The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1113 The most embarrassing way to die

Chapter 1113 The most embarrassing way to die

"Crack" "crack" "crack" gunshots rang out, and another bullet hit the wheel of the carriage.

Fortunately, the carriage is not made of rubber, it is made of wood.

Naturally, there is no such thing as tires blowing out with wooden wheels, so the carriage still ran wildly.

"Not good! This bastard is going to use us as a scapegoat!" A puppet soldier on the carriage shouted.

So, amidst his suddenly enlightened shout, the carriage was filled with the angry curses of several puppet soldiers, which were nothing more than "You bastard, put us down quickly!" and the like.

But it's useless to shout any more, there are a total of six puppet soldiers tied up in the carriage!
The six of them sat on the carriage and were tied together, but their legs were tied to the carriage board.

This carriage was originally snatched by the puppet soldiers from the hands of the common people.

At present, there is no such kind of MDF in China that has been compressed into one by a machine. The car board is composed of many long boards, and there are naturally gaps between the boards.

And the legs of the six puppet soldiers were tightly bound to the board.

In this case, no matter how bumpy the carriage is, the puppet soldiers on the carriage will never escape!

But the problem is, the Japanese soldiers chasing up from behind are shooting at their carriage!

From the point of view of these puppet soldiers, they were in the same group as the Imperial Japanese Army. If they were shot and killed by the Imperial Japanese Army, then they were not killed by the Japanese, but were killed by the Japanese Imperial Army. The boy who drove the car died unjustly!

The kid ignored their yelling and scolding, but still drove the horses that pulled the cart to a fast run. The two twenty-gun box cannons he slung across his shoulders on the left and right were bouncing on the board with the bumps of the carriage.

But the puppet soldiers on the carriage looked at the two box cannons that were within reach, but they couldn't reach out, so how could they not scold?

Of course the driver in front was Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen has rich experience in combat. When he led Fang Yong and his men to successfully ambush the puppet army, he expected that the Japanese and puppet army would come upon hearing the news, so he asked Fang Yong and his men to tie up a few puppet army prisoners. In the carriage.

And what's the use of tying a few puppet prisoners to the carriage?
Didn't these puppet prisoners change into Fang Yong and his clothes?Then if the Japanese and puppet troops looked at them from a distance, they would regard these puppet troops as Fang Yong and others.

So, didn't the Japanese and puppet troops be hooked by him?

Just as the puppet soldier shouted just now, Shang Zhen is going to treat them as scapegoats!
Of course, it is not entirely accurate to say that it is a dead ghost, and it can also be understood as a meat shield or a shield.

They were tied and sat on the carriage, but Shang Zhen was driving the carriage with his waist bent, so who could the Japanese soldiers who chased after them shoot at?Of course, the bullets can only be shot on some of them.

But they were sitting, or six of them were tied and sat together, the kind similar to train chairs, tied together back to back, three people rushed forward, and three people rushed back!

Now the meaning of their life is to serve as meat shields for the kid driving the car in front, but after they die, since they cannot fall down, they are still the boy's meat shields

Originally, these puppet soldiers were captives, and they had been frightened by Fang Yong's iron and blood methods to kill the prisoners before, but now they see that they are also dead, so what do they have to worry about? All kinds of abuse.

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was driving in front, didn't seem to notice the abuse of the puppet soldiers.

There is a classic line in an anti-Japanese movie written in later generations, which is called "Don't look at you screaming happily today, I will make a list for you tomorrow".

He believed that the puppet soldiers behind them would soon be silent.

In fact, this is exactly the case. The Japanese army chasing up behind did not have cavalry.

So what if the Japanese army can't catch up?Of course it was shooting!

"You bastard—" a puppet soldier only cursed a few more words before his voice stopped abruptly.

The marksmanship of the Japanese devils is still so accurate!

The carriage continued to move forward, and the facts were just as Shang Zhen planned, the curses of the puppet soldiers became less and less, and then the voices returned to zero.

Only then did Shang Zhen lower his body and look back.

He turned his head not to look at the puppet soldiers. In his eyes, as long as the Japanese troops catch up, these puppet soldiers would be dead. He just wanted to see how far the Japanese soldiers behind him were from him.

At this time, he saw that the Japanese army did not catch up in large numbers, no matter how slow the carriage ran, it was still a carriage, and it was impossible for the Japanese infantry to catch up with him with their feet alone.

