Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 72 Night Battle Raid

Chapter 72 Night Battle Raid
"Report, one enemy was killed at nine o'clock, I suspect there are still snipers!"

After receiving the report from Chengcai, the firepower of the counterattack has already swept towards the woods.

Gao Cheng crouched beside Cheng Cai, continuing to observe with a telescope.

Hong Xingguo also watched from the sidelines: "Old Gao, do you want to send someone to drag the corpse? After fighting for so long, at least you need to know where it is."

Gao Cheng shook his head: "No. The opponent's marksmanship is more accurate than ours, and the equipment is better. Such a long distance, it is useless to go, maybe it will consume a few more."

He patted Chengcai's steel helmet, "When you get back, tell everyone the essentials of sniping."

A flash of excitement flashed in Chengcai's eyes, and then he crawled to another sniper position that he had hoped for a long time.

For four hours, the No. 034 Steel Company with armored infantry fighting vehicles failed to capture the [-] Heights because of the terrain and because the opponent's weapons and equipment were a generation ahead.

When night came, in the dark forest, a vigilant sentry was suddenly trapped by a beam of red light behind him. With a slight gunshot, the sentry was "killed".

Almost at the same time, the headlights of the ten infantry vehicles were all turned on at once, and three flares were launched into the air.

"Not good, retreat!" There were a few figures flying and retreating in the woods, it was a small team of the blue side.

The soldiers of the No. [-] Steel Company hated these ghost-like blue troops long ago, and all their guns followed them fiercely.

The sound of "da da da" and "boom boom boom" suddenly rang out.

Gan Xiaoning was very relieved: "Large area covered by firepower, let's see where they are going this time!"

After the sound of gunfire, the woods fell silent again.

Gao Cheng waved his hand: "The third class took a few people over to have a look, pay attention and stay vigilant!"

"Yes!" The third squad immediately searched in the direction of the imaginary enemy's retreat.

Hong Xingguo was a little secretly excited: "Old Gao, this time they have been dealt with severely, and four or five of them have been cleaned up!"

But the searching soldiers returned empty-handed, and there was still no body left on the ground.

Gao Cheng smiled helplessly: "There's nothing to say, they were carried away to death, and if two of them are destroyed at once, then we'll make more corpses for them. Send my order, and the whole company will pursue them!"

Hearing this, Li Bing immediately stopped him and said, "Company commander, don't chase after the poor bandits. The opponent only died three or four people, so they won't be injured. Moreover, there must be people on the 034 Heights. If you chase rashly, you may encounter an ambush!"

After thinking about it, Gao Cheng seemed to have some reason, and immediately shouted: "Stop chasing!"

In fact, the other party didn't even think about running away, but wanted to kill a carbine!

The 034 highland in the exercise area.

In a bunker, Yuan Lang looked at a computer screen in front of him. Four small dots disappeared instantly, which meant that four of his team members were "killed".

"The Seventh Company Commander, Gaocheng, does have two brushes."

Yuan Lang said to himself, and then he said in the intercom: "A small team was caught in the enemy's trap, and all died in battle. Go back and write a review; and, Qi Huan, how do you teach as an instructor? Go back and give them an extra training session. Hundreds of night training!"

"Yes!" Qi Huan rolled his eyes, and thought to himself, I am an instructor, and I am only responsible for deducting points for small books; you are the chief instructor, and you are the one who taught all the pumpkins who just joined.

Yuan Lang continued: "When did Squad A suffer such a disadvantage? The second and third squads put on night vision goggles and launched a night raid. Do you know what to do?"


"It's good to know. Right now, our battle loss ratio against the Seventh Steel Company is only one to six, and the team leader's requirement is one to twenty-five! What's the difference? Never underestimate your opponent. The consequences of underestimating an enemy are often disastrous. "


Qi Huan learned to be good, and immediately added: "I'll emphasize it again. In the night battle raid, first throw the flash bomb, then throw the grenade, and finally rush up to harvest the heads. Everyone cheers up and ruthlessly cuts to death the gang of pumpkins on the opposite side!"


The special forces of Brigade A had a tacit understanding. After checking the ammunition, they were ready to launch a wave of counterattacks from the flanks on both sides.

Looking at the vast black forest, Li Bing knew that the real night battle was about to begin, and Shi Jin was "killed" here in the original play!

In order to complete the system tasks, in order to make himself stronger, and for the indescribable "combat friendship", he must take action to save Shi Jin and prevent all this from happening.

He immediately found Gaocheng: "Company commander, our casualties are too great, and we can't bear the consumption anymore. If you believe me, I want to command the third squad to carry out a counterattack."

