The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1336 The Death of a Soldier

Chapter 1336 Death of a Soldier ([-])

"He Xiangcai was killed when we fired heavy machine guns on the mountain.

We fired up all the grenades, and took advantage of the chaos to reach the foot of the mountain. I fired the heavy machine gun, and Fan Chanchan supplied the ammunition. He Xiangcai shot the Japanese devils who were rushing up from the bottom with the gun, and he was shot. "

There was a short soldier who was talking about it, and what he said was very simple, straightforward and without exaggeration, but at least in the impression of veterans like Shang Zhen and the others, he had spoken the most, because he was Qiao Xiong.

He Xiangcai, a borrower from Liuyang, Hunan Province, became a member of Shang Zhen's Northeast Army team by accident, but now he died in battle.

In the silence, someone spoke, and it was Chen Hanwen: "Xiao He has been with us for several years. If it weren't for the war, who would have thought that you boys from Hunan would join the Northeast Army?
But all of us Northeast people will remember him, if the devils are driven away, we still have people alive—”

After all, Chen Hanwen was different. He only said three sentences in total, but the tone of these three sentences was very different.

The first sentence seems to be telling a story. A Hunanese has followed the Northeast for several years. If it weren't for this damn war, what would the Hunanese go to the Northeast Army for?

The second sentence means that we Northeast people value friendship, and we will remember this Hunan girl who was out of reach with them but who lived and died together.

It's just that he would have another twist in the third sentence, and made a whole sentence "If the devils are beaten away, we will still be alive", but it was He Xiang who thought of all of them, which was predictable In the future, just his words made everyone's mood even more depressed, not to mention a silent sigh from him.

"What the hell--" Old Man Wang stretched out his hand angrily and pointed at Chen Hanwen, but he didn't say what he said after all.

He wanted to say, Chen Hanwen, why are you so out of breath when you speak so frankly? He thought to himself, you have lived enough, I haven't lived enough yet, and the baby in my wife's belly will take a year or two He will call himself daddy!

However, Wang Laomao also knew that everyone was very tired now, and it was inappropriate to scold others at this time, so he forced the second half of the sentence back.

"Where's the gourd?" Shang Zhen asked again as if he didn't hear Wang Laomao was about to curse again.

"When we were rushing forward, the gourd's leg was injured by the devil, and he stayed behind to cover himself, and in the end—" This time it was Chu Tian who answered, "In the first place, we, no, originally I—"

"Stop, what's the use of talking nonsense?" Shang Zhen, who had always paid attention to the way he talked to soldiers, suddenly interrupted Chu Tian's words in a very rude tone.

Just because he usually pays attention to the way he talks to others, now what he said to Chu Tian must be regarded as serious. Chu Tian blushed and lowered his head in silence.

Besieged by the enemy in battle, a companion or a brother is injured, whether to save this brother is always a topic of debate.

The affirmative said that the wounded must be rescued. If the wounded are not rescued, it will hurt morale. It is a great truth to say that the anti-Japanese war is preserved. Would you risk your life with the officer again?

On the contrary, if you know that you will not be able to save them, you still go to save them. Is it useful to save one, two, three or even more?You can continue to fight devils if you survive, right?
From a rational point of view, the opposite argument seems to be correct, but the problem is that people are emotional animals. If people are not emotional animals, how can they be angered by the atrocities of the invaders and how can they risk their lives to beat devils?

Shang Zhen didn't want to discuss with Chu Tian such a question that had no answer at all. As an officer, he had to consider that most people survived, and he had to consider the battle loss ratio.

There were more than 40 people when they came out, and now eight of them were killed. Although Shang Zhen was heartbroken for the dead, he was secretly grateful in his heart.

And then, the soldiers who knew the situation of the few dead also spoke up.

Jiang Qizhu and Wu Zhengna were also veterans who had been following Shang Zhen. Among their group, they were usually the taciturn ones. The two of them were shot and killed by the Japanese army behind when they were rushing back.

