Chapter 1361
The ghosts are coming, whether it is a pale little ghost with flour sticking to his face, or a fierce ghost with a bloody mouth, since he has chosen this path, he has to go forward.

This is what Wang Xiaodan thought.

Lie on the horseback and raised his head slightly, he looked at the Japanese soldiers who were getting closer and closer to him with their guns in hand.

Of course the Japanese army had discovered him, but things were just as Wang Xiaodan had imagined earlier, the Japanese army really did not notice his abnormality.

In fact, this is exactly the case. This is the frontal battlefield where the so-called national army is responsible for the war of resistance. There are very few Chinese officers and soldiers disguised as Japanese soldiers on the frontal battlefield.

The Japanese soldiers did not notice that one hand of the companion on the horse was "hanging" on the edge of a pocket hanging on the saddle.

It is not surprising that the bag is bulging. The Japanese infantry also know that sometimes some of their cavalry will hang a bag of hay on the saddle.

War horses need to eat grass, and of course sometimes they need to bring their own forage.

Although it is summer now, who can guarantee that forage suitable for livestock will be found in the wilderness?
The Japanese soldiers who saw no abnormalities were of course very concerned about this companion lying on horseback whose life and death were unknown. They also knew that some cavalry came to patrol at the beginning.

It's just that they don't know that Wang Xiaodan, who is pretending to be a Japanese devil, is struggling and nervous.

Confused, it was because he didn't think about whether he would gallop his horse towards the Japanese devils or run away when he was some distance away from the Japanese army.

The horse rushed over, throwing a grenade first, and then the horse rushed forward like a chick pulling an egg. The horse ran ahead, and the grenades were thrown down one by one.

If he pulled the horse and ran away, the little devil would definitely shoot after he threw the first grenade, and based on the little devil's marksmanship, he would definitely fall down with the horse and man.

If you look at it that way, then you should have galloped straight at the little devil.

But this seems to be the same. With my ability to ride a horse, as soon as the horse starts to run, don't just throw a grenade, or if you don't throw a grenade, you will be knocked down by the horse first!That's the end of the calf!
At this moment, Wang Xiaodan vividly interprets what entanglement is. If he borrowed a philosophical term, it would be called "deny, affirm, and then negate"!
But when he thought of this, Wang Xiaodan also realized that he could no longer hesitate like a woman.

After all, Wang Xiaodan is not the original Wang Xiaodan, he has also fought many battles, and he is the most open-minded and eager to learn when he is with the veterans, so he knows the fighting principles with ordinary hands-on ability. many.

It's all burning eyebrows, so what should I do next?It's better to get close and run away, even if you get shot, it's better than falling directly in front of the little devil.

Wang Xiaodan made up his mind, but after a while, he started talking again.

The battle is imminent, what is he talking about?
What Wang Xiaodan muttered was: "Unscrew the cap, pull the lead wire, and throw it!"

Why he was talking about it, of course it was because he was nervous, it was really the first time he faced so many Japanese soldiers.

Fortunately, he has been fighting devils with Shang Zhen for a while, he felt his nervousness but immediately found a way to deal with it.

In terms of improvisation, he doesn't have the skill and reflexes of Shang Zhen nor the stupid Li Qingfeng.

So he adopted the most stupid method.

That is, no matter what the Japanese army is like, as long as he rides up to the little devil, he will take out the grenade and throw it out according to the method he talked about.

As for the possibility of other unexpected situations, forget it, just do what you should do!

The biggest advantage of doing this is that it simplifies complex battles, so as not to make mistakes in movements due to nervousness.

The enemy and the enemy are walking towards each other, and naturally they will soon approach.

I have to touch the grenade, Wang Xiaodan knows.

But at this time, he felt that his right hand, which wanted to touch the grenade, became numb again!
He knew it was due to nervousness.

This is often the case with recruits on the battlefield.

Either the hand is on the trigger and dare not pull it due to nervousness, or the hand is moved suddenly, and the trigger does not move.

If a machine gun is used, it can directly shoot out a shuttle of bullets but not a single enemy can be injured.

But nowadays, Chinese soldiers use more manual rifles. The first shot did fire, but their fingers never took off the trigger, and they simply forgot to let go of their hands to pull and push the bolt for the next shot.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaodan is no longer a recruit, not to mention that he has a bachelor's spirit after being with those Northeast people who are full of foul words every day. At this time, he remembered a certain veteran who said A swear word: "Beating a little devil is like going to a fucking brothel-it's over when you do it."

So Wang Xiaodan stopped thinking about it, he gently pulled the rein with his right hand, and the horse's head and slender and vigorous neck of the war horse turned to the right naturally by the rein.

Wang Xiaodan refused to let go, the horse was dragged by the bit and could only go forward to the right.

The Japanese soldiers on the opposite side were surprised at that time. They came to see the life and death of their companion.

But at this moment, Wang Xiaodan released his right hand holding the rein and directly inserted his hand into the hay bag.

And when he got the first grenade in his hands, the feeling of being a soldier in many battles he had fought in came back.

Yeah, where are those random thoughts coming from?Just do it!

Next, Wang Xiaodan took out the grenade under the cover of the horse's neck, passed it over with his left hand, unscrewed the small cap left on the handle, pulled the fuse and stood up, and then pushed the grenade to the side. The Japanese army in front was thrown out.

At this time, Wang Xiaodan didn't care how the Japanese army reacted?When the first grenade popped out of his hand, he bent down to touch the second one, and when the first grenade exploded, he threw the second grenade too.

At this time, Wang Xiaodan forgot that he should urge the horse to run away.

It's just that he didn't want to run the horse but refused.

The horse was frightened by the first explosion, and jumped forward fiercely. Wang Xiaodan, who was reaching out to touch the third grenade, was dodged by the horse, and he instinctively pushed his hand down.

Fortunately, his hand was in the hay bag, and the hay bag was close to the horse's body, so his right hand had the leverage to stop the leaning figure in time, and at this moment the horse he was riding The Dongyang horse ran "chirp" and "chirp".

Wang Xiaodan, who was afraid that he would throw himself under the horse, would not care about throwing the grenade again, he hugged the horse with both hands and even forgot to pull the rein, so he let the horse carry him and ran quickly.

In fact, the Dongyang horses of the Japanese army are tall and tall, but they may not be the best war horses. This horse breed is afraid of being frightened, and in terms of war horses, it is really not as good as the Mongolian horses used by the Chinese army.

If the horse is not good, it refers to the discipline of a military horse, but it runs very fast.

But as he ran faster, the bumps on the horse's back became more severe. The horse didn't run very far. Wang Xiaodan didn't hug the horse and was thrown off the horse by a jolt. Almost immediately, gunshots rang out.

I am done!
Wang Xiaodan, who fell from the horse, just had such an idea, and then he was thrown to the ground hard.

(End of this chapter)

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