The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1103 Life-saving Pancakes

Chapter 1103 Life-saving Pancakes

In the afternoon, Shang Zhen, dressed as a refugee, appeared on a mountain path.

Of course, Shang Zhen, who was originally dressed as a commoner, didn't need to dress up specially. He fought so many battles in the fields, and then got into the burnt house. When he came out, he looked like a refugee.

What's more, this time he carried a calico bag with Ba Tai buried in it, so it was no different from a refugee.

Seen from the back, the burden Shang Zhen was carrying was quite heavy.

As for the reason, it was because the baggage contained his weapons and ammunition, two box cannons in wooden boxes, a Kowloon belt with magazines, and a bayonet.

In addition to these, there is a thick stack of pancakes inside.

Shang Zhen was lucky, after those puppet soldiers left, he went door to door looking for food, and finally he succeeded in finding a thick stack of pancakes.

Shandong people already have the habit of eating pancakes rolled with green onions. Shang Zhen only heard that the pancakes are made of three-in-one noodles, which is probably corn flour, white flour, and millet ground into powder or something.

But what is certain is that the corn noodles in this recipe must be used the most, because the pancakes in Shandong are really hard, and even biting them with Shang Zhen's teeth will make your cheeks tired!
But so what?No matter how hard the pancakes are, they are better than burnt sweet potatoes, right?
It was a time of troubled times, and if one could find something to eat, one would have to go past this village without that shop. Shang Zhen, who had been starving for the past few days, took all the six or seven catties of pancakes with him.

Guessing that he looks like a beggar right now, Shang Zhen thought, but then he mocked himself and denied his idea. It is true that he is a beggar, but he is just a beggar who is about to eat. What a heavy bag!
Of course Shang Zhen knew which direction Taierzhuang was in. Taierzhuang was where the Japanese plane flew in the morning.

But Shang Zhen would never go to Taierzhuang following the footsteps of the Japanese army's attack. It was undoubtedly an act of courting death. His solution was to go around!
Yes, go around, walk from the north of Taierzhuang to the west and go south. The Japanese devils are just attacking Taierzhuang. Shang Zhen really doesn't believe that the Japanese devils can completely surround the entire Taierzhuang!
Shang Zhen didn't know how far he was from Tai'erzhuang, but there must be some land seven or eight miles away, because he couldn't hear the gunshots, but he could faintly hear the explosion.

The halo of the hero faded away, and Shang Zhen walked in the mountains, thinking in his heart that if he hadn't joined the army with his third brother Li Fushun, he would have been a homeless refugee long ago, and he might as well be like Like the few refugees I met just now
Shang Zhen observed while walking, he turned around a forest that was already green and saw a hill in front of him, but there were several people walking up the hill along a road at the foot of the hill ahead.

And Shang Zhen immediately identified those few people as refugees, so who could they be if they weren't refugees?

It's fine to follow them, in case something happens ahead, Shang Zhen thought about it and followed.

But when he was still a hundred or so meters away from the hill, he suddenly found that there was a row of people on the top of the hill, and Shang Zhen knew it was just the gray cloth clothes. puppet army!
How to do?Shang Zhen stopped his steps, restrained his urge to lie down and draw out his gun, then blinked left and right, he had to run!

He doesn't have an advantage in the terrain now, no matter whether he is fighting with the puppet army or not, he has to find a hiding place first!
At this time, Shang Zhen heard gunshots in front of him, and he saw a refugee who had already walked up the hillside fell down directly under the gunfire, and those refugees turned around and ran away.

"Damn!" Shang Zhen cursed, he turned around and ran to the right, there was also a forest 50 meters to the right, he would only be safe if he entered the forest!He really didn't expect that this group of puppet soldiers would be so ruthless!
At this moment, the gunshots became chaotic, Shang Zhen didn't care about those refugees, and even if he wanted to, it was already too late, he should take care of himself first!
When Shang Zhen was running like this, he suddenly heard a gunshot, and when the gunshot rang out, Shang Zhen was so scared that he jumped and rolled forward with his own burden on his back.

And when he got up, he had already shown the speed of a [-]-meter sprint.

Want to ask why?The reason is that the gunshots he heard just now were not the sporadic shots of the puppet army shooting refugees, but the sound of platoon guns and even light machine guns!

Shang Zhen knew that he was the target of the puppet army on the mountain now, how could he have time to look back?

What he was thinking just now was, it can't be!Isn't it just a few refugees?As for you two devils, do you fight like this?Let you get out the platoon guns and machine guns!
So Shang Zhen lying forward and rolling is subconsciously dodging guns.

To say that rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, but when people are in a hurry, it is unimaginable. In this forward rolling action, Shang Zhen himself did not realize that he was still carrying that burden. How did he not let that burden go away? My own self in the hand is boned up again.

But after he finished the forward roll, he realized that the platoon gun and the machine gun were not aimed at him.

He has been a veteran for so many years, although the gunshot sounded close to him, but there was no bullet hit here at all. It turned out that the gunshot was fired at other places!
Because of this, Shang Zhen who reacted ran away again.

If Shang Zhen ran really fast, he rushed to the edge of the woods in the blink of an eye, but the moment he rushed forward to the woods, he felt a huge attack from behind amidst the chaotic gunshots. Then, his body involuntarily threw forward, and he staggered and fell into the woods.

He was shot, this was Shang Zhen's first reaction.

But he moved again, huh?Still able to move, he pushed forward with his hands on the ground, his body really moved, and he successfully hid in the woods!
Since he was able to move, Shang Zhen didn't have time to think about why he was fine after being shot, so he went to cover the burden of falling out when he was busy.

But when he untied the bag and was about to take the box to shoot, he smelled a burnt smell in the bag. When he looked again, he saw that there was an extra bullet hole in the stack of pancakes!
Only then did Shang Zhen realize that it was the stack of pancakes that saved his life.

Of course, I don't know how old the broken rifle used by the puppet army is, and the bullets can't go far.

But just like this, he was able to hit him. If it wasn't for the thick stack of pancakes that blocked him, he would never be able to hit devils again!
These two devils, I can't finish with you!Shang Zhen was really angry.

Shang Zhen had been running for his life just now, and of course he couldn't notice the details of his running for his life.

As soon as he ran to escape for his life, his military quality was fully exposed.

You know, he has been a soldier for eight years now, and he trained hard when he was training, and then he fought non-stop. Those tactical moves have already been deeply rooted in his bones!
Just now when he ran like that, he subconsciously used all his strength, and he also subconsciously turned a few corners while rushing towards him, which is the so-called "serpentine walking".

The puppet soldiers on the mountain had already seen that Shang Zhen was different, so they shot him!
(End of this chapter)

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