Chapter 109

"Boom", a Japanese Type [-] infantry artillery rang again in the valley.

With the sound of shooting, the cannon body sat back for a while, but it was held in place by the cannon hoe behind it.

The smoke and dust rose, and another Japanese soldier moved forward with the shell, but was stopped by the Japanese commander immediately.

So far, they have only fired more than a dozen artillery pieces, but the Japanese commander thinks this is enough. After all, there is only one regiment of the Northeast Army in Ningyuan City.

If the Northeast Army did not lose the Fengtian Arsenal, then the Japanese Kwantung Army would still be a little bit afraid. After all, the Northeast Army has everything that one expects to have.

It's just that with the September [-]th Incident, the base camp of the Northeast Army's military production was occupied by the Japanese Kwantung Army with less than [-] troops.

The Northeast Army without logistical supplies is like a tiger without teeth, so what is so terrible about their Japanese Kwantung Army?
What's more, the bombardment was just a tactic planned by the Japanese army to shake the mountain and shake the tiger.

Ningyuan City is just a small county town, and there is no danger to defend it. If they shoot shells into the city, how will the Northeast Army react?
At this time, in Ningyuan County, the head of the regiment Liu Cheng was looking at a house that had been blown down with a sullen face, and the soldiers were busy saving people from the ruins.

Unfortunately, one of the Japanese artillery shells just hit the barracks, and dozens of officers and soldiers in that house were either killed or injured.

"Regimental Commander, we can't hold it here anymore. If the Japanese fire a few more shots, our casualties will definitely be heavier. Let's break through." His chief of staff persuaded.

Liu Cheng did not expect that their regiment was besieged by the Japanese army in Ningyuan City.

Originally, Liu Cheng's plan was to stick to it and wait for reinforcements. Although Zhang Liancai's company had lost more than half, and Zhang Liancai was also killed, according to reports from the returning soldiers, the dozen or so stragglers he gathered had already escaped.

Liu Cheng had no reason not to believe that the dozen or so stragglers would not go to Suizhong, which was the closest to Ningyuan City, to find reinforcements.

It is only two hundred miles from Ningyuan to Suizhong. If the dozen or so stragglers are not stupid but go to find horses for transportation, they will stick to it for two days and the reinforcements will arrive.

But now the Japanese army has actually fired artillery shells at Ningyuan City. How can this small, square town with narrow streets be able to withstand such bombing by the Japanese army?

"Ah——" A wounded soldier was pulled out of the ruins by his companions. He was already choking with ashes, but his feet had turned 180 degrees. It was because his ankles exploded. broken.

Liu Cheng became upset.

"Hurry up and save people, break out in an hour and rush out from the northeast direction." Liu Cheng ordered.

"Commander, why did you rush out from the northeast?" His chief of staff was puzzled.

The northeast direction is where the Japanese army came from. There should be a lot of Japanese troops there, right?At this time, his chief of staff thought.

"To the west is the territory of the Japanese artillery. Do you rush to seek death from there? You don't think that the Japanese artillery can hit four or five miles but not one or two miles?" Liu Cheng asked rhetorically.

His chief of staff could only respond with a "yes".

In fact, from which direction to break out so what?They are now trapped in a dangerous city. Who knows in which direction the Japanese army deployed more troops?

At this time, just to the west of Ningyuan City, the Japanese artillery who had temporarily completed their shelling missions were resting.

But at this moment, a Japanese soldier yelled, and when the other Japanese soldiers looked over, they saw that the Japanese soldier had turned around and was pointing to the west and shouting.

There is no need to follow the direction pointed by the Japanese soldier.

Just because it's so obvious.

All the Japanese soldiers saw a few wisps of faint blue smoke rising from behind the low hill a few hundred meters to the west.

The farthest range of the Type [-] infantry artillery used by the Japanese artillery was about five miles, and the Northeast Army in the city had no artillery, so when they fired into the city, they chose a distance that was neither too far nor too close—Ningyuan A place within three miles of the city.

Here is a valley surrounded by low hills.

Since they arrived here only yesterday evening, as an artillery position, guard sentries have naturally been placed around.

It's just that the sentinel was only placed on the hill behind the position, and the sentinel didn't take it seriously when he looked west and saw that there were all hills.

But now there is green smoke rising from the other side of the hill, what's going on?

The Japanese commander thought for a while and then issued an order. He ordered six Japanese soldiers to go to the place where the blue smoke rose to check.

Of course, the Japanese army besieging Ningyuan City is not small but not many, not to mention their artillery is still several miles away from Ningyuan City, why did they send so many soldiers?
Now there is only one infantry unit protecting their [-]-type infantry artillery, and the rest are artillery
A detachment of the Japanese army is equivalent to a squad of the Chinese army, and the full staff is only thirteen people.

The Japanese commander felt that it would be a lot if he sent five soldiers.

At present, the entire large and medium-sized cities in the three eastern provinces have been almost occupied by the Japanese army. As the saying goes, "tempers are all out of habit", even the Japanese army besieging Ningyuan City now has only one squadron, and the rest are puppet troops. The Japanese army is very arrogant!
The five Japanese soldiers headed towards the place where the green smoke rose under the leadership of a chief Cao, but when they went around the front hill, they found that the few wisps of green smoke were still on the hill ahead behind it.

Here is a hill with dense forests. At this time, the Japanese army discovered a winding mountain road in the forest, but they didn't notice it at all.

The five Japanese soldiers continued to advance with their rifles at a distance. When they climbed a high hill, they saw a dozen houses in the valley.

At this time, they realized that there is a small village here!

Several Japanese soldiers recalled as they talked. They escorted the infantry artillery to the open ground outside the hill yesterday evening. At that time, they did not see the smoke rising from behind them.

Presumably, the common people in China did not dare to start a fire when they saw the war started here.

But it's impossible for them to eat cold food all the time, so today they couldn't help but start cooking.

Seeing that the origin of the green smoke had been found out, the Japanese commander Cao wanted to take someone back, but at this moment, one of the Japanese soldiers pointed forward and shouted, and the rest of the Japanese soldiers followed his directions. Saw a goat tied to a big tree in front of a farmhouse!
Several Japanese soldiers became excited at the same time, and the chief Cao waved his hand. They left a soldier on the mountain with a gun to guard, and the remaining four walked down from the high hill with their guns in hand.

Although it is now a time of war, they take it for granted that it is only a matter of time before they take down Ningyuan City. They don't mind taking advantage of it and looting this small village with few families.

 Let’s make the third update today. If there is no accident, it should be on the shelves soon. I always have to save some manuscripts for the explosive update.

(End of this chapter)

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