Chapter 1353 The Difficult Task

The Japanese army continued to attack the front line of Baisha River.

The entire 51st Army was outstretched on a defense line of nearly a hundred miles, and this battle naturally became a war of attrition.Although they inflicted great damage on the Japanese army with the idea of ​​being ashamed of life and proud of death, their miscellaneous army also gave people the feeling of being at the end of the road.

But at this time, there were people from the Northeast Army watching the battle ahead from a commanding height on the flank of the battlefield, but they had no intention of participating in the battle. They were members of the 337th Brigade Guard Company.

"Company commander, do you think that group of little devils are so vicious? They were vicious like wolves at first, but now they are cunning like foxes. These devils are getting harder and harder to fight." It was Chu Tian who spoke.

"That's right, it is said that the little devil's tactics are dull in battle, but now he has learned to wear our Chinese clothes." Chen Hanwen echoed.

"We all learn about war through war." Shang Zhen, who was watching the battle in the distance with a telescope, replied casually.

Shang Zhen didn't know that the avenues were converging, and what he said was exactly the same as the experience summed up by others.

He really just said something casually, and now his focus is on the battlefield that is only a few hundred meters away from the stubborn.

In his vision, the Japanese soldiers who were attacking the mountain had all stood up, although they all maintained their shooting positions.

Such a situation can occur, there is no doubt that the defenders basically have no combat effectiveness.Otherwise, with the fighting literacy of the Japanese army, it is absolutely impossible to just go forward with such a swagger.

Shang Zhen moved the telescope forward again.

After another moment, he saw a man emerge from the trench.

But at this moment, the gunshots from the Japanese army rang out, and then Shang Zhen saw that the man disappeared. He must have fallen into the trench, and then there was a "boom" more than ten meters in front of the trench. .

The sound of the explosion was quite loud. From Shang Zhen's experience, he knew that the explosion should be a cluster grenade.

It's just a pity that the Japanese army was still a little far away from the trenches. When the smoke from the explosion dissipated, the Japanese soldiers who had pointed their guns forward all stood up again.

"How is the company commander?" Chen Hanwen asked in a low voice.

Shang Zhen sighed silently, but did not answer.

Seeing Shang Zhen's dignified expression, Chu Tian poked Chen Hanwen with his hand, which undoubtedly meant, is there even a need to ask?

As a veteran, Chen Hanwen should be able to guess the situation of the defenders, and the reason why he had to ask Shang Zhen was probably just a fluke.

Chen Hanwen lowered his head, but after a while he raised his head again and said, "But I still want to reach out and join the battle, seeing the brothers on the front line like that—"

"Secret well." Shang Zhen interrupted Chen Hanwen's speech.

After a while, Shang Zhen went on to say: "It will be a matter of time before the position is lost, and in the words of the two of you, defending the position is also knowing that it cannot be done.

Our task now is to find those little devils in plain clothes, and then try to kill them as much as possible to avenge our brothers in the Northeast Army. "

Now that Shang Zhen had reached this point, Chen Chaowen and Chu Tian had nothing to say, so the three lowered their heads and continued to observe the surrounding situation.

The reason why Shang Zhen said that was because they were looking for a Japanese army, and it was that Japanese army that wiped out Battalion Commander Wei's company.

According to the three soldiers who survived, the Japanese army should be the plainclothes team of the Japanese army.

The mention of the plainclothes team always gives people a feeling, as if it was just an irregular army standing in front of the Japanese army, and there were even traitors in it, pretending to be Chinese ordinary people.

But this plainclothes team is by no means like this.

According to the narration of the three surviving soldiers, the Japanese army consisted of more than 400 people, all of whom were dressed as civilians. As for whether there were traitors in it, it is unknown, at least they did not see it.

At that time, Battalion Commander Wei led the company to stop the Japanese army on the ground. During the battle, they found someone on the flank turning around to them.

But there were not many of those people seen through the telescope, definitely not the more than 400 people discovered later.

