Chapter 1020 It's all in one pot!
To be honest, not only was the old stupid's eyes lit up, but when Shang Zhen saw that the pick thought of eating, his eyes lit up, so bright that he emitted a blue light.

Why is it emitting blue light? Of course it is because of hunger!

The steamed buns that Shang Zhen and the others snatched from the puppet army had already run out. It was impossible for them to travel such a long distance without getting hungry.

It would be inaccurate to say who is the most hungry, everyone is hungry, but there is no doubt that the person who can eat the most is the most hungry, and this is none other than the old man.

It is inaccurate to say that a fool has a foolish mind, just because the old man is not stupid.

Seeing that it was almost noon, he became more thoughtful. Others were studying how to eliminate the Japanese mortars below, while he went to think about food.

But where can we go to think about what to eat in this situation?And there is only that word—to support war with war.

So, the old man ran to the other side of the mountain to see the Japanese army behind him, and when he found that the Japanese army really picked up two buckets behind him, he couldn't act without authorization, so he could tell Shang Zhen quickly.

Shang Zhen ran back, no one saw him at the top of the mountain anyway, so he also ran in a hurry.

Although the two wooden barrels picked by the Japanese army had lids, and the Japanese soldier who picked them was not like the Chinese gang leader who wore an oiled apron, Shang Zhen only suspected the wooden barrels of the Japanese army. The food inside is for food, but that has to be snatched!People depend on food, yes, they must be robbed!
Shang Zhen rushed back to the top of the mountain in a hurry, he had to transfer someone to grab those two buckets.

But at this moment, he saw that Lu Yifei had already turned around, and when he saw him show up, he hurriedly gestured to him.

And just under Lu Yifei's gesture, Shang Zhen's hunger was suppressed at that time, and Lu Yifei's serious and even nervous expression showed that something was going on down there!
Sure enough, when Shang Zhen approached the spot he was observing earlier, Li Qingfeng who was beside him whispered, "Two little devils climbed up from below!"

Knowing that there was a new situation, Shang Zhen was not surprised, so he leaned over to the observation station and looked down. Sure enough, he saw two Japanese soldiers who had climbed up and down the steeper part of the hillside, but they were holding on for a while. The shrubs on the gentle hillside are still climbing up, this damn is going to the top of the hill!

You'll be able to shoot this bastard little devil down there, whatever mountain you're climbing, what mountain top!

Shang Zhen cursed in his heart, and then he noticed that the Japanese soldier had two small flags on his back waist, but the flags of the two small flags were rolled up, and he really noticed it if he didn't look closely less than.

It turned out that he came up to serve as an observation post, Shang Zhen suddenly realized, and then saw the telescope that the Japanese soldier was slung under his arm.

That's right, these two Japanese troops were serving as observation posts for the Japanese troops below.

Artillery, in order to ensure that the shells hit the target accurately, it is necessary to set up observation posts. Of course, they can also be called artillery observers.

If the artillery is the kind of heavy artillery with a long range, then the artillery observer needs to go deep into the vicinity of the artillery target, calculate the shooting parameters according to the artillery test results, and then send the information back to the artillery, so that the artillery can recalibrate the parameters In order to ensure that the subsequent large-scale shelling hits the target.

However, the Japanese army used mortars this time. Seeing that there was no good hiding place for the observation post ahead, they climbed to the top of the mountain to have a look.

Although the lower part of the hill is quite steep, the Chinese can climb up as well as the Japanese.

Let's go up, anyway, it has been decided to destroy the mortar below, at most, the two ghosts under the guns will become dead ghosts, Shang Zhen thought to himself.

Shang Zhen retracted his hand and whispered to his group.

And when they heard Shang Zhen's arrangement, the eyes of the soldiers lit up. If it weren't for the Japanese army who was playing with mortars on this side, they would all have to rush to the other side of the mountain. Grab the barrel, everyone is hungry!

Lu Yichun, Lu Yifei, and Li Qingfeng took advantage of the cover of the mountain to go to the top of the mountain to support the old man, while Shang Zhen and the others were also preparing for battle.

The two Japanese soldiers who had already climbed to the middle of the mountain were still climbing up, and from time to time they turned their heads to look at the Chinese defenders' positions. They were checking whether they could see clearly in the distance during the test shooting. fried point.

It's just that they don't know that if they climb up one step further, they will be one step closer to the gate of hell!
"Should we get rid of these two little devils first?" Seeing that the two Japanese soldiers were getting closer and closer, they must be going to the top of the mountain, Ma Erpao asked in a low voice.

In Ma Erpao's view, it would be an easy task to wait until the two Japanese soldiers climbed to the top of the mountain to kill them.

The two Japanese soldiers climbed up from the bottom out of breath, no matter how good their physical strength was, they were already exhausted at the top.

At this moment, no matter whether they stabbed each of the two Japanese soldiers or pushed them directly down the mountain, those two guys were already dead.

"It's all in one pot!" Shang Zhen replied in a low voice, but then he added, "Old Ma, you are responsible for killing these two guys, and the rest are ready to shoot!"

The reason why Shang Zhen wanted to add a sentence was because he realized immediately after he finished speaking that his "one pot stew" was not clear as an order.

Combat orders focus on being concise so that others can understand them without ambiguity.

This "one pot stew" if I tell my original group of people, then everyone is always together and they are all from the Northeast, so they can understand it.

But it can't work now, there are eleven people in total, Lu Yichun, Lu Yifei, and Li Qingfeng went to help the old man to get food, and there are only seven people left on this side.

And among these seven people, only he and Ma Erpao are from the north, and the other five are all southern soldiers. Who knows if the southern soldiers can understand the meaning of "this pot is stewed".

Just because the password of the army needs to be clear, you can see that when the Chinese People's Liberation Army reported ten numbers later, the number 1 was read as "unit", the number 2 was read as "two", the number 7 was read as "turn", and the number "9" is read as "hook" and the number "0" is read as "hole". This is to prevent officers and soldiers from all corners of the country.
The relationship between languages ​​creates ambiguity again.

The Japanese army at the foot of the mountain had already assembled the mortar. The Japanese gunner was squatting behind the gun, and the bomber was standing beside him with a mortar shell, and a Japanese officer was standing there. On the other side of the mortar, he was looking up at his two observation posts who were about to climb to the top of the mountain.

On the main battlefield in the distance, the Japanese army launched a new round of attacks, and the Chinese defenders were busy repelling it. How did they notice that another battle would break out on the flank of the main battlefield at this time? ?

It can be called a war, and the scale is huge.

There are main battlefields, battlefields behind enemy lines, and hidden spy wars where there is no smoke. Even the common people who did not participate in the war, the gray-haired old woman, are still making shoes for their soldiers with the soles of their shoes, doing their part.

It is only this war that can be recorded in the annals of history, and no matter how thick the annals are, it is impossible to record the vast anti-Japanese deeds.

China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression was part of the Anti-Fascist War in the modern world, and when the Chinese nation paid a painful price to win this war, what we should remember should not only be those elites who fought against Japan, but more importantly, The main body to win this war is still those countless little people, even if he or she only dedicated a needle and thread to this war.

As for the later generations who write novels, they have to go back and kill the Quartet. How can I put it? It is the thousands of little people among the ancestors that give future generations the capital to brag today. Without those thousands of little people, China is really The country will perish and the species will be destroyed, so it's your turn to brag here!
(End of this chapter)

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