Chapter 1107

The enemy's situation is like a big drum beating, every time is tight, and there is no chance for Shang Zhen and the others to breathe.

"If you can't, let's destroy these devil cavalry first!" A soldier shouted.

"That's right, it's better to die happily than to live in a suffocating way!" Another soldier echoed.

They were really exhausted from being chased by the Japanese and puppet troops. They all said that it is better to live than to die, but when the strength of life makes people feel that life is worse than death, then it is really better to die quickly and vigorously. death.

When they were condescendingly blocked in that mountain depression by the puppet army, they had already decided to fight to the death. If it wasn't for the appearance of Shang Zhen, they would have no physiology.

But now they are facing the same situation again.

It's just that they are different now from before, only because of Shang Zhen's presence.

"You bastard! Hurry up and hide in a place where little devils won't find it." Shang Zhen said angrily, and then he added, "I didn't save you to die with you!"

Naturally, Shang Zhen's thinking was different from that of the soldier. Why don't we just kill these devil cavalry first?It's not easy to destroy the three or five devil cavalrymen, Shang Zhen alone is enough.

But the problem is to kill these devils, what to do next?
Killing these cavalrymen would inevitably require shooting, and as soon as the shooting was fired, the Japanese and puppet troops would surround them like flies, and in the end Yi'er beat them all to death, so what's the point of that?
Still the same sentence, if he died like that, Shang Zhen would have gone to die with the little devil with the cluster grenade in his arms, and it would be more enjoyable to die like that!
As soon as Shang Zhen said this, the soldiers finally had nothing to say.

That's right, their lives were saved by Shang Zhen, so why should they drag Shang Zhen to die together?

Everyone started looking for a place to hide.

Only then did they realize that not all of the village had been burned. There were more than a dozen households burnt, and many more remained intact.

Some soldiers wanted to hide in someone's house that hadn't been burned, Fang Yong hurriedly shouted: "You can't enter such a house!"

This is completely conceivable. After the Japanese cavalry came over, even if they didn't enter the house to search, they would probably set the house on fire again. Wouldn't they have to fight and be exposed again?

The soldier who was about to drill into a family's house hadn't come to answer. Just after the crowd left, they suddenly heard a soldier yelling "ah".

Everyone followed the reputation, but something unexpected happened. They remembered that the soldier ran to the open space in the middle of the village just now, but now the man disappeared, as if disappeared out of thin air!
"Little Jinzi!" Fang Yong hurriedly called out in a low voice.

Unexpected things happened again, the soldier named Xiao Jinzi replied, but the voice came from below the open space: "I fell into the well!"

"Fuck, what did you do!" Fang Yong was anxious.

But at this time, Shang Zhen, who was about to hide in a ruin, jumped over immediately after hearing the sound.

Shang Zhen's speed was too fast, and Fang Yong just felt that the figure in front of him flashed, and Shang Zhen had already rushed to the open space.

At this time, a soldier who was near the dry well was still asking, "Little Jinzi, you didn't drown, did you?"

"Why do you drown? It's a dry well without water!" Xiao Jinzi's voice came again.

At this time, Shang Zhen was already standing on the edge of the well and looking down.

"What the hell is going on, you just stay inside!" Fang Yong was also anxious.

At the critical moment, the chain is lost, at the critical moment, it is bald, at the critical moment...

Anyway, they all mean the same thing, and something is going wrong at this juncture anyway!

But Shang Zhen said suddenly at this time: "Quick, Fang Yong stays, and everyone else goes down!"

"Ah?" Shang Zhen's words made the soldiers startled.

"Hurry up, I'll cover you with something, so the little devil can't find it!" Shang Zhen urged again.

The relationship between people during the war is sometimes so simple. At this time, there is nothing to worry about. It is life and death in an instant!

In Shang Zhen's order, there was also a soldier by the well who said, "Little Jinzi, stand by the side!" Then he gritted his teeth and jumped down.

