Chapter 1079
It was dawn, and the smell of gunpowder was no longer in the air. Five men with guns were lying in the woods on the hillside.

These five people were Lu Yifei, Ma Erpao, Wang Xiaodan, and Li Qingfeng, and the fifth person was Da Zhuang who drove them out of the village yesterday.

In front of them is a river that is neither wide nor narrow.

Not to mention wide, the river is only a few meters wide.

It is not narrow, but the river is not wide, but there is silt on the riverbed on both sides of the river.

It was only early spring at this time, so if you wanted to cross the river, you would naturally not wade, so you could only walk on the wooden bridge on the river.

The structure of the bridge is very simple, that is, there are two columns in the middle of the river, and there are horizontal columns on both sides as beams that are stuck on the columns with mortise and tenon. .

"Da Zhuang, do you think the Second Devil will definitely walk over this bridge when he comes?" A man with a gun asked, it was Ma Erpao.

"If you don't believe me, don't ask me to be your guide!" Da Zhuang hummed.

"Oh, I said you boy, but we saved your future daughter-in-law!" Ma Erpao said dissatisfied.

"Then why don't you save my daughter-in-law and her father?" Da Zhuang said dissatisfiedly.

"F*ck! Don't be so fucking ignorant, save your father-in-law's family, we save it as a favor, and if we don't, it's our duty, I don't deserve you!" Ma Erpao was not happy.

"Due" means to owe something, which is how it is said in Northeast dialect, but Ma Erpao learned this usage from Shang Zhen.

After Ma Erpao said this, Da Zhuang fell silent.

Da Zhuang felt that what Ma Erpao said was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he could only shut up.

A platoon of puppet soldiers sneaked into the village last night, but their target was the family with the so-called "Seven Fairies".

It is said that China has five thousand years, and the five thousand years of China is the history of China.

In these [-] years, China has been in an agricultural society for [-] years.

What is the most important thing in farming society?Of course it is food, but what is the most important thing to get food?Humans of course.

What is a human?Human population, of course, refers to men with labor force. The so-called economic base determines the superstructure. This is how China's patriarchal thinking comes about.

It can be seen that the family gave birth to seven daughters in a row, which drove the old man of the family crazy.

But so what, although it is said that life is as cheap as grass in this era, since these girls have been born one after another, it is okay if they are given away, but if they are directly strangled to death, they are reluctant anyway.

And Da Zhuang's engaged but unmarried daughter-in-law is the fifth of the seven fairies.

Just as Shang Zhen guessed, the reason why those puppet soldiers sneaked into the village last night was because they rushed to snatch the fifth girl from that house. Of course, the reason was that the fifth girl was beautiful.

However, those puppet soldiers finally came to an end when they did evil. They happened to be bumped into by Shang Zhen and the others. In the end, Shang Zhen knocked down more than half of them with a quick shot. taken captive.

For Yu Shangzhen and the others, although this was another moderate victory, it was still too late for Shang Zhen and the others to act. The butt of the gun was smashed to death.

Whether the "seven fairies" were married or unmarried, it was true that their faces were bleak after crying, but the troubles came later.

After all, only one of their family died, but more than [-] puppet soldiers died.

Ordinary people can only admit that they are unlucky when they die, but more than [-] puppet soldiers have died, how can they let it go?

So it's normal for people to come to take revenge, even slaughter the village. It would be abnormal if the puppet army suffered a dumb loss and couldn't come to take revenge!

Therefore, when the old people in the village discussed it, the only solution was to seek refuge from their relatives and friends.

As for Shang Zhen and the others, the six of them naturally couldn't carry out the good deed to the end, and all he could do next was to stand in the way for the village again.

However, just block it, that is, set up an ambush here on the small river that must pass through to enter the village, not to mention how many puppet soldiers can be killed, that is just to buy some time for the villagers to transfer.

