Who is the Soldier's Assault?

Chapter 96 Preliminary Conception of Electronic Reconnaissance Company

Chapter 96 Preliminary Conception of Electronic Reconnaissance Company
This time, the 702 regiment reluctantly broke up the best steel seventh company, in order to improve the combat effectiveness of the entire regiment.

And an excellent grassroots commander like Gao Cheng will naturally not be forgotten by the division.

The deputy battalion commander of the division's reconnaissance battalion is undoubtedly the most suitable place for him.

That night, Gao Cheng didn't live in the third class dormitory, but he moved his CD and cassette-in-one portable stereo, some music discs and cassettes, including a stack of books to the third class dormitory.

These are Gaocheng's private property, and half a table has been piled up, all of which were given to Li Bing.

Gao Cheng didn't say that he was going to leave at night, but Li Bing knew that Gao Cheng was going to be the deputy battalion commander of the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion, and his military rank was raised to [-] cents.

Gao Cheng glanced back at Li Bing, he has always liked this soldier, from the very beginning.

The soldiers of the Seventh Steel Company shook their eyes with their fists, but they were not allowed to blink.The first time they met, the tank gun was right under the soldier's nose, and he didn't blink or back away.

It was this first impression that made him look at this soldier with admiration.

"Then... I'm leaving." Gao Cheng put his things away and opened the door of the third class dormitory.

After leaving this time, there is really only one person left in Qilian.

"Company commander, goodbye." Li Bing saluted and watched Gao Cheng leave.

Life is back to calm again, as the old horse said, there are not so many thrilling things, just like ordinary people, day after day.

It is actually not that easy for one person to stick to a company.

It's time to eat again.

The soldiers of the Sixth Company watched Li Bing singing "Soldiers" loudly by himself.

The sixth company commander was completely convinced, and he was convinced.

One person, one soldier, froze to guard a seventh company.


702 Regiment Office.

Staff officer Jiang Wenshan had been sitting quietly on a chair for quite a while.

In his hand, he was holding a few pieces of paper that Gaocheng sent over a few days ago.

Jiang Wenshan returned to the regiment headquarters after finishing a week of study in the division today.

Originally, he was still a little muttering, wondering why the head of the group called him over at meal time.

But after reading the two articles in his hand, the little doubt in his heart disappeared immediately.

He gently twirled the papers in his hand, looked up at Wang Qingrui and said, "Commander, these two articles are very insightful, and they completely fit into the planning of the division's reconnaissance battalion. Who on earth wrote this?"

Wang Qingrui said bluntly: "Li Bing."

"Which Li Bing?"

"It's the soldier who memorized all the anti-aircraft artillery data during the year-end assessment last year, and won the No. 1 five-kilometer cross-country race in the division's competition!"

"Oh, it turned out to be him!" Jiang Wenshan groaned, and couldn't help sighing: "This time I went to the division to have a meeting to study, and one of the main contents was how the armored forces deal with electronic warfare in modern warfare. I I think, after seeing these two articles, the teacher leader will definitely have new inspiration..."

Wang Qingrui hurriedly called him over, originally he wanted to ask his opinion, to see if the matter should be reported to the teacher, but after hearing Jiang Wenshan's words, Wang Qingrui naturally made up his mind.

He was worried that the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion would poach him away, and wanted to hide Li Bingxue, but he was not that kind of person, and he hoped that his soldiers could go higher and farther.

He snorted lightly, and stubbed out the cigarette butt in his hand: "Since we have the same point of view, I will go to the division headquarters in the afternoon and report this matter to the division commander and deputy division commander."

After a pause, he added: "You also take the time to rest, and go to the division headquarters with me in the afternoon."

"Yes!" Jiang Wenshan nodded in agreement regardless of his exhaustion from running back and forth.


T division department.

In the teacher's office, Qin Anguo carefully read all the contents on a few sheets of paper, and a look of disbelief appeared on his face.

Seeing the teacher's expression, Yang Jian, the commander of the division's reconnaissance battalion who had just arrived, was a little confused. He had just been transferred and knew exactly what was going on with the 702 regiment.

He looked up at Wang Qingrui and Jiang Wenshan who were sitting there, as if he wanted to get some clues from these two people, but failed.

"Comrade Yang Jian, take a look too!"

After reading it, Qin Anguo handed him the paper in his hand.

