The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1149 Forbearance and Unbearable

Chapter 1149 Forbearance and Unbearable

As if the enemy and us were tired from fighting, at a certain moment on a certain day, the sound of the explosion in Taierzhuang finally subsided, and nothing happened in the streets and alleys except for the lying dead bodies.

However, it is conceivable that the vital forces of both the enemy and the enemy are hiding in the ruins of the houses, and the situation is like two tired wild cats in the forest.

They bit each other's scales and bruises, but they couldn't deal a fatal blow to each other after all. They panted and calmed down, but their blue eyes were all staring at each other tightly.

Who cares which side moves, regardless of whether it is a claw or a bite, then the next battle will break out again.

In one house a young Chinese soldier was leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette.

It's just that when he smokes, he just takes a shallow puff and spits out the smoke. If he smokes without entering the lungs, he will be spit out immediately, commonly known as "passing the hall smoke".

So, this soldier was tinkering with cigarettes for the first time.

"Smoke if you can, don't smoke if you can't, it's a waste!" A veteran sitting next to him stretched out his hand dissatisfied and snatched most of the pack of cigarettes from the soldier's hand.

"Then maybe I'll die soon, and I haven't smoked yet!" The young soldier replied dissatisfiedly, and then opened his mouth to spit out the cigarette.

He would not let the smoke come out of his nostrils again.

He tried it just now, and it was too choking. At that time, in order to avoid coughing, he hurriedly covered his mouth and nose with his sleeve. It was fine if the sleeve was dirty, but to avoid making a sound, he almost Suffocate him to death!

"Fuck, there are so many things you haven't done, why don't I find you a kiln sister now?" the veteran joked.

"Stop talking nonsense about you!" The young soldier blushed immediately when he heard that, "I have a daughter-in-law at home, but I just haven't been married!"

The young soldier's words attracted the attention of the other two soldiers in the same room. The two looked at each other, and one of them whispered to the other: "Damn it, you are blind to that arrogant unmarried daughter-in-law." I don’t know who will be the cheapest in the end!”

He thought he was very humorous, but the companion who listened to him didn't like it and whispered to him: "Why are you talking so badly!"

The soldier who thought he was humorous fell silent.

Of course he also understood that it was inappropriate to say such things at this time, so he didn't dare to say it loudly. Besides, everyone is now a brother who lives and dies together. If people are serious at this sensitive time, troubles may arise!

If he said it out loud, maybe someone below would answer the conversation. Who is cheaper than the unmarried daughter-in-law?If the cheap one is picked up by someone from another country, then it’s okay to say, but if it’s damned—what the hell, right, it’s a time of war!
If the officer knew that he dared to say this at such a time, he would definitely be the first to rush up with the cluster grenade!

At this time, the young soldier was already talking about other things with the veteran.

"Didn't the company commander say that we have surrounded the Japanese devils now, so why can't we fight them?" The young soldier asked the veteran again.

"What's the use of our army alone? It's good if we can hold on now, what can we do if the other troops outside don't work hard?" The veteran was also helpless.

"Then why don't the troops outside work hard?" The young soldier was puzzled.

"Yeah, why don't the troops outside work hard?" The old soldier repeated and said angrily, "If you ask me, who should I ask?"

Seeing that the veteran was a little angry, the young soldier fell silent.

"It's not because the army outside belongs to the Central Army. They have to wait for us to fight and lose both before reaching out." A soldier in the corner gave the answer.

"Then we have to fight here all the time, we won't go up if we don't die?" The young soldier really didn't understand.

"Just say what you say," said the soldier who gave the answer.

All of a sudden, the soldiers in the room became angry, and the voices in the room became a little louder, and finally alarmed their company commander in another room.

"Shut up, you can fight your battle well, as if we don't need to use the battlefield now!" The company commander reprimanded, so the soldiers all shut up.

Today's soldiers are easy to manage if they want to talk about management. Anyway, everything is under the command of the commander.

If the officer tells you to fight, then fight, and if the officer tells you to withdraw, then withdraw.

It is a death for them to stand firm in this Taierzhuang, that is, if they start to fight back, can they guarantee that they will not die?
The so-called change of dynasties, prosperity, the people suffer, death, the people also suffer.

