Chapter 363 Difficult choices!
"Reporting to your Excellency, Division Commander, the 35th Regiment has just received news that they were blocked by more than a thousand enemy troops, and the troops suffered some losses, but they found Li Yunlong's trace."

"According to Ikeda Zhongzuo's report, Li Yunlong personally led a team to launch a charge against the imperial army. It is preliminarily concluded that these more than a thousand lands and eight roads are responsible for breaking the rear."

"Their main force may have escaped, and this force is to cover their main force from escaping."

Jiichiro Higuchi frowned slightly, and asked, "You mean, Li Yunlong personally led a troop to be responsible for the rear?"


The devil officer replied respectfully: "It is precisely because of the blockade of the Tuba Road that the imperial army's pursuit troops were blocked."

"Li Yunlong!"

Higuchi Jiichiro gritted his teeth and scolded: "This guy, will he personally lead the team to launch an attack on the imperial army?"


The devil officer replied: "It may be due to the lack of enemy troops!"


Jiichiro Higuchi nodded slightly, and said: "Li Yunlong is the biggest threat. If Li Yunlong is killed, the new group may not be a concern."

"Notify Ikeda immediately, tell them to bite this Tubalu, absolutely not let them escape, and do everything possible to destroy them, especially Li Yunlong, must do everything possible to kill Li Yunlong, this bastard."


A devil officer next to him responded respectfully, and turned around to convey the order.

Higuchi Kiichiro walked quickly to the side of the sand table, staring at the sand table.

At this time, a devil officer next to him said: "According to the news from the front, they are at this position, and Li Yunlong should be planning to retreat along this route."

Higuchi Jiichiro nodded slightly, and at this time, the old devil couldn't help but start to hesitate.

In the previous battles, their Ninth Division also suffered heavy losses.

At this moment, the old devil's strength is gradually insufficient. The entire division failed to defeat Li Yunlong before, and the chance now is probably even more slim.

Do you want to continue fighting?
Do you want to continue to follow the original plan and head towards the Luzhou area?

These are the questions Higuchi Kiichiro is considering at the moment.

After being repaired again and again by Li Yunlong, the old devil also became less confident.

Can you really win if you continue to fight?

Especially whether the Luzhou area can be taken, the old devil has already expressed deep doubts about it.

Because they are now short of troops, and the logistics supply line is also threatened.

If they go back to deal with Li Yunlong, they will definitely not be able to continue to attack Luzhou.

At that time, Li Yunlong can only be led by the nose, but if he doesn't do this, the logistics supply line will be constantly threatened by Li Yunlong.

Their rear is unstable, how can they continue to march towards the Luzhou area?

The more Higuchi Kiichiro thought about it, the more he had a headache, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

The old devil glanced at the devil officer present, and asked: "Masters, you all know the current situation, what do you think the imperial army should do next?"

Higuchi Jiichiro was hesitant, so he threw this problem to his subordinates and wanted to ask for their opinions.

At this time, a ghost officer said: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, I feel that the current overall situation is not good for the imperial army."

"The imperial army has repeatedly failed and suffered heavy losses. It is better to be safe now."

"The humble officer thinks that the attack on the Luzhou area should be stopped, and the troops should be concentrated to deal with Li Yunlong's troops who are threatening the rear of the imperial army."

"As long as Li Yunlong can be killed, the next battle will be easy, because the enemy's greatest threat to the imperial army is this Li Yunlong."

Higuchi Kiichiro nodded noncommittally, this sounds reasonable.

At this time, another devil officer said: "Your Excellency, Division Commander, I feel that this is an inappropriate move. Li Yunlong is extremely cunning. If we withdraw our troops, we will stop our attack on the Luzhou area."

"Then Li Yunlong will definitely not start a decisive battle with the imperial army. They will definitely hide in the mountains, and it will be difficult for the imperial army to find them."

"Concentrating forces to encircle them is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, and it will never succeed."

"This will only make the imperial army fall into a more passive situation, be led by the nose by the enemy, and eventually be dragged down by the enemy."

Jiichiro Higuchi frowned even deeper. The old devil himself had thought of these two points, which was also the reason for his hesitation.

He asked for everyone's opinions, but he didn't expect that these people's opinions were not unified.

Seeing that Higuchi Kiichiro didn't make a clear statement, the little devils present immediately started arguing.

Obviously, these two plans have their own supporters, and both sides have their own opinions, and the quarrel is fierce.

Higuchi Kiichiro also became more and more annoyed the more he listened, and couldn't help shouting: "Shut up!"

The scene immediately fell into silence, and these little devils were too frightened to speak.

Higuchi Kiichiro walked to his seat, slumped on the chair, closed his eyes, not sleeping, but thinking again.

How exactly?
He knew he had to make up his mind.

The more you hesitate, the more hesitant you will become.

Higuchi Jiichiro gritted his teeth, stood up suddenly, and said with a serious face: "Yes, the losses of the imperial army are too heavy. We can't take any more risks. If there is another accident, the consequences will be disastrous."

"So we'd better play it safe and order the troops to stop advancing in the direction of Luzhou."

"The main force began to retreat slowly, but the occupied areas should also be guarded by troops to prevent the enemy from returning."

"As for the troops chasing Li Yunlong's troops, the 35th Wing is still the main force. After the 35th Wing is strengthened, it should be able to handle this task."

"The main force will gradually approach them and provide them with support at any time. This should be enough to ensure safety."

"If the enemy army blindly avoids and avoids fighting, we will not always pursue and fight fiercely."

"Notify the 35th Wing that if they can't catch up with these dirt roads by tomorrow, they will stop pursuing them."

"Troops are withdrawn and redeployed."


The devil officers present responded in unison.

Although some people still objected to this, the division commander had already made a decision, and naturally these little devils didn't dare to say anything.

What's more, Higuchi Kiichiro's decision can be regarded as a compromise.

Now that the situation is unclear, no one can have 100% confidence. This is also a good choice.

Higuchi Jiichiro's order quickly spread to all the troops, and the main force of the little devils from all walks of life began to change their strategies and make new deployments.

However, Zhongzuo Ikeda still led the troops to pursue Li Yunlong's troops.

Li Yunlong led the troops to retreat while fighting, and gradually lured the little devil into the deep mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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