Chapter 1350 Missed Opportunity
The Japanese soldier who almost entered the yard left, but the Japanese officer who came out of the house was still there.

"***" "***", the Japanese soldier called out.

Although they didn't understand, they also guessed that this was the Japanese officer calling his subordinates this time, right?
But how could he call it?The one on the top of the wall is lying like a dead dog under the feet of the old stupid now.

The one that was chipped off the roof by the big fool with a brick is not dead or half-lived.

Now Gao Wenli is not very nervous, because there is a big stupid, he doesn't think that a Japanese soldier can cause big trouble to the big stupid.

The old man was strong and good-eyed, and he didn't even understand how the big old man was able to avoid the Japanese army's helmet and hit the guy's face with that brick so accurately.

Not bad, there are not many devils here, so it's not like other devils got orders to participate in the search for these people, right?

"***", "***", the Japanese soldier was still yelling, but judging from the voice and movements of the other party, he had become alert, and he was touching the gun at his waist.

This time I don't know how the old fool will nèng him to death, Gao Wenli thought while looking at the Japanese officer in the gap between the sacks.

Now he has completely convinced the old man.

So far he has never seen the old man wield a gun, but he is always at the disadvantage of the enemy in close combat, and now he finds that he is about to become a spectator!

Both the old stupid and Li Qingfeng were ready to make a move, but at this moment, an accident happened.

Hiding behind the pile of sacks, they suddenly heard a screeching sound of "hissing" in the night sky. It was a grenade!
Gao Wenli's skills are not as good as Big Boss and Li Qingfeng's, but he is an out-and-out veteran. His experience of being bombed and dodging bombs is much richer than Big Boss and Li Qingfeng!
No matter where the cannonball or the grenade flies through the air and lands, the sound is different in the ears of the listener, and the sound of "hissing" now means that it came here!
"Bombardment!" Gao Wenli subconsciously dodged and lay down.

It is impossible to lie down so accurately in the dark night, his shoulder hit the pile of sacks in front of him when he slumped like this, and the things in the bag were obviously not heavy, a few sacks fell off with a "crash" down.

Gao Wenli was lying on the ground quickly, and then another sack fell too slowly and landed on him.

Who knows if the Japanese officer heard the movement he made here, and this is not important anymore.

Gao Wenli's judgment was very accurate. The moment he lay down, a "boom" exploded in the courtyard!I don't know where the grenade flew from, and it just landed in the yard of this house!
There are shrapnel and blasted broken bricks and dirt lasing, and then there is explosive smoke.

"Big old fool, who else is there!" Gao Wenli raised his head, but at this moment the yard was already pitch black.

The Japanese army only occupied the village called Shilipuzi, and they could not generate electricity, so the lamps were also lit in the house. As for what kind of oil was used, it is unknown. The lamp was blown out.

Gao Wenli didn't know what Li Qingfeng's name was, so he could only call someone else.

"I'm fine." This was Li Qingfeng's voice.

"I'm fine." It was the old stupid voice.

At this time, when Gao Wenli was feeling like he was going to survive the catastrophe, Li Qingfeng asked anxiously, "Is the little devil dead or not?"

That's right, the grenade fell from the sky, who knows where the grenade came from, it seemed to have eyes in the dark and fell into this courtyard.

The three of them escaped, but is the Japanese officer dead or alive?
Logically speaking, who would care about the life and death of the enemy, but it is impossible not to care!Those were the enemies. If they were not killed by the bombing, what if they hid in the dark and listened to their voices and shot at them?

But now the yard is pitch black, are they still going to search for the dead Japanese soldier?
Now they only hesitated so much when they heard another "sizzling" sound from the sky, and the grenade came again!
The three of them lay down together, and this time Gao Wenli noticed that the grenade was flying from the east.

A grenade exploded with a "boom", but this time the grenade hit the outside of the courtyard, with the courtyard wall blocking it, there was no danger.