Both Gao Cheng and Shi Jin were slightly taken aback.

Li Bing suddenly asked for the command of the battlefield. This is not a trivial matter. Although he only wanted one squad, the squad leader Shi Jin is still there, and he has not been "killed in battle". It was not Li Bing's turn to command.

Gao Cheng was slightly surprised: "Give me a reason?"

"Many people were kicked out of this exercise because they didn't know where the other side came from. You know that many people can guess it now. This exercise is different from the previous ones. Some people cannot be "killed." They need a chance to perform and also need a good result, there are not many opportunities, we need to fight for ourselves."

He was talking about some people, Gao Cheng naturally knew who he was talking about, he glanced at Shi Jin.

Shi Jin was also surprised: "Li Bing, you... do you want to be the squad leader?"

Li Bing knew that Shi Jin had misunderstood, but without further ado, he didn't bother to continue explaining: "Company commander, squad leader, please temporarily give me the command of the third squad. Strike!"

He spoke sincerely and firmly.

Gao Cheng heard gunshots in the woods and said, "I can give you a chance, but if you make a mistake in command, you will be punished after the exercise is over!"

"Yes! Company commander, don't worry, I will do my best!" Li Bing saluted.

Gao Cheng passed on the order to hand over the command of the third squad to Li Bing, and said to Shi Jin: "Yes, the third squad leader, keep quiet, this has already cultivated successors, all right, you go too Come on, follow him, help to watch from the side, don't make a fool of yourself."

"Yes!" Shi Jin actually couldn't understand why Li Bing insisted on commanding the third squad at this time, but he thought, since Li Bing did this, he must have his own ideas, so he stopped thinking about it.

"Liu Yi, Xiao Ning, don't use your two machine guns to cover the frontal attack, put them on the flanks."

Wu Liuyi was a little puzzled: "Why put it on the flank? We're not far from Height 034. If we launch another attack in the dark, we might be able to take it down."

Gan Xiaoning said: "The other party is really hard to deal with. If I am full, I will charge with a machine gun in my arms, and I will definitely be able to tear a hole."

Li Bing shook his head: "It's good to dare to fight, but this kind of tactics is still the same as in the past. Now is the era of high-tech development, and the emphasis is on the use of high-tech weapons."

As he said that, he took off the night vision goggles from Shi Jin's eyes, and continued: "You have already seen the other side's 95 rifles, and their equipment is very advanced. For night battles, the other side must have night vision goggles, and each of them has one. , and we are only equipped with command combatants above the squad leader!"

"Besides, the other party has just suffered a dark loss, and they will definitely come back. In addition to night vision goggles, they will also use flash bombs, smoke bombs, grenades and other range-destructive weapons. You should immediately find a place to hide and see people After that, you are not allowed to shoot to expose the location, and wait for my order."

"Xu Sanduo, you follow the squad leader, protect his safety, and use your body to block bullets when necessary, can you do it?"

"Yes!" Xu Sanduo nodded.

"Bai Tiejun, go and inform the platoon leader and tell them to pay attention to the flanks. If they are attacked, they can shrink their formation and move closer to our third squad!"


Li Bing took a breath, put on the night vision goggles, looked at the looming figures in the woods, and shouted, "Everyone from Class Three, hide!"

The sound of gunfire in the distance suddenly changed its rhythm. It was because the shooting of the eighty-one gun family met the nine-five gun family, and it was accompanied by a dazzling flash of light and the explosion of grenades.

Several infantry platoons were attacked by the blue army at the same time.

Gunshots, explosions, luminous ballistics, and invisible opponents make all this more like a real war than during the day.

The three squads were on the center line, and the other two squads were on the flanks, resisting the opponent's surprise attack in the jungle.

A platoon leader yelled at the soldiers of the first and second squads: "Hold on! Wait for the tanks to come up for support!"

With the night vision goggles Li Bing was wearing, he saw white ballistic trajectories intertwined in the green jungle.

Suddenly, a figure appeared among the branches and leaves. It was the first time Li Bing saw one of his opponents. He clearly saw that person throwing a black object towards him.

"Be careful of the flash, everyone close your eyes!" He subconsciously shouted.

While he was shouting, the opponent waved his hand, and the thrown object flew out, and then the strong light exploded in the jungle, which was different from flares, too strong light would temporarily blind people's eyes.

Because Li Bing had reminded the people of the third class, they lay on the ground and buried their heads in the grass like an ostrich. When they heard Li Bing's shout, they immediately closed their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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