"Brother, I think you are also an expert. Do you have any brilliant ideas?" Amidst the sound of Japanese artillery, Company Commander Fu asked Shang Zhen.

Shang Zhen looked at the other party in surprise, his eyes expressed doubts, and he almost said "why did you say that".

The company commander whose name is Fu Ke is actually a regular company commander, and this company commander Fu is the one in charge of guarding the city gate.

Shang Zhen and the others launched an ambush against the Japanese plainclothes team on the main street.

The battle came quickly, but it ended not too slowly.

When Fu Chang arrived here with his soldiers, Shang Zhen's battle with them was over, and there were dozens of Japanese soldiers dressed as Chinese civilians lying on the street.

Everyone is a veteran, even if you don't pick off the underpants of those Japanese soldiers who pretend to be Chinese civilians, just look at the height of those people and the weapons thrown by them, Company Commander Fu can also think that these dead guys must be Japanese devils.

As far as their Northeast Army is concerned, where do they go to find flower agencies now?
The fact that Shang Zhen and the others had achieved such a result in such a short period of time naturally made the deputy company commander chuckle inwardly.

The task of their company is to guard the city gate.

But he knew that even if they wiped out all their companies, they would not be able to achieve the same results as Shang Zhen and the others.

That's why he asked the expert Shang Zhen for advice!

"What I mean is that you guys are so good at beating devils. Look at us even guarding the city gate. Do you have any clever tricks?" The deputy company commander knew that he had asked abruptly, so he hurriedly explained.

Seeing Fu Company Commander's earnest eyes, Shang Zhen's answer disappointed him, because Shang Zhen said: "I'm not lying to you at all, we dare not fight positional warfare easily."

When Shang Zhen said this, Company Commander Fu showed a disappointed expression on his face.

Come to think of it, since Shang Zhen and the others entered the customs on September [-], they have tried their best to show off and move around. Isn't that because they don't want to fight the Japanese army!

When fighting a positional battle, don't say whether you are a sharpshooter or not, let alone how high your combat quality is. As long as one positional battle is won, half of a company can be left. It's almost the same, the Japanese army's advantage in firepower is not in vain.

Now that the deputy company commander asked Shang Zhen about this question, he really looked up to Shang Zhen. Shang Zhen is also a mortal, they can only calculate and be tempted, and luck is better.

"So my brother, if you were to lead someone to guard the city gate in my position, what would you do?" After a while, Company Commander Fu asked unwillingly.

"Us?" Shang Zhen answered, this is a typical empathy.

"If we defend the position, now that the little devil is firing, we will be safe by hiding. When the little devil's infantry starts to attack the city, we will fight back." Shang Zhen answered a correct nonsense.

"Then what if the little devil's infantry firepower is also very fierce?" the deputy company commander continued to ask.

The company commander in the eyes did not give up, Shang Zhen frowned.

How can he be so easy to fight in the Xindao positional battle? It depends on the current posture. If the higher-ups don't give the order to retreat, your continuous fight will be gone. Isn't it just a matter of minutes?

But when he looked at Company Commander Fu and the soldiers under Company Commander Fu looking at the adoring gazes of people like him, he finally couldn't bear to say these words, and instead said: "If I were you, if the little devil's covering firepower is still If it’s too fierce, then I might as well just withdraw the person.”

"Withdraw back? Where to withdraw?" The company commander was surprised again, and thought to himself, didn't you suggest that I disobey the military order and become a deserter?
At this time, Shang Zhen seemed to see through his mind, and then said: "I didn't let you be deserters!
In fact, even if we guard the city wall and the gate and fight the Japanese army, we can't take advantage of it, because our firepower is not enough.

But have you thought about it?If we take the initiative to evacuate people into these houses to fight street fights with the little devils, it will be relatively fair, and the little devils' firepower will not be able to be used. "

"Huh?" Company Commander Fu's eyes lit up. He felt that what Shang Zhen said made sense, but then he asked again, "In this case, the higher-ups won't say that I gave up the position without authorization, will they?"

