Bright Sword: We Li Yunlong are fighting elites

Chapter 360 Is Lao Tzu So Hateful?

Chapter 360 Is Lao Tzu So Hateful?
"Report to your Excellency, the division commander, the cavalry regiment was ambushed by the enemy in Meigou, and all jade has been broken."


Higuchi Kiichiro stood up with a 'chuckle' and asked loudly, "What did you just say?"

The old devil now seriously suspects that his ears have misheard.

Or he hoped in his heart that his ears had misheard.

The devil officer lowered his head and said respectfully: "Your Excellency, division commander, the cavalry regiment was ambushed by the enemy on the way to rescue the supply team, and all jade has been smashed."

"How is it possible? This is absolutely impossible?"

Higuchi Jiichiro roared loudly: "How could it be possible for the more than a thousand cavalry in the cavalry regiment to shatter all the jade in such a short period of time?"

The devil officer replied honestly: "Report to your Excellency, division commander, the enemy army has an ambush in Meigou, and the cavalry regiment was unprepared. After entering Meigou, it was attacked by the enemy."

"The enemy's firepower was too fierce, the cavalry regiment failed to break through, and in the end all the jade pieces were shattered."

Hearing this, Kiichiro Higuchi was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Bagaya Deer!"

"A bunch of trash, more than enough to succeed than to fail!"

Accidentally killed another regiment, and it was still a cavalry regiment.

Although the little devil's cavalry regiment only has more than a thousand people, the cost of feeding this cavalry regiment is higher than that of an infantry regiment.

And such an elite group that cost countless manpower and material resources to raise is just killed, can Higuchi Kiichiro not be angry?

What's more, the cavalry regiment was wiped out, and this old devil can't explain it to his superiors!

After successive defeats, Kiichiro Higuchi can be said to be getting closer and closer to death.

If this development continues, even if the old devil is not beaten to death, he will be ordered to commit seppuku.

After the anger, there is despair, Higuchi Kiichiro feels that his future has been completely ruined.

The old devil slumped on the chair, as if the whole world was plunged into darkness in an instant.

The old devil sat there in a daze, motionless, as if he was stupid.

After a while, a devil officer called out cautiously: "Your Excellency, Division Commander!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, are you alright?"

After shouting several times in a row, Jiichiro Higuchi stared blankly at the devil officer as if he had come back to life.

The devil officer quickly said: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, the 35th Regiment has arrived at Meigou and is preparing to launch an attack on Meigou."

It was only then that Higuchi Kiichiro realized that the cavalry regiment was finished. This had become a fact, and he had to accept it if he accepted it, or he had to accept it if he didn't.

Higuchi Jiichiro gritted his teeth, and shouted loudly: "Notify me immediately of the 35th Regiment, and launch an attack on Meigou immediately. Be sure to destroy the enemies of Meigou for me. I want to use their heads to pay homage to the spirit of the Cavalry Regiment." .”


The devil officer responded respectfully, turned around and went to convey the order.


In Shicaogou, Li Yunlong personally commanded the troops to clean up the battlefield, after the road was cleared.

Trucks loaded with supplies slowly drove out of Shicaogou, then turned onto a small road, and drove towards the deep mountain.

Xing Zhiguo excitedly said to Li Yunlong: "In this way, all these materials will be ours, and the little devil will never want to take them back."

Li Yunlong smiled slightly, and said casually: "According to the original plan, transport all these things to the designated place."


Xing Zhiguo responded quickly.

At this moment, Han Meng ran over, and saw that the boy was out of breath, but his face was filled with a happy smile.

Li Yunlong said with a smile: "Look how happy you are, why are you dreaming of marrying a daughter-in-law again!"

Han Meng quickly shook his head and said, "The head of the regiment doesn't even have a wife, how dare I!"

Speaking of his daughter-in-law, Li Yunlong couldn't help thinking of Tian Yu, a typical Jiangnan beauty. It is said that when Li Yunlong first saw Tian Yu, his eyes were straightened, and he almost burst into tears.

But if you calculate the time, Tian Yu probably only goes to elementary school at most now!

Because Tian Yu was only 18 years old when he appeared on the stage, according to the plot of Liangjian, it will be eight years later, which means that he is only ten years old now.

Sin, sin!
Let's wait a few more years, rather lack than abuse.

Li Yunlong said angrily: "Stop talking nonsense, tell me what's going on?"

Han Meng said with a smile: "Just received the news, the little devil sent a cavalry regiment to support."

"The devil cavalry plunged into Meigou and was killed by the first battalion."

Li Yunlong was slightly surprised and asked: "Over a thousand cavalry, all of them have been killed?"

"It's all gone!"

Han Meng nodded vigorously, and said, "The little devil has no defense at all, that's why we killed him so easily."

Li Yunlong was a little surprised and said: "I didn't expect that! Zhang Dabiao fought a beautiful battle!"

Li Yunlong thought about it for a while, and with the current firepower of the first battalion, if the devil's cavalry unit entered the ambush circle unprepared, it was very possible to be wiped out in a short time in the terrain like Meigou.

Han Meng went on to say: "However, the devil's infantry has also arrived and is currently preparing to launch an attack on Meigou."

"Battalion Commander Zhang and the others are in Meigou, continuing to stop the little devil."

Li Yunlong asked: "Where is the second battalion?"

Han Meng replied, "It's near Meigou."

Li Yunlong pondered for a moment, and then said: "Let the two battalions take cover and retreat alternately, and rely on the terrain along the way to hold back the little devils, try to hold them back."


Han Meng responded quickly, then turned around to convey the order.

Li Yunlong turned to Xing Zhiguo and asked, "Old Xing, do you think they will chase after them desperately?"

Xing Zhiguo thought for a while, shook his head and said, "Well! It's really hard to say. It stands to reason that the little devil must be irritated now."

"If Kiichiro Higuchi became angry from embarrassment, he might chase us after us."

"But there is another possibility, that is, they are afraid and worried that they will be ambushed by us again. In this way, they may not continue to pursue them."

Li Yunlong nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Your analysis is quite comprehensive."

"How can we make them not give up?"

Xing Zhiguo replied: "I guess that old devil hates you Li Yunlong now."

Li Yunlong was a little dissatisfied and said, "Is this how I am hated?" '

Xing Zhiguo smiled and said: "That's a little devil, not a human being. Who made you the leader! You have repeatedly defeated the little devil and caused them heavy losses. They don't hate you or anyone else."

"They hate you so much, Kiichiro Higuchi must have dreamed of killing you."

"So as long as there is a chance to kill you, I don't think he will give up."

(End of this chapter)

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