The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1037 Mysterious Big Stupid

Chapter 1037 Mysterious Big Stupid
The officer Shang Zhen was inexplicably unwilling to leave and did not leave any instructions, and the soldiers who had decided to stay with the officer all looked up to him like a mountain.

And Shang Zhen, who was lying on the top of the mountain, bored, also looked up at the big old stupid sitting in front of him cross-legged.

It's not that Shang Zhen has never seen tall people, such as Hu Zhuzi and Du Man, they are not only tall but also strong.

But the only one who can give him the feeling of being as immobile as a mountain is the old man.

Why is it that the old stupid is sitting now and he is lying down?

Big old stupid is not very old, so he has just come of age.

Since the old man is close at hand, Shang Zhen can see clearly that there is a faint stubble on the big old man's chin and around the corner of his mouth, or it can be said to be the hair after adulthood.

But the expression of the old man is simple, honest, steady and serious. His big eyelids are no longer drooping like curtains, as if thinking that there is no Buddha in the south, but the spheres in the eye sockets show a certain depth Unpredictable.

Shang Zhen didn't know if others would notice human eyes, but he had noticed them himself.

When he was with Leng Xiaozhi, he used to carefully observe his own eyes with Leng Xiaozhi's small round mirror.

He is not interested in the terms of eye structure in medicine. What he observes is that his eyeball is divided into three balls. The largest white ball is surrounded by a gray-black eyeball, and the gray-black eyeball is a smaller one. The little black ball is the eye. .

What he was most curious about was the gray-black eyeball in the middle, where there seemed to be many things radiating out from the center of the black eye. It didn't look like my own eyes anymore, but more like the starry night sky.

Just when he felt that he was about to get lost in his own starry sky, Leng Xiaozhi felt that he was strange that day and asked him if he was in Gaha, so he put down the mirror and turned to look into Leng Xiaozhi's eyes.

When you just stare into a person's eyes at a close distance, the macroscopic impression that person gives to the observer, such as whether the appearance is beautiful or not, whether the temperament is elegant or not, no longer exists, so Shang Zhen at that time saw the piece belonging to Leng Xiaozhi again. "Starry sky".

It's just that this is just a detail in Shang Zhen's life, and then he imprinted his thick lips on Leng Xiaozhi's eyes during Leng Xiaozhi's love words, thus ending his exploration of the "starry sky" of the human body.

In fact, a person's life is short or short or long or long. Everyone will have details in their own memory, which is just a fragment of life.

For example, if a child is playing on a shady slope, he suddenly becomes afraid of the cold and rushes to the sunny side.

For example, a child was playing in the mountains and forgot to go home, and found that Tian Jianghei had stepped on an ant nest when he ran home. At that time, he felt a sense of fear that all the hairs stood on his body.

For example, a little girl was playing under a tree in a dress newly bought by an adult, and suddenly a caterpillar fell from the tree and hugged her on her arm, which was as white as rain, so that caterpillar would become Her nightmare for a long time.

Now Shang Zhen is tired, and while his mind is wandering, he continues to look at the big stupid.

The reason why he called Qingfeng Li up was to let Qingfeng Li act as a lookout post. Based on his experience as a veteran, he still found something along the way.

And the reason why he also called the big stupid, is actually nothing wrong.

Somewhat war-weary, he didn't want to do anything, even lazily marching. He thought, seeing the old man so happy every day, he thought maybe the old man could give him some inspiration and let him adjust his body and mind state.

Big old stupid is also a man of few words.

However, this did not prevent Shang Zhen from guessing his emotions from the subtle changes in the old stupid's expression.

When the old man sat cross-legged just now, he must have been reciting Buddha's name or doing Buddhist kung fu, and his eyes were calm.

But now, with a burst of cheerful laughter suddenly coming from the foot of the mountain, the old man frowned and became sad, just because there was a woman's laughter in the laughter, it was the one who said what to recognize He is the master's erya.

Who knows if Ma Erpao and the others have admitted that they were originally members of the [-]th Army? Anyway, it seems that Erya and Ma Erpao, Lu Yichun, and Lu Yifei had a very happy conversation.

