and establish a position. If possible, conduct fire reconnaissance on the enemy's depth. All vehicles are ready, look at the red signal flares, and it's over!"

Facing the charge of the 702 regiment's tank company like a torrent of steel, the blue army's position has always been quiet.

Gao Cheng felt a little uneasy: "It's not quite right."

Hong Xingguo guessed: "Maybe the Blue Army is preparing to fight a field battle?"

Gao Cheng shook his head and denied: "The Blue Army will not be so stupid. Our 702nd Regiment is an armored regiment and is best at attacking tough situations. It is impossible for the Blue Army to confront us head-on. I reckon they must have thought of some kind of hurtful move."

A red flare finally rose into the sky, and Gao Cheng immediately shouted: "Attack at full speed!"

The two company flags of the No. [-] Steel Company fought majestically on all sides, and ten infantry chariots shot out at a speed of fifty kilometers per hour.

However, before the red bullet hit the ground, several armed helicopters had already climbed up from the mountains on the side of the Seventh Company, and rushed to the hill that the Seventh Steel Company was attacking first.

"Find the Blue Army! Find the Blue Army!"

The high-mobility individual air defense missile quickly aimed there, but the opponent was flying too low. As soon as the first missile flew out, the target had already sunk below the top of the mountain.

More armed helicopters passed the height of the treetops far away, and after launching missiles, they quickly sank down to the height of the treetops.

This kind of tactic of the Blue Army is extremely tricky, it's like hitting and hiding.

A rocket bomb flew out with a howling sound, and there was an explosion sound in an invisible place.

The invisible place is the rear of the troops, which is the regiment headquarters of the 702 regiment!

Hong Xingguo shouted anxiously: "That's the headquarters! They are going to the headquarters!"

Gao Cheng ignored him: "Every car accelerates and hits."

"Return to the aid, the headquarters has been attacked!" Hong Xingguo was anxious.

"The original plan remains unchanged!"

Gao Cheng looked at the bumping horizon and explained: "Old Hong, even if our tanks and armored vehicles turn back, it is too late, and the flying speed of the helicopter is six times faster than that of our tanks! You must never turn back, you can only go forward bravely, with the speed Hurry up!"

He grabbed the communicator and shouted: "Avantgarde prepares, shoots three shots at the same time, attacks the fortifications, and shoots down the eagle in the sky!"


The sound of ground artillery and anti-aircraft missile launches began to sound from the direction of the headquarters, and a helicopter was shrouded in thick smoke and disappeared from sight in the distance.

Hong Xingguo was happy: "Old Gao, you did a great job, let's fight!"

Gao Cheng didn't even bother to look up, he only had one target now, and ordered the No. 034 Steel Company to launch an assault on Height [-]!

The blue team used armed helicopters to attack their headquarters, so the No. 034 Steel Company quickly seized the [-] highland to gain a geographical advantage.

He shouted into the walkie-talkie: "All platoons speed up!"

The radio in the car was already in chaos, and there were endless calls.

"Mountain, mountain, there are two more military planes flying straight towards you, altitude 20, speed 300. Please do everything possible to cover the transfer of the regiment headquarters!"

Because Cheng Guangfa, the company commander of the Ninth Anti-aircraft Artillery Company, had a meeting at the regiment headquarters, the director team assumed the enemy's situation, and a Tomahawk missile directly wiped out one of his anti-aircraft artillery companies!
Only a few soldiers who went out, such as him and Wang Peng, survived.

His complexion was heavy, he had never fought such a battle before, and one of them disappeared without even knowing why.

He picked up a 40 fire and shouted: "Come with me if the Ninth Company is still alive! Our company's anti-aircraft guns are gone, so we will use the machine guns, rifles, and 40 fire in our hands to cover the transfer of the regiment headquarters! Come with me Go up and die~!"

"Yes!" The few surviving soldiers of the Ninth Company rushed towards the approaching armed helicopter.

It's completely moths to the flames, but for the safety of the regiment headquarters, they are resolute and resolute without hesitation...

Such a scene was shown on the big screen of the director's team, and the chiefs of the military region were silent.

They remembered the past. Although the current military strength is slightly insufficient, the backbone and spirit of the Chinese people will never fall!Because at this time, they can use their lives to rush up, use their lives to push up!


Lu Zhongtong, the company commander of the transportation company, stood on the truck and shouted loudly: "All the trucks of the company are moving, and they are running around the clock now, and I have to transport all the supplies to the frontline troops!"

