Chapter 1072
"Oh my god, why did you recruit the Japanese devils! How many troops do you need?" Ma Erpao, who caught up later, was extremely shocked when he saw the yellow figure in front of him.

"Is there always a squadron?" Since the Japanese army's strength has not yet been deployed, Lu Yifei is not sure.

But at this time, Li Qingfeng said: "This is not a matter of a squadron, there will be more later!"

Although Li Qingfeng is small, he has better eyesight than others.

The others looked carefully, but no, the Japanese army in front had already turned over a hill, but behind this Japanese army "Yiba" another Japanese army showed their heads, God knows how many more are behind!
"Listen to my order!" Shang Zhen ordered.

Everyone was shocked after hearing Shang Zhen's words, the enemy's situation was unprecedented, and the sense of mental oppression brought to them by that large group of enemies was also unprecedented.

This feeling of oppression cannot be achieved by just making up your mind and saying that I am not afraid of death. Saying that I am not afraid of death and really not being afraid of death are two different things.

However, seeing Shang Zhen's expression remained calm, the soldiers felt a little relieved.

"All of you run back quickly and tell our people to withdraw from the battle," Shang Zhen said again.

When Shang Zhen said this, there were a few soldiers who should be right, but when the soldiers were about to act according to the order, Lu Yifei suddenly asked: "What about you, sir?"

"What am I? What do you care about me? Anyway, I'm better than you!" Shang Zhen said angrily.

Conscience of heaven and earth, this is really the first time Shang Zhen talked to Lu Yifei in this tone.

Sometimes it depends not only on the content of his words, but also on the tone of his words. In other words, Lu Yifei was stunned by Shang Zhen.

The meaning in Shang Zhen's words is nothing more than, what do you care about me, even if I am also chased by the devils, if the only one who can escape from the devils, it can only be Shang Zhen and not others.

Lu Yifei had a bad nose, so he could only turn around and run back.

At this time, Shang Zhen's voice came from behind him again: "You three, no, the four of you are still chattering here? Get out of here! By the way, big fool, take your rifle and bullets Leave it to me!"

Even if Lu Yifei didn't look back, he knew who the four people Shang Zhen mentioned should be, and they could only be Li Qingfeng, Da Laodu, Wang Xiaodan and Gao Erya.

Those three people were the first ones that Shang Zhen brought over when he "voted" Hao Xiazi's company.

Why didn't Lu Yifei understand that even if Shang Zhen didn't regard those three people as his own people, those three people definitely regarded themselves as Shang Zhen's people.

And there is no such thing as Gao Erya here, but who told Gao Erya to act like a scumbag and insist on calling the old fool Master.

Lu Yifei thought about the sound of footsteps coming from behind. When he turned his head, although he saw Qingfeng Li and the four men following up with guns, he also saw the back of Shang Zhen running towards the other direction of the woods with a rifle.

It is the character of the vast majority of soldiers to look down on life and death, and to do it if they refuse to accept it.

Is a veteran like Lu Yifei afraid of death?
At the beginning, I was also afraid of death, but after seeing many dead people in this war, I became numb, thinking that death is like blowing out a lamp, which is the same thing.

But people are not afraid of death, but they always have something to care about.

And now Lu Yifei looked at Shang Zhen's back with a gun and suddenly felt a touch of emotion, the officer is a good officer!For some reason, this idea popped up in his mind.

Because if his guess is not bad, Shang Zhen shot at the Japanese army.

Relying on people to report is slow after all, and a few shots will naturally attract the attention of Lu Dahu's Northeast Army.

But facing so many Japanese troops alone is undoubtedly extremely dangerous.

It is said that if you shoot a cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops will come to meet each other. The cloud-piercing arrow is like the signal flare used by the army nowadays.

But now Shang Zhen, like a solitary cloud-piercing arrow, shoots at the invaders alone, and when its strength loses, it is the time for it to end its mission.

At this time, the people who went back to report the letter could at least be with Lu Dahu's entire battalion. As long as they didn't confront the Japanese army head-on, it would be relatively safer.

What kind of person is a good person is not just talking about it, but it needs to be manifested through actions.

Whether it's an officer or a soldier, isn't that the same? Currently, are there many officers like Shang Zhen?

It seems that there is no longer a problem, but Shang Zhen is the only officer Lu Yifei has seen in his life who values ​​the lives of soldiers more than his own!
Lu Yifei followed the people in front of him to run in the woods, but he ran slower and slower, because he was making a decision in his heart.

And at this moment, a gunshot rang out on the other side of the woods, even though it was only one shot at first, and that shot was fired by Shang Zhen.

The dozen or so puppet soldiers who escaped from the ambush circle of the Lu Dahu Camp obviously discovered the Japanese army coming from a distance, so they didn't even enter the woods, they rushed to the Japanese army for help.

Shang Zhen himself couldn't figure out whether he hated the Japanese army more or the puppet army more, so he didn't plan to let the puppet army go.

But his shot was not aimed at the puppet army.

Due to the running of those puppet troops, he is now in the rear of the puppet troops.

It can be understood that the bullet fired by the current Shang Zhen was fired at the Japanese army against the puppet army.

Then, he didn't care how the Japanese army on the opposite side would understand Shang Zhen. Anyway, he couldn't let these puppet army scums calm down and just run back to his master.

After firing one shot, Shang Zhen turned the breech bolt again and fired a shot at the Japanese army in the distance.

The Japanese army is now five or six hundred meters away from him, but Shang Zhen knows that he will definitely be able to hit a certain Japanese army, although it may not be the one he aimed at.

Who knows that there are so many Japanese soldiers, and it is densely packed, which is not only like a dense flock of birds in the sky, but also like a wall without gaps.

As long as Shang Zhen doesn't shoot this shot low or high, there will always be Japanese soldiers shot!
Of course Shang Zhen had his own plan for this fight, but those puppet soldiers who were running towards their master didn't know what he was thinking.

Just like the idiom frightened bird that Shang Zhen thought of earlier, when the puppet soldiers heard the gunshots behind them, they would of course think that the national army was shooting at them, so they ran even faster!
However, Shang Zhen still adhered to the principle of only attacking the Japanese army and not the puppet army, shooting at the Japanese army in the distance.

And just when Shang Zhen finished firing the fifth round and retracted his body to repress the bullets into the rifle again, there were suddenly intensive gunshots from the opposite side.

The gunshots came so densely and abruptly, like a torrential rain in summer, how many people can escape under the dark clouds?
So those who were knocked down by the rain of bullets were not only the dry wormwood that was still standing after the winter, but also the dozen or so puppet soldiers who were frightened by Shang Zhen and ran away.

This is Shang Zhen's plan to kill with a borrowed knife.

It's just that before he, the strategist, had time to be happy, bullets from the Japanese army also flew into the woods.

Although it is also spring now, the word "rain hits plantains" is not enough to describe the intensity of the rain!

The sound of the bullet breaking the twigs of the trees and the sound of the bullet shooting into the trunk are all in the ear.

Shang Zhen subconsciously lay down in the woods, lowered his head to the bottom, even let go of the gun, and covered his head with his hands in fear of death, just like a pheasant with its head stuck in the snow in the Northeast field in winter !

This pheasant is not that pheasant.

A pheasant with poor physical strength can't fly very far. If it is too fast to fly after being chased by someone, it will really stick its head in the snow and lie there with its buttocks.

As the saying goes, mentality determines everything. If I can't see you, you don't exist, and I'm safe. Who cares about the flood behind my ass!

(End of this chapter)

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