The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 127 The Early Morning Change

Chapter 127 The Early Morning Change
As the sky was getting brighter, Shang Zhen and the others hid behind the boulders.

They didn't sleep all night, but they were all watching Qiu Bo.

It is unbelievable to say that they climbed just to the end of the ridge that night.

They have two fears.Afraid of accidentally falling off a mountain ridge or falling into a stone pit.

The rocks on the mountain ridge and the rocks on the hill have the same strange shapes, and they need to be climbed constantly, and where there are climbs, there are places that need to go up and down. You have to be careful during the day and think about it in the dark. How can it be so easy to pass?

What's more, their second fear was immediately involved. They couldn't make any movement yet, because they were afraid that the Japanese army hiding in the dark would suddenly shoot at them.

They touched it from the ridge to the other side of the mountain in the dark, but no matter the Chinese or the Japanese, they all have hands and feet. Who can guarantee that the Japanese soldier will not touch them?
If the Japanese soldier came over there in the dark, after they made a noise, they would kill several of them with just one grenade.

Although, they didn't know if the Japanese cavalry had grenades.

These two fears are fatal, as long as one is wrong, it will be forever.

But why they are all looking at Qiu Bo now is because Qiu Bo is doing one of the most important things, whether they can kill the Japanese soldier hiding in the dark depends on Qiu Bo.

Qiu Bo looked at Shang Zhen beside him.

Shang Zhen was shivering in the cold wind of early winter, the reason why he was shivering was because he was not wearing a military uniform now!

It's the beginning of winter now, and military uniforms are cotton-padded clothes, that is to say, their clothes are just a cotton-padded jacket. It definitely doesn't mean that there is a cotton-padded jacket inside and a single coat on the outside.

Not wearing a military uniform means that Shang Zhen is only wearing a pair of big pants now, and his body like a small hemp stick is already shirtless!

Although Shang Zhen thinks he is fatter than before, his ribs are still clearly visible now that he is almost naked.

And his skin has already formed a layer of fine pimples, which are from being frozen.

Moreover, not only is Shang Zhen such an aunt now, but Erhanzi and Hu Zhuzi also only wear big underpants like Shang Zhen.

It’s just that in this situation, none of them laughed, because they wanted to survive, and they didn’t want to be shot and killed by the Japanese soldier hiding in the dark. All the efforts they made to survive should not be laughed at.

At this time, Shang Zhen saw Qiu Bo looking at him, so he nodded.

So Qiu Bo, who was lying on the edge of the boulder, pushed a "person" he was holding forward.

Yes, that was a human being, a dummy.

Where did Shang Zhen's clothes go?Their clothes have become dummies in Qiu Bo's hands!

Now the sky is getting brighter. If they used a bayonet to reveal a hat, they don't know if the Japanese army who doesn't know where to hide can see it. A hat is too small as a false target!
So Shang Zhen thought of being a dummy.

But on such a rocky mountain, where can they find materials for making dummies?

Shang Zhen donated his cotton-padded jacket and trousers, but it was just the skin of a dummy, which still needs to be stuffed inside.

It cannot be said that there is no grass growing on the stone mountain, but it is already early winter, so how can the sticky bushes pretend to be flesh?
Ever since, Erhanzi and Hu Zhuzi's cotton-padded clothes and trousers were also donated, which happened to be stuffed into Shang Zhen's cotton-padded trousers to make a dummy.

The reason for using the cotton padded clothes of the three of them is reasonable.

Shang Zhen is thin, and his cotton padded jacket is also thin, so he needs the least stuffing.

Er Hanzi and Hu Zhuzi are physically strong, they are more likely to suffer from the cold, and they are less likely to catch a cold if they are naked.

And now the place where they chose to use the dummy was also selected. In front of it was a large gap several meters long on the mountain ridge. If the Japanese soldier was on the opposite high point, he should be able to see it.

Shang Zhen and the others were going to use this method to catch the Japanese soldier like fishing.

Of course, they can also choose to go straight forward without such trouble, but the problem is that at dawn, the Japanese soldier will see them, and they will bear the risk of being attacked by the Japanese soldier.

For the little lives of people like myself, there is nothing he can't bear!

Qiu Bo pushed the dummy forward slowly, and besides Shang Zhen and Qiu Bo, the other people were hiding behind different rocks, and the index finger of the right hand holding the gun was already on the trigger. Hanzi and Hu Zhuzi also made an oval grenade from the Japanese army, and the pin of the grenade has been pulled out.