What time is this, the cavalry of the Japanese army came here, although the Japanese army just let their horses trot without finding the target, but at this time the soldiers seemed to hear the sound of "dede" horseshoes!
Where there is the first, there is the second, and the second soldier jumped down after saying hello.

But the third soldier hesitated: "There is no room below, I will jump down and hit you again!"

"Idiot, you won't step on the wall of the well first and then we will pick you up!" The voice below came up.

So the third soldier also jumped down.

There were cars in front and ruts in the back, and the soldiers jumped off one after another.

But at this time Shang Zhen was no longer here, he had already run over to a family next to the well with a half-broken door, and directly covered the dry well.

It was a well, the mouth of the well was not very big, but it was definitely not covered by a door panel, and one side was still exposed.

At this time, Fang Yong had already come over with an armful of firewood and grass to cover the gap that was less than a foot wide.

Fang Yong wanted to hug again, but Shang Zhen stopped him and said, "It's too late, come with me!"

As Shang Zhen said, he drilled into the ruins beside the well, and Fang Yong hurriedly followed.

To Fang Yong's surprise, Shang Zhen did not hide behind the wall of the house that had been burned down.

This is a bit awkward to say, but it is the truth.

The house burned down, that is, the beams, rafters, purlins, etc. of the house were burnt, and then the red tiles or grass roofs on the top fell off, and those that could be burned naturally became Ashes, those that are not burnt out and those that cannot be burned are blackened by scorching.

The roof is gone, but the walls are still there. Whether the walls are made of blue bricks, red bricks or adobe, they will not burn.

It stands to reason that the Japanese cavalry is coming, so as their side, they should hide behind the wall to be safe.

But Shang Zhen didn't, but the gray Shang Zhen got directly into the ashes between the walls of the house, where it was facing the door, and the door was facing the dry well.

Well, no matter how you say it, Shang Zhen is also in the ashes.

The old raven fell on the pig and said that the pig was darker than him.

The pig mingled into the pile of old ravens, saying that the old ravens were as black as him.

Anyway, getting into the pile of ashes with unburned wood was the same thing, and Shang Zhen was only a bone in there. When he raised his head again, Shang Zhen's whole body was completely black in broad daylight. , only those eyes are black and bright.

Of course, even if this is the case, no matter how dark Shang Zhen is in broad daylight, people may not be able to see the clues, but if Shang Zhen lowers his head, he will be almost like a person who was burned to death.

He wants to pretend to be dead?No way?Does he dare to lie under his nose like this?
Well, in fact, Fang Yong was wrong in his estimation, Shang Zhen had no idea of ​​pretending to be dead to the Japanese devils at all!
That's not a question of guts, it's something Shang Zhen can't pretend no matter how he pretends.

If the person is really burned to death by the fire, the body will twitch and curl up, just like the dead in the refining furnace will sit up and twitch immediately after being burned by the fire, the tendons and muscles of the human body will tighten.

And when the person is completely burnt to death, the dead person is almost the same as the enlarged version of the burned Jiaqiao (bird). No matter how black and human oil it burns, there will naturally be no clothes on it.

It's not that Shang Zhen has never seen someone who was burned to death, how could he not know that the clothes on his body are still clothes no matter how black and gray they are.

So, he shrank back, hesitated, and hugged, and finally he got himself into the ashes with the leftover wood.

As a result, all he had left was a face covered in black and gray.

Then this face is not obvious, and the eyelids are opened, leaving only those bright black eyes.

Rao is now that the Japanese cavalry is approaching, but Fang Yong is also dumbfounded!

"Come in, you are stupid!" Shang Zhen said angrily.

Fang Yong hurriedly dived into the pile of ashes as if he had just woken up from a dream.

But at this time Shang Zhen hastily covered his mouth, trying not to cough.

He was already buried in the pile of ash, and when he spoke, the fine ash was naturally poured into his mouth and nose.

(End of this chapter)

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