Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 79 Steel 7th Company, Never Fail!

Chapter 79 Seventh Steel Company, Never Fail! (fourth more)

Wu Liuyi held a 56-1 7.62mm squad machine gun. When he rushed up, a bunker on the 034 highland formed a machine gun position similar to a bunker.

"Da da da..." The heavy machine gun fired wildly at Wu Liuyi, who was attacking by the seventh steel company.

Wu Liuyi was crushed behind a rock and shouted anxiously: "Squad leader, it's your turn to behave! Blow it up with 40 fire!"

In fact, he didn't need to say much, Shi Jin had already aimed at the 40 fire, and then fired a rocket at the machine gun bunker.

With a "boom", the bunker "exploded" into a cloud of smoke, and the machine gunners inside were "killed" together.


The new 40 fire, the Type 69 40mm rocket launcher, is a copy of the RPG-7.It is equipped with a universal optical sight, suitable for all types of ammunition, and has a shooting range of up to 300 meters.

Shi Jin's shoulders are 69-type 40-fire.

On the 034 highland, Sun Qiang watched his teammates fall down alone, and couldn't help shouting into the communicator: "Captain, 034 highland is about to fall!"

He is not afraid of "death in battle", but he knows that the underground oil storage behind him cannot be lost!Once it is captured by the red side, the helicopter will have no endurance.

"Captain, Highland 034 requests support!"

"Received! Please persevere to the end and hold off the enemy." The railway quickly responded, "Two holes, two holes, you are the closest to 034, please go to support immediately."

"Dong Er received!" A Mi-171 helicopter immediately flew over the 034 position.

After "sacrificing" eleven soldiers successively from the Seventh Steel Company, Wu Liuyi was the first to rush to the 034 Heights.

Then came Shi Jin, Li Bing and Gan Xiaoning.

But at this time, the old A players on the field, including Sun Qiang, fought to the death without retreating.

At the cost of "killing" 11 people, the Seventh Steel Company completed the most difficult step in capturing the 034 Heights.

They planted the company flag of the Seventh Steel Company on the middle of the 034 highland.

Looking at the erected red square flag, Yuan Lang couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion: "The commander of the Seventh Company, Gaocheng, has cultivated a group of good soldiers with his charisma!"

Looking at the banner of "Armored Tiger", Hong Xingguo excitedly said to Wang Qingrui: "Regimental Commander, they have taken it down, and the Seventh Company has really taken it down!"

Wang Qingrui took a puff of cigarette and said, "Don't be too happy, the exercise is not over yet."

After the Blue Army received that Height 034 was raided, a Mi-034 helicopter that was closest to Height 171 flew over.

As soon as they faced each other, two "swish" rockets were launched, which just hit the company flag of the "Armored Tiger".

These missiles are effect shells for exercises, marked with laser devices and paint.

After the laser receiver received the laser signal emitted by the rocket when it was excited, within the range of the rocket explosion, the three "killed" soldiers exited the exercise with smoke on their bodies.

Bai Tiejun sat on the resting place of the "dead in battle", and couldn't help shouting loudly: "Using such a shameless and despicable style of play is simply shameless!"

Yuan Lang from the "captive area" next door glanced at him: "If there is a real war, the opponent will use any means you can't think of, even more cruel and cruel than what we use!"

After the two rockets were fired, the heavy machine gun onboard fired "bang bang bang" in bursts, sweeping across 034's position like plowing the ground.

First rockets, then heavy machine guns, this is the real crushing firepower!

Shi Jin shouted anxiously: "Hidden, hidden! Find a cover!"

Li Bing and others hid in a bunker, unable to lift their heads under the weight of heavy machine guns. They could already see that 500 meters ahead was the gate leading to the underground oil storage.

The helicopter overhead is like a line of fire that prevents them from passing through!

At this time, Li Bing said to Shi Jin: "Squad leader, let us go out to attract firepower. You see the opportunity and use 40 fire to blow up their material warehouse! As long as we blow up the blue army warehouse, we are all dead!"

After finishing speaking, he was the first to rush out, towards the downed company flag!

He lifted the company flag of "Steel Tiger" from the ground, held it high, ran, and shouted loudly: "Seventh Steel Company, charge~!"

He was like a moth to a flame, rushing forward desperately.

The enemy found him, so naturally they wanted to stop him, "Da da da...!"

The helicopter hovered in mid-air, the heavy machine gun fired downwards, breathing out deadly flames, countless bullets hit him, his body was covered in thick smoke, and he "fallen" on the way to charge!

"Seventh Steel Company, charge~!"