As for war, if you win, the soldiers die, and if you lose, the soldiers also die.

And what can support the soldiers to risk their lives to fight can only be simple patriotic enthusiasm and hatred for the invaders.

Soon a messenger came, and their company needed to go into battle again.

After the silence, the Taierzhuang battle broke out again.

For Taierzhuang, it is like a shortened version of the vicissitudes of life. There is a house that was originally intact. During the battle, even the broken walls were blown up and turned into rubble again.

However, as far as the place where the battle first took place in the north of Taierzhuang, there is no change in the collapsed city wall and the houses that have been bombed. Of course, it is because the fighting has developed in depth in Taierzhuang and there is no more fighting here.

But when bricks and stones were flying in other places, in a dilapidated building where you can see the collapsed north wall of Taierzhuang, Wang Laomao was already talking to the soldiers: "I know you are all holding back!" There is a lot of fire, but we are here to find Shang boy this time, so we have to see if we can find Shang boy, shall we?"

When Old Mao Wang said this, his eyes turned to the pair of calves protruding from under the rubble again, and the soldiers naturally looked over, and everyone's expressions were not good, yes, not good, yes They have been hiding here for three days and three nights and they have been bad all the time, not that they have become bad from a certain moment.

The face represents the mood, which means that they are not in a good mood.

It's really no wonder Wang Laomao and the others are in a bad mood for anyone. Every day at dawn, they see the brother who belongs to their Northeast Army sleeping under the rubble.

It would be fine if that brother was completely suppressed by the pile of rubble without leaving any traces, but those calves were exposed!

As long as Old Mao and the others look forward, it is impossible not to see that brother's legs.

In order to find the Japanese soldiers who might come here, they always have to look ahead, so they always see the pair of calves and the sole of one foot whose sole is about to fall off.

That brother must have been lying there, as if he was shooting at the invaders at Guanshan, which was guarding the Chinese, or fell on the way of charging at the invaders with a gun.

Undoubtedly, even though he had sacrificed, it was also a fighting posture, so even though he had sacrificed, he seemed to remind Wang Laomao and the others to fight the enemy all the time.

Seeing an image familiarly during the day will be imprinted in their minds, so that when they close their eyes at night, they will think of the soles of the feet facing forward.

This impression was so deep that when he fell asleep last night, Hu Zhuzi was talking in his sleep. What he said was, "Brothers, go, hit the little devil!"

Fortunately, there were explosions in other places in Taierzhuang, and fortunately, Ma Tianfang, who was lying next to Hu Zhuzi, was still asleep. Ma Tianfang was so frightened that when he turned over, he used his remaining hand to gag Hu Zhuzi's mouth. up!
Didn't the soldiers know that they were looking for Shang Zhen this time, but the brother who died under the rubble made them feel like a stick in their throats, and they always felt that if they didn't do something for that brother, they would be in a panic !

Soldiers also have reason, but if it is said that with reason, they can overcome the emotional impulse, are they called soldiers?It is the job of an official to use reason to overcome emotion!

So, this thing that actually wanted to do something but knew not to be impulsive fell on the head of the current commander, Old Hat Wang!
His grandma has such legs, Shang Zhen, you little bastard, where are you?It's really not easy to be an official. How can this be done by people!
Wang Laomao could only use his own way to persuade the soldiers while scolding Shang Zhen.

They have been hiding in this dilapidated house for three days and three nights without leaving home. Although the veterans, even Hu Zhuzi, know how to bear it, but Old Mao Wang knows that if things go on like this, let alone the soldiers, they will not be able to bear it. I can't help it anymore.

But, where is Shang Zhen's little bastard?
For the past three days, the sound of gunfire and explosions was concentrated in the northeast corner of Taierzhuang. As for the other directions, they really didn't hear any movement. Could it be that Shang Zhen wasn't in Taierzhuang?

How about taking these people tonight and hitting those little devils with the captured grenades, and then run away!

Old Mao Wang felt that he had already done his best to find Shang Zhen, if he continued to rely on this, he might have to throw all these boys here!
(End of this chapter)

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