The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1029 Fighting Movement Warfare

Chapter 1029 Fighting Movement Warfare ([-])

Shang Zhen knocked one down and kicked him, and he stopped naturally. The three soldiers who had stopped chased after him, and the tripped one got up and chased after him.

It's just that he hadn't run a few steps, but suddenly there was a chorus of shouts from the crowd: "People need face, trees need bark!"

Yes, "A man needs face, a tree needs bark" is such a saying that any Chinese can understand. At that time, the soldier who was tripped and got up was stunned, and he couldn't help but look at his regiment commander.

The expression of his regiment leader has become more exciting, angry?Angry?funny?Maybe it's a combination of both, he couldn't help but see that Shi Ke waved his hand after all.

The soldier blushed. After all, he didn't join the team chasing Shang Zhen.

At this time, who else can shout in unison and run on the Forty Army with words, except those soldiers of Shang Zhen?

This time it was Lu Yifei who came up with the idea or organized his own people to shout and run against the Forty Army.

Just when Shang Zhen tripped the soldier who was chasing him, all the members of the Forty Army groaned, feeling sorry for the soldier.

But just when Shang Zhen just kicked that soldier's ass, all the soldiers under Shang Zhen also "嗐" in unison.

No one would bend their elbows when their family members turned to their family members. Shang Zhen's soldiers undoubtedly felt that Shang Zhen's men were too light.

Anyone can imagine that if the four soldiers of the [-]th Army knocked Shang Zhen down, they would never just kick your rough-skinned buttocks, at least they would Hit you out of shit, or even cut off one of your ears!
It may seem vulgar to say that punching a shit out of a person is anything but an exaggeration!
Replacing a person's feces with a medical term is called "incontinence". Is it an exaggeration to beat a person into incontinence?No exaggeration!

Lu Yifei is not a reckless man, he found out the benefits of Shang Zhen's doing this after regretting it, the advantage is not to form too deep an enmity with the Forty Army!

Let's not say that they are under the roof now, but even if Shang Zhen beats all four of them to death, they will never get any good money after that.

As long as the head of the regiment silently agrees, Shang Zhen will win the battle this time, so what if dozens or hundreds of them beat up eleven of them?Hitting someone with a black nose and swollen face is certainly enjoyable, but enemies should be resolved rather than knotted!
So Lu Yifei told his own people, if I call one, two, three, you should follow me.

At that time, what Lu Yifei yelled first was "one, two, three, people need face, trees need bark."

It's just that the scene was too noisy, it was useless for him to shout alone, and when ten of them shouted together, it would overwhelm the audience, which made the [-]th Army run out.

No matter how you say it, the number of people who beat Shang Zhen changed from four to three, and Shang Zhen didn't fight those three people, but still ran around the field with those three people.

What kind of person can stand up to such a wild run? The speed of the three soldiers chasing Shang Zhen finally slowed down.

The three of them are slow, and Shang Zhen is also slow. If the three of them quicken their pace, Shang Zhen will be faster than them.

During this period, there were also soldiers who touched Shang Zhen but failed to catch it. It felt like a loach that was slippery in the wet mud. It was really not easy to catch it!
After chasing, those three people still didn't even touch a corner of Shang Zhen's clothes, and if those three people stopped and didn't chase, Shang Zhen would also stop to catch his breath.

At this point, the audience understood that no one knows Shang Zhen's fighting skills, but when it comes to marching and running, no one can match him, that physical strength is great!

Don't look at such a large open space tens of meters long, but Shang Zhen is dodging and moving in this open space, constantly turning and running at different speeds. How can the soldier who was just swept down by him be killed by him? The one who was knocked down was the one who slipped down by him!


If you want to say which "Liu" this "Liu" is, you can say it is a "Liu" who is a person, or a "Liu" who is a dog!
Up to now, I have been chasing him for a long time on that field, and the four members of the Forty Army "reduced" one person, and none of the four can catch up with Shang Zhen, so how can the three catch up?
And the three soldiers on the field were naturally aware of this problem, as were the spectators of the Forty Army next to them.

The so-called "the wisdom of the masses is infinite", in a short time they came up with a new method, that is, three people lined up and surrounded Shang Zhen.

But before those three people moved, Shang Zhen rushed towards them on his own initiative.

Shang Zhen's charge was quite fast, as if he had run a hundred meters suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Shang Zhen rushed in front of a soldier and punched him.

It's hard to say how hard this punch was, but it was so fast, the soldier also dodged but didn't dodge, and was staggered by Shang Zhen with one punch!
Now that Shang Zhen was rushing up, the two soldiers from the Forty Army naturally came together to attack him, but Shang Zhen turned around and ran away, so the scene became a chase again.

But this time, I don't know if Shang Zhen moved slowly, or if the three soldiers regained their strength after resting for a while, the three soldiers really drove Shang Zhen to a thatched hut.

"Stop him! Block him!"

"Fuck (nèng) him to death!" Shouts erupted, and I couldn't tell how many people were shouting, but they were all members of the Fortieth Army anyway.

The three soldiers saw that Shang Zhen was blocked on a "dead end", seeing that Shang Zhen was only five or six steps away from the thatched cottage, and Shang Zhen's speed was also slowed down, so it was natural that Qi Qi was moving forward, away from Shang Zhen. The nearest soldier ran a few steps and rushed forward.

But at this time, Shang Zhen raised his legs to the wall of the thatched house, kicked his hands and grabbed the rafters protruding from the eaves, and he pulled up out of thin air!
Shang Zhen pulled himself up, but how could the soldier behind him hold his feet when he was charging so hard?He instinctively pressed his hands on the window sill of that house, yes, the window sill, that is a private house, how could there be no windows on the wall?

But before he touched the window sill with his hands, he felt a force coming from above, and his back was smashed, and then he staggered forward uncontrollably, with a "cha ka", His head broke the pane with the window paper on it and stuck it in the window!
At this time, there was another "coax" in the crowd, and the faces of Shang Zhen's soldiers showed arrogance.

Yes, it is true that there is a thatched cottage in front of Shang Zhen, but if it is a steep mountain or a cliff that will be smashed if you rush down, it is called a dead end.

But what kind of dead end is a squat little grass house?
With Shang Zhen's ability to use both hands and feet, he can jump up to the top of a four- to five-meter-high wall, and the eaves of that thatched house are only two meters high. How can it be difficult to stop him?

So he just jumped up and grabbed the rafters on the eaves and beat it, and then when he fell down, he gave the soldier who was sent too far "a ride", so he didn't send the guy into the window go?

(End of this chapter)

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