Those people wore ordinary people's clothes and didn't have guns, and after the group passed by their flanks, they didn't go back to attack their positions, so they thought they were ordinary people who were fleeing and didn't pay attention.

But who would have thought that at this time, the Japanese army attacking from the front fired poison gas bombs!
The Northeast Army suffered greatly from poisonous gas.They retreated when they saw the Japanese army firing poison gas bombs.

It's just that they didn't know that the poison gas bomb fired by the Japanese army was just a cover. When battalion commander Wei led his people out of the position and entered a depression, they were ambushed by the Japanese army.

There are only a few people in a company, only a hundred or so. When the Japanese army fired their guns, they realized that the opponent's strength was three or four times their own.

Battalion Commander Wei and the others were originally inferior in firepower to the Japanese army. Under the attack of the Japanese army, only the three soldiers escaped by chance.

The whole battle is roughly like this.

Even if the three soldiers did not deliberately exaggerate the fighting process, Shang Zhen could still imagine their resolute and desperate eyes when Battalion Commander Wei led more than 100 Northeast Army soldiers and were surrounded by the Japanese army.

Surrounded by the superior Japanese army, in the middle of the mountain, surrounded by enemies on all sides, there is no possibility of breaking out, and then one soldier after another fell under the explosion of Japanese bullets and grenades .

And these three soldiers reported to the brigade commander Liu Chengyi face to face at that time.

Liu Chengyi ordered Shang Zhen's guard company to find ways to severely injure the Japanese army at that time.

Although this has the idea of ​​revenge, it is also conceivable that if such a Japanese army is kept, it will really be a disaster for the Northeast Army!

Whether it is a campaign or a battle, there are strategic and tactical considerations.

The elimination of this Japanese army is strategic, but how to eliminate this Japanese army is tactical.

As an executor, Shang Zhen naturally wants to abandon the interference of non-combat emotions such as anger and impulsiveness.

After receiving Liu Chengyi's order, he began to ask the three soldiers about the whole battle process carefully.

After inquiring, Shang Zhen learned that at that time, the wind was not very strong in the position where Commander Wei was guarding.

Then the problem is coming.

The Japanese army's poison gas bombs spread slowly when the wind force is small, and the slow spread of poison gas cannot force the defenders back.

Then the poison gas bomb fired by the Japanese army was really a cover. It seems that the ambush led by the battalion commander Wei during the retreat was the real killing move!
And it can be seen from this that this group of Japanese soldiers is really cunning!
Shang Zhen didn't know if he could complete this task.First, whether or not this Japanese army can be found is another matter.Second, even if it is found, the enemy is strong and we are weak, how to inflict heavy damage on this Japanese army is still a difficult problem.

But no matter how difficult it was, Shang Zhen knew that he had to bring his own people to do it!
From a large perspective, this Japanese army is too harmful to the Northeast Army.If it cannot be severely injured, then how much casualties this Japanese army will cause to the Northeast Army.

From a small point of view, this is also a battle for the name of the guard company.

If the guard company does not defend the brigade headquarters, it always learns (trying to find ways) and wants to sneak out. Doesn't that mean it doesn't want to fight positional warfare?
Seeing that the task was difficult, he slipped away, so how can people like himself have the face to say it out and take the initiative to fight devils?Wouldn't that really be a veteran?

If you say, if you can really find this Japanese army, then the opponent is a tiger, and people like yourself have to pull a few beards off it!
Otherwise, this hurdle in my heart will not be able to pass, and when it gets bigger, this is called the honor of a soldier, the honor of a Chinese soldier. If you lose this honor, it will really be worse than death. On the contrary, for this This honor, I would rather die!

Shang Zhen also discussed with the veterans in order to find the Japanese army. Their method was to scatter people on the battlefield first and find the trace of the Japanese army as much as possible.

And when he found the trace of the Japanese army, Shang Zhen would gather the guard company to form a blow to the Japanese army.

Of course, these are only preliminary ideas, but at least for now, it seems that the battlefield where Shang Zhen and his group are located does not have the shadow of the Japanese army, and it is not known whether other groups have discovered it.

(End of this chapter)

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