Chapter 1131 Tripping Thunder ([-])

Wu Ziqi hid beside Shang Zhen, stretched his neck and looked forward, and his mouth was not idle: "I just knocked them down with a box cannon!"

It's over, one of them was shot by me, and that guy fell down and stopped moving.

But the second one, the fuck got up again after being shot! "

Shang Zhen has already put his cannon on his shoulder, the Japanese army should be coming up soon, he is ready to fight, so he ignores Wu Ziqi's rambling.

Besides, Wu Ziqi had the nerve to tell him to shoot him!This bastard doesn't care about the bullets, he hit the bullets like a small whip, and in the end he knocked down two of them, and there was a wounded man, so many bullets were wasted!

It's just that Shang Zhen, who has reached this point now, understands that it is not enough to rely on one's own heroism in war, and there are all kinds of soldiers, but they must be brought!

For example, just now he was going to lay down a mine to plot against the Japanese army, but the Japanese army in front quickly withdrew, and he didn't have enough time to set up a mine.

At this time, it became important to have a person like Wu Ziqi who shot a few shots at the Japanese army to delay him.

So even if Shang Zhen is dissatisfied with Wu Ziqi, he will never say anything, and he will just train him slowly in the future.

"When will I be able to practice marksmanship as good as yours? Oh, the little devil is here!" Wu Ziqi muttered again, and the Japanese army appeared in the sight of the two of them.

This group of Japanese soldiers obviously learned the lesson of being attacked all the way here. They divided into two columns and ran along the sides of the alley in front. Among the Japanese soldiers were some with guns and some with grenades.

The environment determines people, and it seems that the Japanese army has adapted to street fighting.

But seeing such a situation, not only Shang Zhen, but also Wu Ziqi had a smile on his face.

Under normal circumstances, the retreat formation set up by the Japanese army cannot be said to be wrong, but now, it is exactly the formation to be bombed!

"Hey, where did you put the grenades?" Wu Ziqi asked Shang Zhen.

"Shut up, you don't need to shoot, just watch the fun." Shang Zhen said.

"Why don't you let me shoot." Wu Ziqi muttered regretfully and fell silent.

Shang Zhen arranged a total of six grenades, and he had to let those six grenades exert their maximum power. This involved the timing of shooting. How could Shang Zhen let Wu Ziqi hit him blindly?

Seeing the Japanese army continue to move forward, this is an alley, how long can it be?It's just that Shang Zhen and Wu Ziqi were hiding in a dark room and the Japanese army couldn't see it. Soon the Japanese army in front was only more than 40 meters away from Shang Zhen and Wu Ziqi.

At this time, the box cannon on Shang Zhen's shoulder suddenly rang, "pop" "pop" "pop" "pop". It's almost the same as a short burst!
The Japanese army naturally responded to the gunfire, but before the Japanese army could respond effectively, four of the Japanese army had already been knocked down by Shang Zhen.

What is an effective response, of course, means that these Japanese soldiers hid outside Shang Zhen's shooting range, such as jumping into the doors on both sides.

Naturally, the Japanese army walked on both sides of the alley in order to get into the houses on both sides as soon as possible.

It's just that this kind of action by the Japanese army has been calculated by Shang Zhen!Why did Shang Zhen set up trip mines at the doors on both sides? Isn't that just to drive the Japanese soldiers hiding their guns in and trip his ambush.

I don't know how many Japanese soldiers broke into the mine-throwing doors on both sides at the same time. In the sound of "pop" and "pop" from Shang Zhen's box cannon, the Japanese soldiers were eager to avoid the bombs. It was straight into the door.

The flares of the Japanese army are still shining on the sky not far away, which means that the flares are small suns, which is just a description. It's black!
Under such circumstances, the Japanese soldiers who broke in randomly didn't even notice that they were tripped by the fine hemp rope, or even if they noticed that they were tripped, the hemp rope had already pulled the grenade away. In a hurry, they will not take it seriously at all!

So at the next moment, there was an explosion of "boom" and "boom" inside the two doors of Shang Zhenbui, or between a pair of doors!

After all, there were few Japanese soldiers who had time to enter the house to avoid the bombs, but there were two grenades in the door, and the explosion power was still enough to blow the Japanese soldiers who entered the house to the ground.

Although there were few grenades tied to the door frames by Shang Zhen, although only one was tied to the door frames of the two doors, it was similar to a suspended explosion.

Shang Zhen had used grenades to explode in the air many times to kill and injure the Japanese army, and he was very knowledgeable about the altitude at which the grenade exploded to cause the greatest damage to the enemy.

In this case, in fact, everyone can make up for it.

With a "boom", a grenade exploded. It started to shoot shrapnel from the center of a sphere to the surrounding without dead ends. It was a three-dimensional world.

But no matter how the fragments fly, there are only the following situations.

Some fly directly below, that is, vertically.

There are also those who fly obliquely, and those who shoot obliquely mean that the difference in the angle of injection is essentially the same.

Then there is the horizontal flying. From the perspective of the cross section, it is a circle that expands infinitely outwards until the shrapnel is blocked by obstacles or falls from exhaustion.

Another is to shoot obliquely towards the horizontal plane or fly upwards vertically.

A grenade exploded on the ground. Except for the part of the shrapnel that flew out horizontally, the height difference between the ground and the ground became larger and larger as the flying distance became farther and farther away.

Then the bombed party can avoid the obliquely flying shrapnel by lying down on the ground, that is to say, as long as the bombed person is not hit by the horizontally flying shrapnel, he will hide in the dead angle of the grenade shrapnel flying.

In order to avoid damage to vital parts by shrapnel, when avoiding bullets, one should turn around and fall down. In this way, vital parts of the human body such as the head and chest are avoided.

However, when a grenade explodes in the air, the shrapnel flying downwards has no blind angle for the people below.

And when the height of the grenade explosion is at the position of the upper body or the head of the person, the fragments of the grenade will cause greater damage to the person, because the horizontal part of the shrapnel will all hit the vital points of the person!

And the position of the grenade strapped to Shang Zhen was exactly one meter above the door frame, and the shrapnel produced by the explosion just hit the vital points of those Japanese dwarfs who were walking forward!

So, don't look at Shang Zhen only tied a grenade to the door frame on each side, but this grenade knocked down those Japanese soldiers who hadn't hid in the door!
This is why this airburst grenade is so lethal.

Seeing the explosion of the grenade, it cannot be said that the Japanese soldiers on the street were cleared, but there were no Japanese soldiers standing on the street.

When did Wu Ziqi see such a scene?He exclaimed with a "wow".

But at this time Shang Zhen had already dragged him and said, "Run!"

(End of this chapter)

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