Right in front of Wang Laomao and the others, the explosion of grenades and grenades can be heard endlessly. This is street fighting. An independent house or even a room separated by a wall is a position.

Both the enemy and the enemy want to capture every house and every room, and they need to open the way with grenades or grenades.

This may be the closest battle between China and Japan in terms of strength. It does not require accurate marksmanship or high military quality, as long as you are not afraid of death!

Some people say that the strength of the Japanese army is superior even in such a battle. They have aircraft and cannons, and they can bomb indiscriminately!
But so what?Yes, the invaders are very powerful, but even if they can blow up 5000 households and 20000 houses in Taierzhuang, the ruins are still there.

If they want to occupy the ground positions, they still need to attack one ruin after another, not to mention that they really don't have the ability to turn all the houses into rubble.

If there is a country in this world that can raze a city to the ground, it is really not Japan, but Japan's enemy, that is, after this war turned into a world war, the "little boy" and "fat man" Voted to the so-called lighthouse country in Japan.

Although most of Wang Laomao and the others heard that the battle was fierce not far away from them, they finally controlled themselves not to look over there.

It's not that they don't want to watch it, but that they can't. The reason is because of Hu Zhuzi.

Everyone had already discussed it when they came out, and this time they came out to find Shang Zhen, regardless of how their own (referring to friendly troops) fought.

But it's not easy to really make up your mind to do this!
Those who can play ball see others leaping and leaping on the court, but they themselves become spectators, so it is itchy to fight back, not to mention these people are fighters!
The soldiers came to participate in the battle, not to be spectators. Even when there was a loud cluster grenade explosion from the front right, all of their faces twitched!

Amidst the huge explosion, broken bricks and tiles were even blown away and hit the house they were in, making a "dang-dang" sound from the broken walls.

They seemed to see the soldiers of their own group, and they were blown to pieces like bricks and tiles. Of course, there were more broken limbs and arms of the invaders.

Among them, Hu Zhuzi especially couldn't bear it, Hu Zhuzi had an addiction to fighting!
Although they are not fighting now, they may fight the Japanese army at any time, so how can they be half-hearted?
But Hu Zhuzi was still a little absent-minded. If he was a rabbit, his ears would definitely be perked up, constantly listening to the fighting situation of the friendly army on the other side.

The others also want to know the battle situation on the other side, but because of Hu Zhuzi's unconsciousness, they have to be conscious. They can't be the same as Hu Zhuzi, they are afraid of provoking Hu Zhuzi again.

Hu Zhuzi belongs to the tiger, but fortunately the others are loyal to their duties.

But even so, Wang Laomao and the others had to stop advancing when they entered the fourth house, just because they found that there were Japanese soldiers in the house in front of them.

"What should we do?" Qiu Bo asked Old Mao Wang.

Before Old Mao Wang could answer, Hu Zhuzi answered, "Call me!"

"Slap your grandma! If you don't obey me again, we will tie you up and shut you up, don't you believe it?" Old Mao Wang was really anxious when he saw Hu Zhuzi's tiger face, and he even regretted taking Hu Zhuzi with him. Out!
Hu Zhuzi habitually wanted to talk back, but then he habitually glanced around, so he saw the angry eyes of the veterans.

Hu Zhuzi didn't want to be beaten again, but he still muttered in a low voice: "If Shang Zhen is here, he can lead us to fight!"

"Fart!" Old Mao Wang scolded, "If we don't find Shang Zhen, who will take you to beat him?"

After Wang Laomao said this, Hu Zhuzi finally remained silent.

When people were not fighting, they actually discussed it in private, saying that this tiger pillar belonged to a dog, that kind of vicious dog, only recognizes its own master, and bites everyone else!
"Wait a little longer, let us disperse our people, and keep an eye on the devils in front. I guess that the devils on the other side are beaten so hard, and the little devils here will probably get over with their troops." Old Mao Wang analyzed.

The soldiers dispersed inside and outside the house. They could not hide in the doors and windows of the house and look at the opposite side. In that case, the target would be too obvious and might be exposed.

After another 5 minutes, Bai Zhan came in from outside the house and reported, "Old Uncle Wang is right. I saw more than a dozen devils going there."

Old Mao Wang couldn't help but frowned, and after a while he finally asked: "Our people—"

"Gu Man and Gu Bing have followed, and the Gu Man grenade is far enough away!" Bai Zhan replied quickly, obviously, he had already guessed what Wang Laomao meant by hesitating.

That's just as Wang Laomao analyzed, the Japanese army sent people to support it when they saw the death squads of the national army attacking too fiercely.

Although Wang Laomao had made up his mind to only find Shang Zhen this time, how could he bear seeing the Japanese army sending reinforcements there?
This is really unbearable!

If they didn't find out that the Japanese army had passed by, that's fine, but the Japanese army went to sneak attack on their own death squad right under their noses. Know how many people will die!
To say a thousand words and ten thousand, a soldier is a soldier, and when it comes to the battlefield, what kind of hard heart does it take to put yourself out of the world!

As for Bai Zhan's claim that Gu Man and Gu Bing followed, they must have gone to sneak attack those Japanese troops.

Guman was tall and strong, so he should be able to find a suitable position and throw grenades over the heads of those Japanese soldiers across a few houses.

And with the cover of the ruins of the house, the Japanese army should not notice where the grenade flew past. After all, those walls that are still standing will block the Japanese army's sight.

As for how many Japanese soldiers could be killed by Guman's grenade throwing, it is unknown, even Guman himself, the bomber himself, is unlikely to know.

But no matter what, it will kill a few Japanese soldiers, and by the way, remind the friendly troops, so that Old Mao Wang and the others will feel at ease.

"Hey, why didn't they call me when they went to fight the devils?" Hu Zhuzi's restless heart immediately became active when he heard that Gu Man and Gu Bing were going to fight the devils.

But before Hu Zhuzi could say anything else, Ma Tianfang reprimanded from the sidelines: "What can you do if you don't say anything? If you don't say anything, no one will sell you as dumb!"

When Hu Zhuzi heard Ma Tian's training, he was unhappy again, but he glanced at the people around him and finally said airily: "You are just an arm, so I am too lazy to talk to you!"

Ma Tianfang knew that it was impossible to get entangled with a bastard like Hu Zhuzi, so when he saw that Hu Zhuzi didn't move, he gave him a look and he didn't speak anymore.

"Everyone pay attention to observe and see how many devils are left in the opposite house. It's best to kill them without making a sound. It's still some time before dark. We'd better get behind the devils." Old Mao Wang ordered again.

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