Chapter 1320 A Difficult Opponent ([-])
For a while, the battlefield fell into a stalemate.

The Japanese troops in the distance did not come to reinforce them. It seemed that this group of Japanese troops were really just scouts, and their large troops had not arrived yet.

But the Japanese army who hid behind the mound was also ruthless. The guy used the cover of the mound to ignore Shang Zhen's shooting on the top of the mountain. The group of soldiers of the Northeast Army.

Shang Zhen couldn't figure out how many Japanese gunmen were still on the open ground, so he wouldn't let his side attack rashly.

So the open battle turned into a secret battle again. Both the enemy and the enemy hid in hiding places and carefully searched for the possible location of the other party, hoping to kill with one blow.

Shang Zhen's troops were in a stalemate with the Japanese army here, but he didn't know that a dialogue was taking place behind his own front at this time.

"Brigade Commander, you can't send all the guards out to fight devils!" The one who spoke was the timid Wang Qingfeng.

Wang Qingfeng was about to say, you sent out Shang Zhen's guard company, so what do you need the guard company for?
Wang Qingfeng felt that what she said was justified.

Just now some soldiers ran back and reported that they found the Japanese army at the previous stone mountain, and Shang Zhen and the others were shooting at the enemy.

That soldier ran back from the same platoon that had been sent out for reinforcements.

According to his report, more than a dozen of their platoons were killed. The Japanese devils' marksmanship was very accurate. After they were shot, they were all killed by one shot. The bullet either hit the back of the heart or hit it directly. head on.

But they didn't know where those little devils were hiding.

The brigade commander Liu Chengyi ordered Wang Laomao to bring the guard company for reinforcements.

Chief of Staff Li Xiang also disagrees with this. It is wrong for the brigade commander to go to the front line in person, so how can he send all the brigade's security forces to the front line?
To say that Li Xiang's view is also correct.

According to the order above, this time not only their 337th Brigade, but also the entire 51st Army were deployed along the north-south line of the Baisha River.

One can imagine how long a river is. The 51st Army is a tired division and has not been replenished. The depth of this flat defensive position is definitely not enough, so the various units of the 51st Army are sprinkled on the ground like sesame salt. Shahe line.

Because of this, the brigade headquarters of the 337th Brigade only had the guard company as its defense force except for the front-line positions.

Then if the Japanese army infiltrates in, wouldn't the brigade headquarters be in danger?

It's just that Li Xiang didn't know Liu Chengyi's temper. He winked at Wang Qingfeng just now.

Wang Qingfeng also knew that what he said at this time was afraid that he would offend his brother-in-law, the brigade commander, but he was really afraid of death!
"You know a fart, you don't have a place to talk!" Sure enough, Liu Chengyi scolded him, "If you push me, go to the front line!"

Just Liu Chengyi's words made Wang Qingfeng shut up.

After a while, Liu Chengyi slowed down and said, "Didn't I leave two platoons for the brigade?
Besides, what are you talking about now that the brigade headquarters is safe or not, so what if we throw all of our 51st Army here?
Originally, this battle was not easy to fight, and we just tried to hold back the Japanese army as much as possible to create conditions for the entire battle situation.

Don't look at Shang Zhen and the others as security guards, but you have to admit that they still have a way of beating devils.

Good steel should be used on the blade.

We can let a few little devils take away the spirit of the whole brigade just by beating us?
So they have to go! "

When Liu Chengyi said this, his tone of voice rose again unknowingly, and he still didn't forget to take a look at Li Xiang after he finished speaking.

Liu Chengyi didn't know what Li Xiang was thinking, but Li Xiang was his chief of staff after all, so he couldn't be impatient with Li Xiang, and it turned out that his brother-in-law who was afraid of death had to rush forward to be scolded by him.

Seeing that Liu Chengyi had made up his mind, Wang Qingfeng was disappointed.

According to his original thinking, although he said that he had a grudge against Shang Zhen and his group, he had to admit that they beat devils very well, and if Shang Zhen was the commander of the guard company, wouldn't it be the best for the brigade department? Great bodyguard?But in the blink of an eye, how could he be on the front line again!

But at this time, contrary to Wang Qingfeng's disappointment, Old Mao Wang and his group of veterans who were running forward at this time were already smiling.

"Obviously they hunt with shotguns, so we must be the masters, hehe." Qian Chuan'er was still muttering, but there was unconcealed pride in his eyes.

"You said we won't come back after we go, let's fight devils like before?" said Hu Zhuzi.

"Fuck, this tiger can see that it's good to throw it!" Old Mao Wang scolded with a smile.

Hu Zhuzi then followed "hehe".

At this time, they have a feeling that the sky is high and the birds are flying.

"Okay, hurry up, it won't be easy to fight when it gets dark!" Old Mao Wang said in a loud voice.

So, these people rushed down from the mountain like the wind.

Only a few minutes later, Old Mao Wang and the others all lay down on the open ground.

Not far from them was a soldier of the Northeast Army who had died in a pool of blood. That soldier was hit by a black gun from the Japanese army on the way back to the main position.

"There are not many devils in front, that is, three or five, but their marksmanship is too accurate, and we don't know where they are hiding. Our people can't rush up, and the people from your guard company are on the top of the mountain." Some soldiers began to talk to Wang Laomao. Introduce the battlefield situation.

"How are your casualties?" Wang Laomao asked.

"Half of the platoon was beaten, and the platoon leader was in the front, and he was also killed." The soldier said.

"Where is the devil you said you found?" Old Mao Wang asked again.

"Did you see, the dirt bag in front is hiding behind that, we were planning to rush up, but your people stopped us and didn't let us go up.

The devil's marksmanship is so damn accurate. "The soldier said again.

Their platoon suffered so many casualties but they had nothing to do with those few Japanese troops, which really discouraged him.

"It's blocked by that little dirt bag, or our company commander would have killed him long ago!" Wang Laomao said angrily, and at the same time he was looking at the terrain ahead.

After a while, Old Mao Wang asked again: "You said there are still devils ahead?"

"There must be, and the marksmanship is equally accurate." The soldier replied.

"No matter how accurate it is, what's the matter? It seems that our marksmanship is not accurate, isn't it just that we can't see those shitty cats now?" Old Mao Wang didn't think so, and after only a moment, he had an idea. .

"If we fight like this, we'll all shoot for cover in a while. You, Qiao Xiong, and He Xiang, the rice shovel, ran there—see that?" Old Mao Wang pointed to a mound [-] meters ahead, "It's sure to blow up the dirt there." The little devil behind the package is dead, you blow up that little devil for me.

It's over, as long as the small cannon can go to any place where people can hide, let me use the small cannon to blow it up.

Even if we can't blow them up, we can drive them out. This trick is called 'wrapping grass and beating rabbits'! "

(End of this chapter)

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