For this, Shang Zhen was also helpless, for some reason, he remembered Leng Xiaozhi who didn't know where he was now, he thought, only people like Leng Xiaozhi can truly protect the safety of the people!
"Okay, my father-in-law is dead, Er Pao, you can say a few words less." At this time, Lu Yifei persuaded Da Zhuang when he saw that Da Zhuang was speechless by Ma Er Pao.

"Hmph." Da Zhuang, who had already shut up, glanced dissatisfiedly at Ma Erpao, but his face softened when he looked at Lu Yifei, "Don't worry, I will guide you, I keep my word!"

Anyway, Shang Zhen and the others finally saved his future daughter-in-law, and in return Da Zhuang promised Shang Zhen to lead the six of them.

As for where Shang Zhen and the others were going, Shang Zhen didn't say anything, and Da Zhuang didn't ask either.

It's just that if Da Zhuang at this time knew what Lu Yifei, who seemed to be friendly to him, was thinking, he would definitely jump up and turn against Shang Zhen and his gang.

It's just because Lu Yifei didn't say a particularly sinister sentence at all, and it's impossible to say it.

The words buried in Lu Yifei's stomach were "I said Da Zhuang, we not only saved your daughter-in-law, but your father-in-law is also dead, didn't you save the bride price?"

After that, several people stopped talking and looked at each other.

After about half an hour, the five of them trembled as Qingfeng Li said, "Here we are."

Isn't it here?Who's coming?The puppet army is coming!
"This should be the remaining two rows." Lu Yifei muttered.

Of the five of them yesterday, of course Shang Zhen and Box Pao disabled a platoon of the puppet army, and even the company commander was killed. Wouldn't there just be two platoons left?

"Quickly call the sir and the two of them." Ma Erpao said at this moment.

After finishing speaking, several of them touched the clod of soil placed in front of them at the same time, and then threw it forward with all their strength.

Now they are less than [-] meters away from the small river, and just [-] to [-] meters away from them, there are two people who are sleeping behind a few bushes of dense river willows, they are Shang Zhen and Big Boss.

Fearing that the puppet army would come to retaliate last night, Shang Zhen and Big Boss were on duty all night.

Don't know who threw the small clod and hit Shang Zhen and the old stupid, and the two got up almost at the same time.

When Shang Zhen and Big Boss looked at them, Lu Yifei stretched out his hand and pointed to the other side of the river.

What are they waiting for here?It was a certainty that the puppet army would come to retaliate, Shang Zhen and Big Boss turned around and crawled towards the river.

More than ten minutes later, the puppet soldiers with guns and ammunition arrived at the river. They just looked at the other side of the river and naturally couldn't see anything, and then those who walked in front walked onto the bridge.

Anyone with a little common sense knows that the fact that the river is not wide does not mean that the span of the bridge is not large. After all, the river has dry seasons and flood seasons.

There were more than twenty puppet troops walking on the bridge, but the bridge was almost full.

But at this moment, two ropes popped out from the willow bushes on the other side of the river, and one end of each rope was tied to the two pillars in the middle of the bridge.

The uprights must be two bowls thick. To prevent the wood from rotting, the lower half of the uprights were baked and coated with asphalt when the bridge was built.

Although this kind of wood is definitely not as strong as concrete, it will not rot easily.

But who would have thought that just by pulling the two ropes, the two pillars of the bridge would be broken from the middle!
Then look at the puppet soldiers on the bridge, they fell down like dumplings!

At the same time, two people stood up from behind the willow bushes, they were Shang Zhen and Big Boss!

But the two of them struggled to throw the cluster grenade in their hands forward.

It is said that there are not many clusters, and there are only three grenades in one cluster, but when the cluster grenade exploded on the river bed, there were not many puppet soldiers who fell from the bridge. up.

And after that, there were "crack" and "crack" box cannons, and the sound of "crack" and "crack" rifle shots sounded!

(End of this chapter)

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