Only then did Shang Zhen feel relieved, but when he turned his head back, his gaze suddenly stopped.

Because he saw eyes staring at him full of hatred.

"Huh?" Shang Zhen couldn't help being slightly stunned, it wasn't just one pair of eyes, but it was still two pairs of eyes.

At this time, the only ones who could look at him like this were the puppet soldiers tied to the carriage.

Only then did Shang Zhen discover to his surprise that two puppet soldiers were not killed by the Japanese bullets just now.

However, one of the puppet soldiers was obviously injured, and the corner of his mouth was bleeding.

Shang Zhen knew that this situation was caused by the internal organs being shot.

The [-]-type rifle has a strong penetrating power. Since it can pierce a person with a single shot, the bullet that passes through the human body can also be shot in when it hits the second person, which is like piercing candied haws .

And the other puppet soldier didn't seem to be very old, that is, he looked seventeen or eighteen. His forehead was already splashed with blood, and blood was flowing down like earthworms, even on his eyelashes, but those eyes But it was black and bright.

It seemed that the blood was not his, but another puppet soldier next to him who had lowered his head after being shot and splashed out.

"Even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go!" At this moment, the wounded puppet soldier uttered a sentence, and the voice was full of resentment.

"You will be a traitor in the next life, and you will still be killed by Lao Tzu." Shang Zhen pouted disapprovingly and said.

Shang Zhen saw a sea of ​​dead people, he killed a traitor, he had no guilt in his heart, he didn't get enough sleep when marching and fighting, let alone encountering ghosts in his dreams.

It should be said that Shang Zhen used to wonder whether he should kill the puppet army.

It stands to reason that some puppet soldiers are not necessarily heinous villains, nor are they necessarily people who have done all kinds of bad things.

But even though they are both Chinese, since the relationship has become hostile, Shang Zhen knows that he must not be merciful in the slightest. If he falls into the hands of the puppet army, his death will probably be worse than the death of these puppet soldiers. Worse.

What's more, now that their side is already fighting behind the enemy lines, and the enemy is everywhere, how can he keep prisoners?
What Shang Zhen said just now was very domineering.

And the puppet soldier was so emotionally agitated by Shang Zhen, his chest straightened up, but before he could say a word, he spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The three puppet soldiers on this side were all facing the front of the carriage, so they were very close to Shang Zhen, and the puppet soldier sprayed blood on Shang Zhen's chest, even his face was not spared.

Shang Zhen casually wiped the blood from his face and rubbed it on the car board.

For some reason, he remembered the phrase "The strong man eats the meat of the barbarians when he is hungry, and talks about drinking the blood of the Huns when he is thirsty", so he raised his head and laughed.

With Shang Zhen's appearance, he directly looked straight at the little puppet soldier who was lucky enough not to be shot!

In fact, the veterans are all the same, with different tempers and temperaments. Some of them seem to be the kind of smiling and harmless humans and animals, but when they really kill the enemy, they are really ruthless!

Shang Zhenshuang glanced coldly at the somewhat complicated little puppet army who was looking at him with shock and hatred.

He ignored the other party but looked into the distance again, and at this time he was surprised to find that there were Japanese cavalry in the distance again, although it seemed that there were not too many of them.

"What's wrong with being a traitor?" Just as Shang Zhen turned his head and started to drive forward again, he suddenly heard the little puppet soldier speak.

Shang Zhen hit the horse pulling the cart with the butt of his gun, and suddenly he raised his head and laughed loudly: "What's wrong with being a traitor? What the hell are you talking about being a traitor?
Anyway, they are all dead, and they can be a man with their chests up, but they have to be a dog! "

 Lao Zhe knows that he has fewer, probably for two reasons.

  One, what used to be a full-time job is now a part-time job.Migrant workers are by no means nine-to-five. In the current epidemic situation, it would be nice to have a class.

  Second, Lao Zhejing has written anti-Japanese novels, which already have more than 1000 million words.I am not a writer of Xiaobaiwen, so the plots written in other works should naturally be avoided as much as possible.Then, it is necessary to conceive a new plot.

  Of course, if you feel that this book is too slow, you can also read Lao Zhe’s other works, such as The Legend of the Anti-Japanese Hill and The Legend of the Anti-Japanese Union. You can read the Legend of the Anti-Japanese Hill on the Qidian mobile app. You can't see it on the PC version.

(End of this chapter)

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