"Okay, let me take a look." Yang Jian responded, took the paper and read it hastily.

While he was browsing carefully, Qin Anguo looked at Wang Qingrui and Jiang Wenshan: "The division has just abolished the Seventh Steel Company, and Gao Cheng wants to create an electronic reconnaissance company?"

Hearing the teacher's question, Wang Qingrui's expression remained the same, but the staff officer Jiang Wenshan was a little uneasy: "It's not that the teacher doesn't know his temper, and he didn't do anything out of line with the steel seven company this time. , which shows that his psychological endurance has reached the quality of a qualified officer, and the proposal to form an electronic reconnaissance company is probably to continue the spirit of the Seventh Steel Company."

"I think he has really learned the lessons of the last exercise. The division is preparing for a divisional reconnaissance battalion. The proposal of this electronic reconnaissance company is completely in line with the reform measures. It is indeed a good idea."

Hearing Qin Anguo's statement, Jiang Wenshan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Qingrui explained again: "These two manuscripts were not actually written by Gao Cheng, but by one of his soldiers."

"Oh, really? I don't know what kind of soldier has such a long-term vision. Is it a student soldier? Which school did you graduate from?"

Jiang Wenshan replied: "It's not a student soldier, but a soldier of the Seventh Steel Company. The file shows that he joined the army after graduating from high school."

"Oh, so you are self-taught? I saw the content in the manuscript. Although it is not much and not complete, it is all very advanced ideas."

When Qin Anguo said these words, he really expressed his feelings.

He graduated from a military academy, and his family is a typical red third generation, a rare young and strong divisional supervisor in the group army.

For a long time, Qin Anguo has been very concerned about the situation at home and abroad, and he highly advocates the transformation of the army into technology such as the implementation of electronization and informationization.

Taking advantage of this opportunity of military reform, he wanted to carry out drastic reforms to all combat units of the division.

However, in Division T, there are mostly conservative cadres like Jiang Wenshan and Wang Qingrui.Although he is the leader of the first division, he cannot completely disregard other people's feelings and forcefully implement reforms.

Just after Qin Anguo finished speaking, Yang Jian, who had already read a few pieces of paper, couldn't help but speak out: "This article, of course, has a lot to learn from, but the content in it is all deduced. It came out, even hypothetically, without real practical verification. It must be a pity that this soldier has not systematically studied the knowledge of electronics! However, his vision is very long-term and his insights are very unique.”

Yang Jian once studied in a military academy, majoring in electronic information, and has a lot of research on electronic communication, radar detection, etc.

This time the group army transferred him over to focus on the preparations for the divisional reconnaissance battalion.

Qin Anguo said excitedly: "The suggestion of adding an electronic reconnaissance company here is on point... I think that no matter what the difficulty is, the division should spare no effort to promote and support it."

After hearing what the teacher said, Yang Jian was very rational: "The idea of ​​adding an electronic reconnaissance company is certainly a good idea, but I believe you can also see how difficult it is."

Facing his cold water, Jiang Wenshan asked: "The electronic reconnaissance company actually doesn't have that high demand on soldiers, does it? It's a little higher than the general company?"

Yang Jian shook his head: "It's not just a little taller? It's too tall!"

Wang Qingrui said: "Li Bing's idea is very bold. He wants to turn this electronic reconnaissance company into a "special force" among the reconnaissance forces. He needs to select a group of top talents from the whole division as the backbone support, and also requires them to apply for the military academy. It’s quite difficult to achieve it.”

"Not only that, this reconnaissance company also needs to be equipped with a large number of high-achieving students." Yang Jian pointed out the main problem.

"Currently, in the regiments and battalions under our division, no more than 10% of the personnel have a high school education, and more than half of the soldiers have graduated from junior high school."

"In other words, our army is too short of knowledgeable and literate talents, especially in physics, mathematics, computers, etc. After discussing this matter, the head of the military region will gradually recruit troops from high schools and universities in the future. However, far away If you are not near thirsty, the only way at present is to select from the division first."

After some discussion, Qin Anguo finally said: "Time is tight and the task is heavy. The preparation work of the Divisional Reconnaissance Battalion still needs to be stepped up. The Divisional Headquarters will provide the greatest support. I will meet with Deputy Battalion Commander Gao in the evening and talk to him. .As for the soldier, I am very interested, and I will see it with my own eyes when I have time."

(End of this chapter)

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