Chapter 1331
"嗡 (wéng) 嗡 (wéng)", no one thought that when Hou Wangshan rushed to the ridge, there would be such a movement, that um is an onomatopoeia to describe the sound!
"What are you buzzing?" Gu Man looked at the front and subconsciously pressed his 1.9-meter tall man down.

"The brain is humming!" Hou Kanshan sighed.

Therefore, not only Guman Gu Bing understood, but also Fan Chanchan, He Xiangcai and Qiao Xiong understood.

They rushed up the ridge panting, and naturally had a panoramic view of the situation ahead.

This end is also a line of low mountains. They rushed up from the slope of the reverse slope, so they were standing on the top of the mountain.

Unsurprisingly, this side is naturally a gentle hillside, and at the end of the hillside, that is, at the foot of the mountain, there is a valley area, but it is an open land, and there is a line of low mountains on the opposite side, and there is the defense of their Northeast Army The position is up.

Those of them rushing to the top of the mountain are only half of the journey back to their own position. They still need to rush down the hillside and cross the open field again to reach their own position.

In this way, they had to start a fight with the Japanese army in this open area who was attacking their own position or preparing to bury their attacking their own position.

However, if that's all it is, it's all expected.

But the trouble is that there is a small hill in the middle of the open land. The hill should be a stone with not much green vegetation on it.

That's stupid thinking, the Japanese army is attacking their own position on the opposite side, so they will definitely use that stone mountain as a "springboard".

The Japanese army must have occupied there to provide fire cover for their own attacking troops.

And now that their group rushed over, the Japanese army only needed to turn the muzzles of the light and heavy machine guns on the commanding heights of the stone mountain, and they rushed to the open ground and became living targets for the Japanese army!

"What's the point of humming? Are we here from Gaha?" Gu Bing said when several people were a little discouraged by the unexpected terrain.

"That's right, we're here!" Hou Kanshan repeated, and the voice was already eager.

Yes, why are the six of them here?Wasn't it because Shang Zhen also considered that they didn't know anything about the situation on the other side of the mountain, so he asked them to come forward!

But now, regardless of the fact that they only hesitated for a moment when they saw the unfavorable terrain, they turned around and Shang Zhen and they were already approaching the ridge, but they just split into two groups and did not reach the same position.

At this time, the Japanese soldiers appeared on the open ground in front of them, and there were Japanese soldiers rushing towards them from the bottom of the bald mountain.

However, it seems that there are not many people, that is, about 30 to [-] people. Perhaps the Japanese soldiers have not figured out what happened to the artillery positions behind them until now.

"Gu Man, Gu Bing, you two follow me, let's go down to attract the firepower of the little devil, Qiao Xiong, you three go around and blow up the firepower of that little devil on the bald mountain!" Hou Kanshan gave the order .

At least among the few of them, Hou Wangshan was the first to follow Shang Zhen, so whatever he said counted.

Among Shang Zhen's group, Qiao Xiong's grenadier was the best. Shang Zhen sent Qiao Xiong here out of the consideration of knocking out the Japanese army's firepower.

As for Gu Man and Gu Bing, now Gu Man is carrying the only light machine gun in their group.

No matter how Shang Zhen allocates his troops, he always makes the best use of them, so at this time, it is useless to be surprised. There is a saying that is good, you will not die if you are not afraid of death, so go ahead. !

Hou Wangshan, Gu Man, and Gu Bing ran down the mountain under the cover of the trees on the mountain.

To say that their only advantage here is that there are woods here.

It is precisely because of the existence of those trees that at least for the time being, the three of them have not been discovered by the Japanese army. Otherwise, Gu Man, who is almost two meters tall, wouldn't he be the best candidate for a gun?

It's just that they didn't engage with the Japanese army for the time being, but Shang Zhen was already shooting.

As for the reasons, one, there were no trees on Shang Zhen's side, and the Japanese soldiers rushing from the opposite side were not blind.Two, the few of them were so delayed just now, they didn't leave Shang Zhen and the others very far, and Shang Zhen and the others arrived first, but they were discovered by the Japanese army as soon as they got up the ridge.

As a result, the current result was formed. The Japanese army did not discover the cover, but the main force was discovered first.

To put it more bluntly, that is, Shang Zhen is Hou Wangshan's chief, and the mission assigned to them by the chief was not completed, and then the chief put a cover for them.

If this was changed to an ordinary anti-Japanese soldier, he would definitely think, what a shame, how could there be such a cover?So why don't you rush into battle?
But those were ordinary anti-Japanese fighters, not veterans like Hou Wangshan.

Hou Wangshan was also anxious, but he was in a hurry to lead Gu Man and Gu Bing towards the Japanese army under the cover of those trees.

Ordinary people, let’s talk about ordinary people here, count 200 to 30 seconds to run [-] meters, [-] seconds to run [-] meters, and go to the Japanese army at the speed of Hou Kanshan, Guman, and Gu Bing, how slow can it be? go?
In a short time, they were less than a hundred meters away from the group of Japanese soldiers who were shooting at Shang Zhen and the others while approaching them.

The terrain outside the woods was open, and Shang Zhen's men were very accurate with their marksmanship, those Japanese soldiers were knocked down several times just after they confronted Shang Zhen, so they also wanted to enter this woods as a cover.

"Stop!" Hou Kanshan whispered and waved his hands, Gu Man and Gu Bing stopped after a "swipe", and the three of them took a tree as a cover and hid with guns in both hands.

They could no longer go forward, and the trees in front of them would not be dense, and they had to fight the Japanese army directly when they went out.

The reason why Hou Wangshan didn't go into battle immediately was because the three of them were not discovered by the Japanese army and planned to surprise the Japanese army?
And this is also adhering to the combat principles of Shang Zhen and his group of veterans - covertly engage the enemy, use full firepower, and kill with one blow!

Those Japanese soldiers ran forward for a while and stopped in the woods, and did not run inside.

The Japanese army just wanted to use the trees as cover to shoot at Shang Zhen and the others, so why did they run into the woods?They won't be able to see Shang Zhen and the others if they run any longer, so what's the point of fighting?They Japanese soldiers will not be deserters.

It's just that these Japanese soldiers didn't know that three Chinese soldiers were very close to them!
At this time, the disfigured face of Hou Wangshan who was hiding behind the tree became more ferocious. He turned his face from side to side and exchanged glances with Gu Man and Gu Bing, and then thought In the same time, they came out from behind the tree at the same time.

"Crack", "crack" and "snap", three people, with three long and short guns, fired at the Japanese army.

(End of this chapter)

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