But this time, without waiting for Shang Zhen to say anything, Old Mao Wang, who had been listening by the side, answered disapprovingly, "If you want me to talk, it's ugly!

You make it sound like your company can survive street fighting, as if we can survive even if we don’t fight positional warfare, it’s not what you said at all!
Don't we just want to fight more little devils to death before we die?It's just for the sake of death's worth (value)!Fighting alley fighters is the way to minimize the gap between the enemy and ourselves. "

Wang Laomao usually looked down on those who spoke in a roundabout way, what's wrong with him, did he understand the meaning of this deputy company commander?He had a rough tongue, even though he spoke the truth.

But Wang Laomao really underestimated the measurement of this company commander Fu, and he was not angry because of Wang Laomao's words.

After thinking for a moment, Fu Lianchang said: "Listening to what the two officers said, oh, it really opened my eyes." Then he raised his voice and said to Wang Mao with a smile, "Especially what this old man said is big. truth."

When Wang Laomao saw that the deputy company commander was very interesting, he didn't take his ugly words as a disobedience, so he laughed like an old fox.

But at this time, the company commander Fu said: "Thank you for telling me the truth, brother, I will lead the troops back, and I will drink with my brother when I have a chance."

Wang Laomao continued to say hey hey, but when the deputy company commander walked away, he suddenly thought about Wei Er and shouted: "Hey! I said you are a bastard, who are you?" drink with you?"

As soon as the deputy captain heard that Wang Laomao figured out the meaning of his words, he suddenly burst into laughter, and without looking back, he led his people back to the gate of the city.

Rao, Old Mao Wang has always been an old fox, but just now he was slapped by Company Commander Fu.

Old Mao Wang didn't say it clearly, but everyone understood what he meant. Even if Company Commander Fu withdrew to a residential area to fight street fighting with the Japanese army, he would die sooner or later.

And why didn't Company Commander Fu understand, but he just said that he had the opportunity to drink with Wang Laomao, so where the hell can he drink?

Doesn't that mean that he went underground to meet Lord Yama, took a step first, and then Old Mao Wang followed, and then the two of them drank together in the Hall of King Yama?
Wang Laomao said that their group, that is, members of the Shang Zhen Guard Company, would die sooner or later. That's what Wang Laomao told the deputy company commander.

Old Mao Wang didn't want to die, he was still thinking about whether he should give Ju Hongxia a good name for his own species that Ju Hongxia was going to give birth to!
"You little bastard, what are you laughing at?" Wang Laomao saw that the deputy company commander had gone far away, and it was too late for him to say anything, so he turned to find Shang Zhen's fault.

"I didn't laugh!" Shang Zhen quickly retorted with a straight face.

"You laughed!" Old Mao Wang insisted.

"I didn't laugh, did you ask them if I laughed?" Shang Zhen began to testify.

When Shang Zhen said this, no one knew whether Shang Zhen was smiling or not just now.But the veterans who had been by their side laughed.

"Oh, you bastards, you're all laughing, aren't you?" Old Mao Wang scolded.

"Why are we laughing, we all learned from our chief." At this time, Qian Chuan'er said with a grimace.

"Which officer taught you? Be careful, I'll dig his family's grave!" Old Mao Wang scolded, with a smile on his face, he looked at Shang Zhen beside him.

But just when Wang Laomao thought that Qian Chuaner would arrange Shang Zhen, Qian Chuaner replied in a low voice: "Our old platoon leader taught it." Then he ran to the side.

"You Qian Chuanzi!" After realizing it, Old Mao Wang scolded Qian Chuaner again with a smile.

Who is the old platoon leader of Qian Chuaner and the others? Of course it is still his old hat.

As for the old people under Shang Zhen's subordinates, they wouldn't dare to challenge Old Mao Wang alone, but now everyone is laughing, and it's just a joke. Who would be afraid of Old Mao Wang?
At this time, the soldiers of the original guard company naturally also saw the scene in front of them, and they also laughed, but they didn't dare to be too presumptuous after all.

As for the recruits, they looked blankly. They never thought that the veterans in the army would look like this.

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