God knows where the Japanese soldier is, I hope they don't get too close, as long as they see the Japanese soldier, everything will be easy.

The reason why they didn't dare to continue to rush out yesterday was because they never found out where the Japanese soldier was.

And this time they have found this position, as soon as they find the Japanese soldier, they can gang up and beat him up!

"Don't let me down, you bastard, come out quickly!" Shang Zhen, who was wearing big pants and holding his flower organ, muttered in a low voice.

The trick of using a dummy is really weird. If this trick is successful, it is a good move. If it does not succeed, it is a bad idea. As a leader, he is also under pressure, and at the same time he has to bear the low temperature. torment.

It's just that the idea is beautiful, but the reality may not be as good as it is. Qiu Bo has already pushed the upper body of the dummy out, but the Japanese gunshots still haven't sounded.

Qiu Bo could only turn his head to look at Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen trembled, he thought for a while, and then held the gun with his left hand. He squatted down and picked up a fist-sized stone with his right hand.

Shang Zhen touched the stone just to make some noise.

It was just dawn, and the Japanese army could see the dummy but they couldn't see it clearly. As soon as the Japanese army showed up, it would be easy for Shang Zhen and the others to determine the location of that guy!
But before Shang Zhen could throw this piece out, the "hissing" sound they were familiar with yesterday suddenly came from behind them, and then there was a booming explosion, and the Japanese army's attack on the hill began again.

This time their pressure has increased again. If they cannot enter the mountain from the ridge as soon as possible, the Japanese army will catch up from behind.

Shang Zhen continued to shake his upper and lower teeth, but he didn't throw the stone. Now that the explosion was too loud, he only threw the stone to attract the Japanese soldier's attention.

The explosion was too loud, and it was useless for him to throw rocks now.

Shang Zhen waited for a while, and the explosion finally stopped. No need to ask, at this time, the Japanese army had already climbed down the hill from the hill.

But just when Shang Zhen was about to throw the stone out with a clang, the gunshot rang out.And it's just one shot!
A bullet had already hit the dummy that Qiu Bo pushed out, and the ejected bullet went nowhere, but the broken stone chips still splashed on Qiu Bo's face.

And just at the sound of the gunshot, the soldiers of the Northeast Army who were hiding behind the stones all appeared in unison. Of course, those with guns pointed their muzzles forward, while Hu Zhuzi and Erhanzi At the same time, he knocked the copper cap on the grenade with a stone beside him and threw the grenade out.

"There!" "He he he", the flower mechanism in Qian Chuan'er's hand rang.

Due to distraction, Shang Zhen came out a little late, he didn't see where the Japanese soldier was hiding, but the flower mechanism in Qian Chuan'er's hand shot a bullet and hit a big rock more than [-] meters away, causing sparks to fly everywhere .

This is the best indicator target. There is no doubt that the Japanese soldier is hiding behind that big rock.

At this time, there were two explosions of "boom" and "boom". It was Erhanzi and Hu Zhuzi who threw grenades and exploded, but the grenades they threw didn't explode next to the big rock. One was thrown wide, and one was thrown far.

"Oh, where did you throw it!" Old Mao Wang complained.

Shang Zhen didn't complain, but he just threw the stone out of his hand.

In the morning light, all of them saw that the small stone was hitting the big stone where the Japanese soldier was hiding, and then fell down.

At this moment, all of them heard a loud "ah" from the front, and then the Japanese soldier jumped out from behind the boulder!

Erhanzi and Hong Zhuzi threw the two grenades away. Although the Japanese soldier was not hit, the Japanese soldier also became a frightened bird.

Shang Zhen's stone happened to hit him again, and in the panic, the Japanese soldier thought that the grenade fell from his head, so he jumped up from behind the big stone.

Hades wants you to die in the third watch, who would dare to stay until the fifth watch?The fate of the Japanese soldier finally arrived.

"He he he", "crack", "crack", there was a mess of gunshots, although the figure of the Japanese soldier was only a flash, but now there are more than a dozen people staring at him, the Japanese soldier staggered Then he fell down.

"Rush up!" Old Mao Wang yelled and ran forward, followed by everyone, and Qiu Bo hadn't forgotten to drag the dummy made out of cotton-padded clothes and trousers!

That dummy can't be left behind, Shang Zhen and the others still need to wear clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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