In the situation at that time, in order to avoid being hit by the Japanese army that appeared at the high point at any time, Shang Zhen's entire team had already dispersed.

As for who was hit by the Japanese army, it is normal, it all depends on personal luck, if it wasn't for Qiao Xiongfan and He Xiangcai, who was already dead, not only blew up the heavy machine gun on the hill, but also snatched the heavy machine gun for himself If it is used, then it is entirely possible for them to wipe out the entire army this time.

The other soldiers who died in battle, Yang Zhaocai, Zhao Xiaomin, Wang Zhong, and Wang Yuejiu were all soldiers of the former guard company. At that time, the four of them ran together, which naturally attracted more bullets from the Japanese army.

At that time, there were those who were shot and fell to the ground, and some raised their guns to fight back without running away. As a result, those who raised their guns to fight back were also shot.

Shang Zhen came late and was not very familiar with the people in the original guard company, but he had a deep impression of Yang Zhaocai, but it was a pity that a good soldier died for the country again.

"What about the dead monkey? He has already gone to that rocky mountain. It stands to reason that there should be nothing else to do. Why hasn't he come back?" Old Mao Wang asked suddenly.

To say that Wang Laomao is most concerned about Hou Wangshan.

Before September [-]th, Wang Laomao served Hou Kanshan as the platoon leader. Although Hou Kanshan always regarded him as a senior officer on the surface, and they would not say those hypocritical words of friendship between them, but the two of them have long been in love with each other. Get used to each other's existence.

It's just that Old Mao Wang asked this question, who can answer him?No one could answer his question.

After they rushed through the rocky mountain, it was blocked by the rocky mountain. Except for a few Japanese soldiers who were still fighting, they could snipe at them, and they no longer had to face the enemy.

In such a situation, it stands to reason that veterans like Hou Kanshan should be able to run back.

It's just that this is just their speculation. No one has the perspective of God, so who can know what Hou Wangshan has experienced?After a battle, especially in a large-scale chaotic battle, it is normal for soldiers to disappear.

No one is alive, no one is dead, no one knows if the person is injured and hid or became a deserter and left the battlefield.

If there are still some signs of Chinese soldiers left beside the bones, such as Chinese soldiers' helmets and water bottles or something that will not rot, then the bones will be treated well, at least they will be buried in the ground for safety.

But there is no sign of it, so the final result of the bone can only be disappeared.

"How about we go back and look for it?" Qian Chuaner asked in a low voice beside him.

Shang Zhen and his gang consisted of six or seven people in the earliest days, and others could ignore it, but if something really happened to the dead monkey, Qian Chuan'er would never have the heart to ignore it.

The corner of Wang Laomao's mouth twitched and he didn't make a sound, but at this moment Shang Zhen said: "It's too late, the devil is coming up."

After Shang Zhen said this, everyone looked forward, and sure enough, the khaki figures of the Japanese army appeared in the distance again, but judging from the direction the Japanese army was moving, they should be heading for the stone mountain.

After all, that stone mountain was a "springboard" for the Japanese army to attack here. If they couldn't occupy that stone mountain, they could only launch an attack on open ground.

"Company commander, what are we going to do? Go back to the brigade headquarters?" Qiu Bo asked.

Shang Zhen glanced at Qiu Bo and didn't reply immediately, but said, "Cao Delong, bring the telescope over here."

And after he took over the binoculars, he began to observe the rocky mountain carefully, as if he didn't hear Qiu Bo's question.

So a group of soldiers in the trench also looked at the stone mountain, until the figure of the Japanese army appeared on the stone mountain.

"Boy Shang, if we don't leave, we will have to help them defend their positions." At this time, Old Mao Wang whispered into Shang Zhen's ear.

Shang Zhen put down the binoculars and glanced at Old Mao Wang, but said in a low voice, "Old Uncle Wang, do you think that dead monkey will be among the dead again?"

(End of this chapter)

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