Why didn't Shang Zhen know that the big old stupid didn't want to take any apprentices at all, what was the big old stupid, what did he take Erya as an apprentice for, did he train Erya to be a sister-in-law?
So he understands the embarrassing situation of a big old stupid cow being forcibly pressed on the head without drinking water.

Shang Zhen, who was bored at first, became more active, and he wanted to see what the big fool would do next.

But what was unexpected was that after a moment of frowning, the old man became heartless again. He even grinned happily, and then glanced down the mountain like a thief.

One can imagine what a ridiculous situation it would be when a man who was as strong as a black iron tower and who was always so simple and steady suddenly showed a sneaky expression like a thief.

Shang Zhen suddenly understood the meaning of the phrase "Shame arises from the heart".

This person, it doesn't matter what you look like, no matter how ugly you are, when you rush towards the invader's tank with a cluster grenade, it is also the embodiment of bravery and justice.

On the contrary, how beautiful and handsome are you?For some reason, Shang Zhen suddenly thought of Leng Xiaozhi and Gao Yuyan.

Leng Xiaozhi belongs to that kind of high-cold temperament, and Gao Swift belongs to the intellectual and elegant temperament that only senior intellectuals can have.

But so what, Shang Zhen has noticed that when they, of course, those two people have never met and don't know each other, when they each talk about women's topics, similar to the short topics in parents, The detail of that curled lip is no different from the expressions of old women in the country pulling their wives' tongues.

Shang Zhen really didn't expect that the old man had this side. He was secretly amused, but the old man turned his head back, and then his eyes met his.

Shang Zhen saw that the old man blushed a little, but he immediately asked, "Why are you so happy every day?"

"Ah?" Da Laodu was stunned for a moment, but Da Laoben was Da Laodu after all, and he was someone who had memorized the book before blurting out, "Don't think about the future, don't think about the past, live in the present."

"Then you were frowning Gaha just now?" Shang Zhen asked again.

If Wang Laomao and the others knew this before Shang Zhen was in front of him, Shang Zhen would be playing narrow-minded again.

Ask people why they are happy first, and then ask them why they are worried after changing the topic. The ones in front are the ones behind the smoke screen, which directly points to people's hearts.

"Ah?" The old stupid was stunned for a moment, but then he blurted out again, "Zi said, only villains and women are difficult to raise."

Um?This time it was Shang Zhen's turn to be stunned, "Why?"

Although Shang Zhen's culture is not high, he still knows some things. Zi said, that's what Confucius said, and it's also a common saying among the people that villains and women are difficult to raise.

But he didn't expect that the big old stupid monk would say such a sentence.

"If you are far away, you will complain, but if you are close, you will not be inferior." The big old stupid endorsement was really first-class, and Shang Zhen just connected it after he finished speaking.

If you are far away, you will complain?Near is not inferior?Shang Zhen laughed dumbfoundedly.

These two sentences are also not difficult to understand. It has not been long since the May Fourth Movement. Although many intellectuals are advocating vernacular Chinese, the habit of classical Chinese for thousands of years still exists among the people, not to mention businessmen. Zhen also read some books.

He harbors resentment when he is far away, and speaks rudely when he is close. Shang Zhen thought about it for a villain and a woman, and it seems that it is really the same thing.

"Didn't you say that women are tigers? Now, if you are far away, then you are close?" Shang Zhen asked curiously.

"The Buddha said that if women become monks, Buddhism will die five hundred years earlier. But the Buddha also said that all living beings are suffering. Women are as jealous as tigers, but they are still living beings." The old man can justify himself.

Shang Zhen was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing, hey (éi), this old idiot is interesting, or the monk is interesting, he can talk in both directions!
Shang Zhen, who was a bit tired at first, suddenly became interested in Big Boss.

He had heard Li Qingfeng say that the big old stupid would have some rather wonderful experiences when meditating in meditation, so he remembered his own experience when he was concentrating on holding his breath and shooting, and he wanted to see what the big old stupid had to say.

(End of this chapter)

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