The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1003 "I heard the sound of running water"

Chapter 1003 "I heard the sound of running water"

The afterglow of the setting sun is already fading. The enemy and us are fighting across the air. If there is a battle, there will be casualties. The dead are already dead, and the wounded are struggling. This is naturally the result of being hit by bullets, but more bullets still fly away. up.

However, there was a Chinese soldier hiding in a hidden place in the mountains where the enemy and the enemy were confronting each other.

He neither shot at the enemy nor turned his head to run away, he was just like a lump without feeling, but his eyes were always on the movement of the Japanese army.

When the Chinese soldier's companions began to retreat, he wanted to follow suit, but he happened to see one of his companions being knocked down by Japanese bullets.

He looked at the surrounding terrain, afraid that he would be shot in the back if he rushed out, so he didn't move, still curled up in the gap between the big rocks and looked out secretly.

It is said that the most dangerous place is the safest, theoretically speaking, there is such a possibility, the so-called "darkness under the lights", but those who really dare to do so will undoubtedly need courage and patience.

So when his companions retreated to the distance while the sky was getting dark, the Chinese soldier in a rock crevice watched the enemy soldiers with guns and ammunition running past tens of meters in front of him. He also saw an enemy nailing his companion who had been shot but still alive to the ground with a bayonet.

He just watched his companion twitch like a frog nailed to the ground. He felt fear, but hatred followed.

So when night fell and the enemy fled far away, he quietly followed behind and glanced at the enemy's hiding place.

The enemy did not expect to have a little Yiba like him, but his trouble was that the sentry left by the enemy was too close to his hiding place, and there was a stream behind his hiding place.

The enemy's sentry didn't notice him, but when it was dark, he thought about the creek, but it was easy to make noise.

And what did he do in the end?Instead, he took off his shoes, untied his leggings, and rolled up his trouser legs. Then, with a pair of rotten shoes dangling around his neck, he carefully waded across the stream with his rifle in his hand.

Who is this guy?This person is Wang Xiaodan.

How did Wang Xiaodan come back? Of course, he would not be as detailed as the one mentioned above, but this does not prevent Shang Zhen and others from making up the above situation.

When Shang Zhen and the others were talking about the deaths of Lao Qiuzi, Xiao Dizi and other soldiers in the dark night, there was an oppressive silence on the scene.

There have been many wars, and no one has mentioned whether to take revenge or not, as if their hatred is like the kindling hidden in the fire, even if you touch it outside, you won't feel the warmth.

But when Wang Xiaodan said that he knew where the Japanese army camped, it was like exposing the fire pocket to the air and shaking it in the wind, so the fire of revenge turned into a flame and caught fire!
And once this kind of fire is lit, how can it be extinguished?The final result was that Shang Zhen brought six people to attack the Japanese army!
These six people are respectively.

Wang Xiaodan, he is the guide, without him this battle cannot be fought.

Big old stupid, like Shang Zhen, big old stupid is coming to throw grenades.

Qingfeng Li, Qingfeng Li has sharp eyes and ears and is good at picking whistles in the dark.

Ma Erpao, that was Ligong, he carried a pair of ragged cotton trousers that bound two trouser legs and one waist, and contained more than twenty grenades inside.

Lu Yichun and Lu Yifei followed behind. They were responsible for shooting to cover Shang Zhen and the others in case of emergency.

Fighting is often complicated, not to mention that it looks like a sophisticated Swiss watch, it has to be like a bicycle.

No matter how broken the bicycle is, if you want it to go, it must have a frame, wheels, handlebars, seat, stirrups, and chains. If it is useless, it may be the one that makes noise except for other places. It's the only car bell that doesn't ring.

Therefore, in the era of hot weapons, when you meet a strong enemy and say "the strong captives are wiped out in smoke while talking and laughing", that is just a spring and autumn style of writing in literature. If it is expressed in one word in reality, it is "pull". That is "bad bullshit"!
The night was very dark, and the sky below was a starry sky.

Shang Zhen and the others walked forward under such a starry sky.

The bent down is not to see the road under your feet clearly, it is said that it is black and what can they see?