"Yes!" The trucks were all started immediately, and the engineering company, maintenance troops, etc. cooperated with the transportation company to participate in the operation.

"Report, I am Shanshan. Now the headquarters is out of danger. The mountain badger continues to attack! The mountain badger continues to attack!"

Gao Cheng breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the intercom and replied: "Understood, Mountain Badger received it!"

The leading vehicle of the Seventh Steel Company just approached the mountain, and there was a bang from the woodland, which should be a rocket carried on the shoulder. The laser device on the vehicle body sensed the laser beam, and a burst of white smoke came out. "Tiger" banner was suddenly submerged in white smoke.

"Get out of the car! Get out of the car! All squads attack together!" Gao Cheng continued to command.

Before the hatch of an infantry combat vehicle was opened, another puff of white smoke came out.

The soldiers got out of the car cursing and turned over the white cards one by one.

This means that their infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed by a rocket, and the soldiers inside were "killed" together.

"Spread out! Advance at 50-meter intervals!"

Gao Cheng looked at the soldiers on the two carts, and was furious: "What do I usually say? Get on the cart quickly, and get off quickly! If you don't get off the cart, you will lose one-fifth of it! It's a corpse!"

Before the words were finished, there was a strange gunshot, and Gao Cheng subconsciously dodged behind the car.

Another shot, obviously aimed at him.

Gao Cheng didn't care about shouting, and lowered his body with all his strength.

The heavy firearms on the infantry fighting vehicle began to roar, and the heavy machine gun bullets shot out, desperately suppressing the opponent's firepower.

Under the cover of heavy machine guns, the Seventh Company and the Third Squad rushed over there.

Cheng Cai searched in the scope, but unfortunately he could only see the swaying bushes, and the opponent obviously retreated quickly.

Several soldiers rushed into the target area from different directions, and rushed over after a burst of fire, but only two used rocket launchers were still rolling in the open space.

The Seventh Company quickly learned how to behave. In order to protect the company commander Gaocheng, a dozen infantrymen were on guard at the front at any time.

At this time, Gao Cheng was staring at the two disposable rocket launchers in a daze.

Instructor Hong Xingguo was very surprised when he saw it: "Throw it away after shooting. It is one-time use. You don't need to change bombs or carry a heavy launcher around. It is simple and convenient. This is what our regiment changed next year! They are using it now. up!"

Gao Cheng flipped through the bullet casings in his hand: "The gunshots are not August [-] bars, they are nine-five guns. We will change to that thing next year. The opponent's equipment is a generation ahead of ours. The intention was obvious just now, and we used rockets first. Hitting a taxi, forcing people out of the car, and then hitting commanders requires excellent observation skills and psychological quality."

Hong Xingguo said: "Should we wait for the tanks to come up and advance together?"

Gao Cheng stared at the front, and said to Hong Xingguo: "Old rules, I push forward, you are here to respond."

He waved his hand to a row of long Shen Tie, and made a forward gesture.

"One row, get on the chariot and charge towards the 034 Heights!"

Shen Tie's voice sounded, and the first row immediately moved into action.

But when the chariot advanced a certain distance, it had to stop.

Because the more you get to the 034 highland, the steeper the slope, which has exceeded the elevation angle of the infantry vehicle, and the vehicle may overturn if you climb up, and the blue army still has disposable rockets waiting, so you can only choose to abandon the vehicle and walk.

This made Shen Tie's idea of ​​attacking the enemy's position with a chariot suddenly come to nothing.

After getting off the chariot, Shen Tie quickly arranged for the entire platoon of soldiers.

Because the third squad was determined to be the tactical core, the third squad was in the middle of the assault, with the first and second squads on both sides, and they were responsible for covering.

Looking at a dense forest in front of him, Li Bing stretched out his hand and motioned to Shi Jin beside him: "Squad leader, pay attention to the forest, there may be an ambush!"

Shi Jin understood Li Bing's meaning just by looking ahead. "All on alert! Wait until the artillery cover from the rear armored forces arrives!"

"Careful to the left and right!"

Li Bing gave another gentle reminder, and as soon as he finished speaking, gunshots rang out from the left and right sides.

"Da da da……"

In an instant, the first class lost two people, and the second class also lost three people.

The platoon leader who was almost hit quickly hid behind a tree and loudly instructed the people behind to find cover quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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