Chapter 1357
"I'll come and play with you after we finish fighting the devil and avenging the big guy, okay?" Hu Zhuzi leaned over and looked down at the little girl and said in a low voice.

"Okay!" The little girl looked up at Hu Zhuzi and nodded vigorously.

Westerners say that all men are created equal.

The Buddha said that all beings are equal.

No matter what people think about the above two statements, the undeniable fact is that the preciousness of human beings over animals lies in their emotions. You can never compare the emotions between those well-dressed people and those poor jingling people. The emotion between people, which one is more sincere.

Just like right now, a big, black, unshaven soldier and a skinny girl who looks obviously malnourished look at each other up and down.

Although that soldier always gives people the impression that he is a muddled person, even compared to Li Kui, the black whirlwind in the Liangshan River, but this does not prevent his eyes from being full of blood. Love for that girl.

In the same way, the little girl was extremely thin, like a chick that had just been drenched in the rain, her exposed small arms seemed to have only bones and sticks, and she was dirty from head to toe, and all of this was not true. Her gaze was filled with a kind of simplicity that only children can have.

After the big and small people looked at each other for a while, tears dripped from the little girl's clear and transparent eyes that were extra big because of her thinness.

As soon as the little girl cried, the old man became even more flustered. He was so clumsy that he couldn't coax a child, so he cried too.

At any rate, he still remembered that he was an adult so he didn't cry loudly, but when he cried like that, he cried out all the snot bubbles!
"Okay, it's not life and death. Didn't we agree to come back after beating the devils? Let's go!" Yang Guanyin said beside him, and after finishing speaking, he gave the other soldiers a wink, turned around and left.

To be honest, at first Yang Guanyin was very moved when he saw an adult and a child like this.

Everyone came from outside the pass and drifted inside the pass like that rootless grass. People from the Northeast emphasize human feelings and have a rough style, but their tears are also very shallow.

But he felt it was funny seeing the big old man crying out his snot bubbles. With Yang Guanyin's personality, he wouldn't be able to scold Hu Zhuzi for being worthless like Wang Laomao and the others. After all, this is Hu Zhuzi's true temperament.

But the reason why he turned around and left was because he understood that if he didn't act more decisively now, when would the tiger's pillar be worn out?
What's more, he didn't move with Hu Zhuzi, that's Hu Zhuzi, you can call him a tiger, or you can call him a donkey!

Among them, Shang Zhen was the only one who could make Hu Zhuzi obey orders unconditionally. As for Wang Laomao and other veterans, they could also make Hu Zhuzi obey, but they were all done by fighting. Then beating, there will always be a time when the cow is beaten to the head without drinking water.

Yang Guanyin's approach is correct.

All of them followed the young man who volunteered, and sure enough, after a while, Hu Zhuzi chased him up from behind.

Wang Xiaodan, who was silent all the time but was always a spectator, secretly glanced at Hu Zhuzi.

But his glance was seen by Hu Zhuzi again.

"Are you staring at me?" Hu Zhuzi, who usually gets angry when he looks at Wang Xiaodan, asked.

According to the routine of the Northeast people, Wang Xiaodan should answer "I'll just look at you, what's the matter?"

But the problem is that Wang Xiaodan is not from the Northeast, he couldn't help shrinking back when he saw Hu Zhuzi's staring eyes.

It is nature for Wang Xiaodan to be timid, but now he has become bold, which is called nurture.

Therefore, after Wang Xiaodan shrank back a bit, he straightened his small body forward, and then muttered in a low voice: "What's so fierce? The big snot bubbles are all deflated."

When Wang Xiaodan said this, the others naturally looked at Hu Zhuzi, didn't they, the snot bubbles were deflated.

Wang Xiaodan is not from the Northeast, but the other soldiers are all from the Northeast. They are not afraid of Hu Zhuzi. No matter how awesome you are alone, you can do anything. At worst, a group will beat you up. They are all soldiers and fighters. Win Who cares about means?

So, with a "coax", the soldiers all laughed.

Hu Zhuzi didn't care that the soldiers laughed at him, or that he had already gotten used to it with Shang Zhen's gang of old people.

So, instead, he stretched out his equally dirty hand, rubbed the heel of his palm up against his nose, and let out a "sucking" sound.

At this time, another soldier said: "Yes! You rub it on the big skirt again, so that it is so shiny that it can reflect light!"

This sentence brought back the soldiers' memories of their childhood, so the laughter became louder again.

Different Northeast people have different lives, but they all have similar childhoods.

And childhood has different characteristics because of different times, so what is the common childhood memory of these veterans who are now 26, [-], or even [-]?
Who can talk about personal hygiene in this day and age?When I was young, it grew freely like wormwood in the wild.

In that era when paper was a luxury, who would have paper for blowing their noses?Regardless of whether boys or girls have snot, isn't it just rubbing it on the clothes with your hands?

That's why the Chinese people have the saying "women's [-]th change" and the saying "people look like dogs". As far as the current Chinese are concerned, except for the very few privileged classes, no one has a childhood with a big nose and a shrimp Woolen cloth?

Amidst the laughter, the matter between the old man and the little girl was finally put aside, and during the march, the soldiers were again attracted by Shen Mugen's narration.

Shen Mugen was the young man who volunteered to be their guide this year.

Young blood is always hot.

Unfortunately for Shen Mugen, his father happened to be one of the civilians killed by the Japanese army. When he learned that his father was also killed by the Japanese army, he secretly went to the Japanese army alone.

It's just a common man with a broken sickle in his hand who wants to seek revenge from the heavily armed invaders. It's okay to think about it, but it's not the case at all when the time comes.

Before Shen Mugen approached the camp of the Japanese army, he was discovered by the Japanese sentry.

The Japanese army did not shoot him, but they released a big wolfhound.

It is impossible for a two-legged man to outrun a four-legged dog. In the end, the result of the human-dog battle was that he left his only weapon—the broken scythe on the neck of the big wolfhound, and he ran Lost.

So, now seeing that the national army came to settle accounts with the Japanese army, how could Shen Mugen not take the initiative to invite Ying?
For the Chinese who have family and country feelings, their resistance to Japan means knowing the importance of the resistance to Japan, which is called national hatred.

As far as the vast majority of the people are concerned, they may not understand too much truth in fighting against Japan, but they have family feuds!

(End of this chapter)

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