They bent down only to lower the center of gravity of their bodies to prevent their feet from stepping on the ground, and even Shang Zhen and Da Laodu, who were walking in front, each held a branch in their hands, which was used for pathfinding.

However, they bowed their waists but raised their heads slightly.

That's because the night is too dark, and they need to judge the hills and forests based on what blocks the starry sky.

It's early spring now, and during the daytime you can already see new shoots sprouting from the old roots on the grassland, but that's useless, not everywhere there is a wildfire that burns the grass on the grassland.

Many withered grasses and shrubs that have grown for a year will lose water and become dry in autumn and winter, and they are all dry.

What is ring dry?That’s also Northeast dialect, because if you accidentally bump into the stems of those dry shrubs, wormwood, it will break, and it will make a sound of "gabeier" and "gabeier".

But now Shang Zhen and the others had to avoid this kind of sound. Once the "gabeier" sounded, it would probably attract bullets from the Japanese army not far away.

But even if Shang Zhen and the others succeeded in not making any noise, it would be too childish to say that they could touch the Japanese military camp that was also in the dark at night.

The reason why Shang Zhen decided to carry out this sneak attack was due to Wang Xiaodan's reconnaissance.

Wang Xiaodan said that when he walked back from the Japanese camp, he did not change his direction at all in order not to lose his target. The terrain he was going to walk back now was as follows: a forest under a hill, and an open field of more than [-] meters On the open ground, there are dry stalks of wormwood, a piece of wetland with a length of [-] to [-] meters, passing through several small hills, and finally there is a stream flowing through it, of course, it can also be called a small river.

And after crossing that creek, it was not far from the Japanese sentinel, only forty or fifty meters away. The Japanese sentry was in a small forest, and the Japanese army's brigade was behind that forest.

According to Wang Xiaodan's observation, there were about [-] Japanese soldiers, but he said that he felt that those people were not all Japanese soldiers, there seemed to be puppet troops there, but it was a little dark at that time and he couldn't see clearly. Feel.

Hatred can lead to crazy actions that are impossible to do in normal life.

If it hadn't been for another of his own people being killed by the Japanese army in a surprise attack, Shang Zhen would never have launched such an attack on the Japanese army in Wang Xiaodan's memory in such a dark night.

As I said before, even Shang Zhen felt that their sneak attack was almost child's play.

In such a dark night, it is easy for people to get lost in the mountains, let alone find the Japanese army in the dark.

However, when he decided to launch a sneak attack on the Japanese army, Shang Zhen also thought about it. If he didn't want to fight a positional war and dared not attack the Japanese army, then he really became a coward!
Having made up his mind, Shang Zhen, who has always been meticulous in his thoughts, wanted to follow Wang Xiaodan's return route as much as possible to go back.

According to Wang Xiaodan, he walked all the way back and did not change direction at all.

Then Shang Zhen asked Wang Xiaodan to turn back on the spot, and they followed suit, and Wang Xiaodan must not change the marching direction during this process.

On the way, they should pay attention to the reference objects mentioned by Wang Xiaodan, such as woods, open land with dry stalks of wormwood, wetlands (also called low-lying mud), and finally they have to reach that creek.

Shang Zhen and the others walked very slowly, the night was long, as long as they could find the Japanese army in the darkness before dawn, it would not be too late.

It's just that even though Shang Zhen is prepared for a hard search, thinking and doing are still two different things.

At the beginning, all of them mobilized all their senses to actively look for places where the Japanese army might exist.

However, since the Japanese army did not light the fire, how could it be so easy to find?

According to Wang Xiaodan, the place where Shang Zhen and the others started was two or three miles away from the Japanese camp.But in the end, it gave them the feeling that they were not walking in a straight line, but as if they were searching a fan-shaped area with a radius of two or three miles.

The hatred for the enemy is still there, but the enthusiasm for killing the enemy has slowly faded with the passage of time.

Just when Shang Zhen was a little discouraged, the old stupid who was walking with him touched him lightly, and then whispered to him: "I heard the sound of the stream flowing."

(End of this chapter)

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