Chapter 1044
With a sound of "Wow", a child in the village suddenly cried out loud.

Just as the crying started, there was a loud reprimand of "Hold it back", the child was so frightened that he immediately shut his mouth, and tears fell from his terrified eye sockets. Opposite him were several soldiers.

Fear is an innate emotion. In the eyes of that child at this time, the tall, tall, tyrannical soldier who told him to hold back was tantamount to evil.

"Little boy, if you have any delicious food at home, bring it out to me!" The soldier who looked at him with a grumpy face continued to scare the child.

The child was too frightened to move. He was so frightened that he cried "wow" just now, but they told him to hold back, but he dared not hold back. At this time, he was only a sensible child. What can I do?

"They are all soldiers, why are you scaring a child?" At this moment, a voice came from behind the soldiers.

Of course, those soldiers heard someone coming from behind, but they thought it was their companion, so they didn't take it seriously.

But this time it was different, the reason was that they spoke with a Northeast accent, and they couldn't recognize the accent of the speaker, but they were not from Nagada in Northeast China anyway.

Several soldiers turned around, and there was another group of soldiers behind them.

A dozen or so people were holding long or short guns in their hands, all of them were wearing winter clothes, nothing more than tattered clothes, but their faces were dusty and smoky, and they looked like they had just come down from the battlefield not long ago.

It's just that the people from the Northeast are so awesome, even though there are only six of them in total, how could they be afraid of the other party's dozen or so people?
What's more, in this town, they are not the only six of them in the Northeast Army, but there is a battalion!
They just took the opportunity of scouting the terrain to go around the town to see if they could get something good to eat.

"What's the matter? Are you not angry? Which army? How dare you provoke the Northeast Army?" The soldier who frightened the child just now rolled his eyes and said.

"Do you care which army we belong to? You can't bully the common people here!" The soldier opposite didn't care whether the Northeast Army was or not.

However, although his tone of voice was firm, it was more or less gentle.

Soldiers, simple-minded and well-developed limbs, if the other party is talking to the soldier who looks like a black iron tower, then the Northeast soldier will think about it, but the soldier who is speaking is far from being a rough old man.

So, the Northeast soldier smiled, but what he said was: "Fuck, I didn't step on that foot, and I jumped out of your mother's womb, and pretended to be a calf in front of our Northeast Army?"

At this moment, the atmosphere changed a little bit. Although each other was sure that the other party was not a member of the puppet army, is it still a problem if soldiers from various armies fight or something?
To say that the Northeast soldier felt that his tone was already very tough. If the other party didn't know what to do, he didn't mind fighting with the other party. Anyway, the whole town is full of their people, and if they fight on this side, they will be attacked. Absolutely Just take advantage and not suffer.

Sure enough, he saw that the soldier who had just challenged him and said "it's okay to bully the common people" turned pale.

Then, he saw that the dozen or so soldiers were all looking at one of them.

It was a cannon with a box, and the magazine was quite long, and it was only [-] rounds at first glance.

It's just that the gun is good, but the man's attire is no different from other soldiers, but the attire is not as neat as their Northeast Army.

So what if the one who uses the box cannon is an officer?There are all kinds of factions in the Chinese army. It's a pity that you, even an officer of the Central Army, can't control the Northeast Army, not to mention that it looks like it's just a soldier.

"Oh, the gun is not bad." The soldier from the Northeast laughed slyly, but then he said in a tone of voice, "Did you dare to come to our Northeast Army to pretend to be a calf after hanging on the back of your butt for twenty rings?"

When people from the Northeast and people from the South are together, the way the Northeast people dance and zaza can still bluff people.

They also encountered southern troops along the way, and they were generally shorter than the northeast soldiers. If the northeast soldiers and the southern soldiers met on the single-plank bridge where only one person could walk, the southern soldiers would not have jumped into the water to make way. But the only ones who went back the same way were the southern soldiers.

It's just that this time, the tall and burly Northeast soldier really misjudged the man.

The leading soldier on the opposite side spoke.

The voice is not high, but it is an authentic northeast accent.

But it's fine if it's just a Northeast accent, but one word from him makes all the six Northeast soldiers jump up.

Because what the soldier said was: "Pretend to be a fool? My hometown is so fucking lost, how dare you put on a big face and pretend to be a fool here!"

Don't expose your shortcomings in life.

What does it mean to lose your hometown?That of course means that the Northeast Army lost the three Northeast provinces!

If the Northeast Army loses the three eastern provinces, isn't it just being criticized by future generations?That is, the Chinese people are extremely dissatisfied nowadays!
Of course, this sentence made the expressions of those Northeast soldiers change drastically.

I want to ask why this soldier speaks so eagerly?
Just because he is also a Northeast soldier, because he is Shang Zhen!

If it was when he was with Wang Laomao and the others, Shang Zhen would hardly swear.

But since his elder brother left the team alone, in order to survive facing different people on different occasions, he laughed and cursed all of them.

There is no way, for example, when he first joined Hao Blind Company as a strong man, he didn't want to show the qualities of a veteran and want to keep a low profile, and he didn't want to be sent to the forefront of the battlefield by the veterans as cannon fodder, then he He can only use his bad accent to make jokes with the veterans.

For another example, later he replaced Hao Xiazi and led the soldiers.

What kind of soldiers are they? It’s just that their military quality is appalling. Those who are narrow-minded, those who are aggressive, those who like to sneak around, and those who always talk about women every day.

As the leader of the team, he had to maintain morale and not let those soldiers act recklessly, so it was inevitable that there would be moments of impatience and curses.

Shang Zhen's company with those soldiers was not like when he was with his own gang.

Old Mao Wang was originally his old platoon leader, and the others knew all about it, so if there was a thorn in one of his group, he didn't have to care about it at all, and Old Mao Wang and the others could get rid of the thorn. The bear is shitting!
And when the time comes, Shang Zhen only needs to pretend to be a good person, even though he thinks he is a good person in the first place, and if he gives that thorny head a little favor, that thorny head will become one of his own.

But when he appears alone in a strange group, who will help him?Then he can only play the full role!
I must be a Predator, an elder brother who protects my younger brother in everything, a logistics officer in charge of eating, drinking, and sleeping, a comedian who coaxes all the great gods to control his own life and death, anyway, he has to do everything in order to survive!

What is this like?It's as if you were the prettiest school belle in school, and many boys regarded her as a goddess when they were students, and everything went smoothly.

But once into the society?If there is no family power to cover, then troubles will come, so you can face life directly.

People always have to survive, and if they want to survive, don't play with innocence. You have to know how to treat men as if they are away, and sometimes it is inevitable that you will be a shrew.

(End of this chapter)

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