Wu Liuyi was the second to charge forward, picked up the company flag from the ground, waved it, and continued to charge forward!
"Da da da!" The heavy machine gun also hit him.

The third one to rush forward was Gan Xiaoning, who roared loudly: "A thunderbolt and a sword, a group of fierce tigers and steel seven companies!"

All the soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company couldn't help roaring: "With a thunderbolt and a sword, a group of fierce tigers from the Seventh Steel Company; iron men with iron will, guarding the country with iron and blood! Pass! The attack must be conquered, the defense must be strong, step on the enemy's bones and sing the triumph!"

"Steel Seventh Company, kill~!" Xu Sanduo, who was killed in battle, "tricked the corpse" and roared loudly!
The last soldier from the Seventh Steel Company rushed forward and raised the company flag high!
Looking at the flying company flag, Gao Cheng's eyes turned red.

Hong Xingguo's eyes turned red.

Wang Qingrui was burned by cigarette butts.

Shi Jin choked with sobs, and continued to advance along a hidden trench on the side. He had tried his best to charge forward!
He knew that in order to provide him with a chance to get close to the material warehouse, the comrades in this squad ran out and waved the company flag to attract the attention of the enemy helicopters!
And there is only one chance to get close!
Carrying the 40 fires that had already been loaded with rockets, he used almost all his strength to run to the gate of the material warehouse, and decisively pulled the trigger!

A specially-made drill rocket flew out and hit the gate of the underground warehouse directly in front.

"Boom" sound.

On the screen of the director's team, it was shown that the material warehouse of the Blue Army was blown up.

Moreover, a chain reaction was caused, and the entire 034 highland, together with the seven steel companies on it, were reduced to ashes in the "explosion"!
Steel Seventh Company, at the cost of the entire company, destroyed an important material warehouse of the Blue Army!
The chiefs of the military region looked at the big screen, at the soldier carrying the [-] fire.

That firm figure, with smoke all over his body, was saluting the company flag of the Seventh Steel Company!

And shouted loudly in his mouth: "The Seventh Steel Company will never fall!"

This scene made the directors in the director's team couldn't help but salute!
Subsequently, the director team quickly ruled that the exercise time was up and the exercise ended.

The result of the ruling is still - a tie.

In this exercise, the 702 Regiment, known as the ace of armor, was unable to attack and defend. Except at the end of the whole process, it failed to launch a decent tank cluster charge.

Under the suppression of armed helicopters, the numerical advantage and firepower advantage of the heavily equipped troops cannot be brought into play at all.

The defending blue army used helicopters as a mobile force to attack from all directions with inferior forces, and the battle loss ratio across the board was as high as fifteen to one...

In fact, when the 702 regiment was forced to switch to defense, it was already considered a loss.

However, what the director team and the Blue Army did not expect was that in the last half hour of the exercise, the 702nd Regiment suddenly launched a fierce counterattack with the force of artillery fire from the whole regiment, covering the Seventh Steel Company for a charge and occupying the 034 Heights, captured the oil and material warehouses hidden underground by the Blue Army.

If the fight continues, the fuel supply will be cut off, and the blue helicopter will lose its ability to last.

The 702 regiment also suffered heavy losses and needed a long rest, so there was a draw.

Steel No. 702 Company blew up the Blue Army's fuel warehouse at the cost of the entire company's annihilation. This was the most eye-catching stroke of the [-] Regiment in the exercise, and it was even more shocking than Xu Sanduo's capture of Lieutenant Colonel Yuan Lang.

Because this is a collective honor!
Collective first-class merit!

Especially the soldier carrying 40 fires impressed the chiefs of the military region.

"40 Fire" once supported half the sky of China's individual anti-tank firepower, and was greatly loved by the army.

"40 Fire" is a squad weapon, which is used to make up for the lack of infantry's anti-tank and offensive firepower. Under normal circumstances, a squad of infantry can be equipped with two "2 Fire". 40 rockets.

In this way, a small infantry squad can have 8 "40 fire" rockets.This is a considerable improvement to the infantry's relatively weak anti-tank and attack capabilities.

However, the most important reason for the popularity of "40 Fire" is the large quantity and full control, and the soldiers can fight openly without feeling distressed.

 Thank you book friends for your rewards and monthly tickets, and thank you for your support. They all ask for more updates, and I will change them today.

  There are more than 20 words, and it is about to be put on the shelves. Basically, there are two updates at noon and night every day, and it will be updated after it is put on the shelves.

  If there is a reward or something, it will be updated.

  In short, I am very grateful to the support of the book friends. Only you can be motivated. Not much to say, let’s go to the code.

(End of this chapter)

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