"Forget about that devil, let's go!" Li Qingfeng said anxiously.

That's right, we have to go quickly, maybe a grenade will fall into the yard again, they'd better run out of the village first.

The three of them ran out of the courtyard with Li Qingfeng in front, the oldest in the middle, and Gao Wenli in the rear.

But at this moment, Gao Wenli, who was running at the back, felt his foot stumbled. He staggered and almost fell, but it turned out that his foot had tripped over a sack.

It seemed that the sack was not very heavy, and it moved when he tripped over it.

I don't know what the little devil put in here?Gao Wenli thought about it, but he picked up the bag that had just tripped over him as soon as he turned his hand. It was really not too heavy, only about twenty or thirty catties.

Gao Wenli simply bent over and picked up the sack and ran out.

In fact, the mentality of all Chinese officers and soldiers is the same nowadays. They hate the Japanese invaders, but they like some of the weapons of the Japanese army very much. The things made by their advanced industries are better than those made in China, not to mention that China can't make them now. Great weapon.

Gao Wenli subconsciously thought that there were good things from the Japanese devils in the bag, so he should take it away if he could, since it wasn't heavy anyway, and he didn't have any weapons now anyway.

The three of them left the yard, and the Japanese officer didn't make any more movement from the beginning to the end, probably killed by the grenade just now.

The three of them naturally continued to run northward, but they felt something was wrong while running.Just because they heard the "plopping" messy footsteps of the Japanese army in all directions!

The grenade just now was only fired twice. Of course, the three of them are not Xiaobai, and now they can figure out that the grenade must have been fired by a grenadier.

The grenade stopped ringing, and although there were noises made by the Japanese army in the village, it would be quieter after all, so the footsteps of the Japanese army sounded very clear now.

The sound of footsteps was continuous from far to near. Although it could not keep up with the galloping horses of the Japanese cavalry, just imagine that countless big-toed shoes of the invaders ran in the streets and alleys of the village. The sound was amplified again, so the footsteps sounded like "dong dong" drums!

"Hide in here!" Li Qingfeng greeted in a low voice, and he and the old stupid disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Gao Wenli, who was carrying a sack, heard the sound and ran over. At this time, there was already light from the Japanese army in the distance, and he realized that there was a stone wall more than one meter high in front of him, but there was a foul smell coming from here. , it seems that this is a pigsty.

In order to survive, let alone a pigsty, you have to jump into the cesspit if you have to jump!

"Help me catch the sack!" Gao Wen hurriedly placed the sack on the wall in the dim light.

"What?" Big Boss asked while stretching out his hand in the pigsty.

"I don't know, maybe it will work. It's easy for the little devil." Gao Wenli replied while jumping into the pigsty.

Big old stupid said "oh".

The old stupid is so simple and honest, if it was changed to Old Mao Wang, even if those veterans would help Gao Wenli get things, they would definitely be unhappy in their hearts, and they still want to follow things at this time!
As soon as the three of them hid in the pigsty, a Japanese army ran over. The shaking flashlights and the chaotic and hurried footsteps made the Japanese army so anxious.

It's just that the three of them don't feel anything about it. They have to get out of the village. Fighting in the tiger's den and wolf's den really means pinning their heads to their waistbands!

After the group of Japanese soldiers hurried over, the three of them listened carefully to the movement outside, and Qingfeng Li said, "Hurry up, get out of the village!"

The three of them crawled out of the pigsty, but this time the one who was carrying the sack had become a big fool.

There is no way, who is so stupid and strong.

To the surprise of the three of them, this time when they moved north again, although they were equally cautious, they were safe and sound, but they never collided with the Japanese army again.

And when they left the village, there was a series of grenade explosions and random gunshots suddenly sounded in the east of the village. I guess, no, no need to guess, it must be Shang Zhen and the others who heard the movement in the village and responded. They are gone.

But at this moment, Li Qingfeng said to himself: "Why do we feel that something is wrong, did we miss something?"

(End of this chapter)

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