In front of the big enemy, everyone became nervous. Wang Laomao thought for a moment nervously and said: "Pass down, everyone backs down, don't use the insurance, get the grenade ready." Then he said to Qiu Bo , "Let's keep an eye on the following."

Wang Laomao didn't know if the Japanese army would go up the mountain, but he analyzed that they would not, because the Japanese army didn't need it.

Our position is located obliquely in front of this hill. If we set up guns on this hill to shoot at the position, we can only use heavy machine guns or mortars.

And these Japanese troops didn't carry such weapons at all!So the Japanese army definitely did not come here to establish a firepower point.

Old Mao Wang and Qiu Bo secretly looked down from the gap between the trees.

Sure enough, the Japanese troops stopped when they reached below them. The machine gunners set up light machine guns on the north and south sides of the hill, while the riflemen squatted down one by one, with a strength of about six to seventy people.

At this moment, Qiu Bo stretched out his hand to lightly touch Old Wang's hat, and pointed his hand slightly to the west.

Old Mao Wang moved his gaze away and followed it. After watching for a while, he also understood.

When the Japanese army first arrived at the foot of the mountain here, both of them guessed that the Japanese army should attack their own position again from the bottom of this hill.

The two attacks of the Japanese army in the afternoon were on open ground, so they were hit squarely by the firepower of China's heavy machine guns.

This is because although they are all open land, there are still differences in terrain after all. The Japanese army's attack direction is open in front, and the Japanese army's casualties are naturally high.

However, if the Japanese army set off from their hill this time, it would be 300 meters in front of them, but the terrain would be slightly undulating.

In this case, the Japanese army hid in the slightly higher place and lay down, and the machine guns of the Chinese defenders could not do anything to them.

The Japanese army took that slightly higher place as a "springboard" to attack the Chinese army.

Sure enough, just when Old Mao Wang figured out the problem, there was another hasty cannon fire from their right side.

This time the Japanese army did not bombard the Northeast Army's position first, but stood in front of the position.

And when the shell exploded in front, clouds of smoke rose up.

It was only then that Wang Laomao noticed that the wind was blowing, but it was just a north wind, and the wind stirred up the individual puffs of smoke into a smoke screen.

Fortunately, the little devil fired only smoke bombs this time instead of gas bombs.

Having been a soldier for so many years, Old Mao Wang must be able to tell the difference between gas bombs and smoke bombs.

Wang Laomao immediately thought that the reason why the Japanese army did not launch poison gas bombs is because the current wind is from the north. .

Old Mao Wang is not a local, and he doesn't know what direction the wind should blow here this season.

Although it is said that the north wind should not blow at this time, according to his common sense, it depends on the local terrain.

For example, due to the terrain, there is a large-scale cyclone blowing locally, and it is difficult for you to distinguish what kind of wind is blowing in a certain area.

But just after the smoke bomb formed into smoke, the Japanese army at the foot of their mountain moved, but under the cover of that smoke, they rushed towards the Northeast Army's position obliquely ahead.

It is now obvious that the Japanese army intends to use the cover of smoke bombs to launch a sudden attack on the flank of their own position.

"Old Uncle Wang, did you see that the little devil is fully moving." At this moment, Qiu Bo whispered in Old Mao Wang's ear.

is not that right?The Japanese troops at the bottom of the mountain were all in motion, and even the Japanese soldiers who had just set up their machine guns put away their guns and ran forward.

It seems that this time the north wind is unexpectedly beneficial to the Japanese army to use smoke bombs to cover. The Japanese army is going to run to the undulating place two to 300 meters ahead to hide.

In this case, the Japanese army is close to their own position, and only half of the distance is left.

And what if the Japanese army fires smoke bombs again?In that case, it would directly exceed the range of heavy machine gun fire.

Combat is always fast-changing, and sometimes a lot can happen in just half a minute.

Heavy machine guns are not like light machine guns. Although they are very powerful, they generally cover areas.

If the Japanese army went out of the shooting range and attacked their own position, it would be too late for the heavy machine gun to adjust the shooting target, and it might not have such a shooting angle.

"What's wrong with Uncle Wang?" Qiu Bo was anxious.

Yeah, what are they doing now?Old Mao Wang also began to think urgently.

Now it is no longer a question of whether they can do it now, seeing their position being attacked by the Japanese army but they are indifferent, but once their position is occupied by the Japanese army, how can they run back?

At this time, the soldiers on the mountain raised their heads when they heard Qiu Bo say that the Japanese army at the foot of the mountain had moved. Everyone saw their situation for a moment, and then they all looked at Old Mao Wang. A unit does not count on the chief officer Who else can you count on?
The corner of Wang Laomao's mouth twitched a few times, and then he made up his mind.

If Shang Zhen belongs to the kind of grassroots commander who is both wise and brave, then Old Mao Wang's character is a bit like a hero in troubled times.

Maybe sometimes his thoughts are not as thorough as Shang Zhen's, but when it comes to making decisions, he is definitely more ruthless than Shang Zhen.

"Qin Ziqiang!" Wang Laomao called directly, "Do you dare to take the soldiers of your squad to deal with the little devils on our right? You need to hold them back and prevent their heavy machine guns from shooting at our asses. ?”

Qin Ziqiang, who was not far from him and Qiu Bo, heard Mr. Wang called his name. Although he said that he could not stand up directly, he replied in a voice without hesitation: "Then why not dare?"

Qin Ziqiang's quick and decisive answer was somewhat unexpected to Wang Laomao. Wang Laomao took a deep look at him, and then said nothing else, but directly ordered: "Go and entangle the firepower of the Japanese heavy machine gun on the right. .The rest of the people follow me down and kick the little devil's ass, come on!"

So far, what is there to say, Old Mao Wang has already explained his battle plan clearly.

Qin Ziqiang and his squad were at the rear, while Wang Laomao and the others were going to attack the rear of the Japanese army attacking their side.

In the last battle, you have to weigh the pros and cons. That's what the commander does, and it's what Shang Zhen and his group of veterans are used to.

But for soldiers like Qin Ziqiang, in terms of not fearing death, at least they are no weaker than those like Shang Zhen!

Shang Zhen was not there, what Wang said was an order, so there was no hesitation. At this moment, they began to descend the mountain, but they were divided into two parts.

The larger part went west down the mountain with Wang Laomao, and the smaller part was led down the mountain by Qin Ziqiang's soldiers in his own squad.

Another battle is about to break out. Of course, Qin Ziqiang's chance of surviving is almost zero, but how many of Wang Laomao and the others can be left?Who can tell?

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