Bian Xiaolong just looked there, looked, looked, looked, looked, looked, looked, looked, looked, looked, and looked, but he saw double shadows of the trees, and he didn't find anyone there.

Bian Xiaolong does not admit that his eyesight is poor, although he is not big, but after all he is a martial arts practitioner, his eyesight has been trained.

It is nonsense to say that a mosquito flies by and you can tell whether the mosquito is male or female.

But if a flock of sparrows flew past him, he would definitely be able to tell how many sparrows there were.

"Is there really someone there?" Bian Xiaolong couldn't help asking again.

But the old man no longer paid attention to him, because this was the Nth time Bian Xiaolong had asked him.

"You little monk is really not fun, are you a reincarnation of an old monk?" Bian Xiaolong said angrily.

But what answered him was still the sound of the wind blowing the leaves beside him.

Just when he asked for the third time if there was anyone in front of him, the big stupid blocked him back with just one sentence.

Bian Xiaolong also couldn't figure out which Buddhist scriptures the old man extracted this sentence called "Speaking of words has no real meaning", this sentence almost made Bian Shuilong fall backwards!

Seeing that the old stupid still didn't say anything, Bian Xiaolong was completely helpless.

After noon, they have been lying behind this hill and looking into the distance, which is the high hill they passed by.

It's late August now.

It's normal to be a little cool in the morning and evening, but Qiuhu is still very hot during the day, so you can sweat in the sun.

And now Qiuhu is going to sleep, because the sun has set and the western mountains have become cooler.

Although Bian Xiaolong said what he said, he didn't dare to move.

War is a terrible event. I heard that the marksmanship of the Japanese devils is accurate.

If he was shot in the head by a Japanese devil a few hundred meters away when he outcropped behind this hill, it would not be a joke, and the concerned expression of the big stupid man was definitely not false.

In Bian Xiaolong's understanding, Da Laoben was very focused when he was meditating cross-legged, and now he is also very focused when observing the possible Japanese devils.

The difference between the two is only that the former's eyes and eyelids are drooping, while the latter's eyes have not been closed since the afternoon!
How can you be so focused on such a boring thing?Bored, Bian Xiaolong turned his gaze to his front right.

There is a small hillside 300 meters away on the right front, and there is a small shed on the hillside.

On the one hand, Xiaolong has never been there, and he doesn't know what that small shed is for. It should be abandoned by the common people. As for whether it is for fishing or watching melon fields, he doesn't know.

But he knew that the two bright posts sent by the deputy company commander Wang Laomao were in the small shed.

Those two fools!
Bian Xiaolong somewhat looked down on those two recruits who were sentinels.

If he was asked to be a whistle-blower, he would definitely not go into that small shed, because the small shed is too conspicuous, although it must be very cool inside that small shed.

Now in this team, Bian Xiaolong is about the same age as the big stupid Li Qingfeng.

Xiaolong by my side also came out alone, and he can still see through Old Mao Wang's mind.

If once the Japanese devils arrive, what is the whistle?A clear whistle is the bait, and that is the abandonment.

Who can't sneak attack and kill the sentinel first?
But those two fools just stayed in the shed as if they were afraid that others wouldn't know.

Bian Xiaolong, who was bored, looked at the shed, but when he was looking at the shed, he suddenly saw that the shed was bright!
A broken shed made by a farmer is not a torch in the dark, so how can there be light?
Bian Xiaolong subconsciously rubbed his eyes and looked again.

This time he was sure that there was really light in that dilapidated shed, the light from the hole, the light from the wall to steal the light.

With his common sense of life, Bian Xiaolong knew that he could see the light from the hole in the shed, at least a few conditions must be met.

For example, the location of the shed is about the same height as my current location.

For example, there should be blue sky behind the shed without any dark background.

If the shed was close to the mountain, even if the two ends were transparent, he would not be able to see it.

Another example is that what I see here is only the light of the hole, then in fact, if I get to the shed, the hole that was cut in the shed must be quite big, not to mention half of the shed wall.

Why did the wall of that shed suddenly collapse, or why did a big hole suddenly appear?Thinking of this question, Bian Xiaolong felt his little heart suddenly jump up!
"Big old stupid big old stupid!" Bian Xiaolong yelled hastily, "Something happened at the other end of the shed!"

Still the same sentence, the old man is not stupid, but he still can't tell from Bian Xiaolong's tone that something happened?He shrank his head back, turned his head and looked forward to the right.

But after the big old stupid looked at it, Bian Xiaolong confirmed that the big old stupid's eyes were indeed better than his own.

Because the old fool said: "One side of that shed fell down, and there is still someone lying on the ground. It should be our sentry, and it was touched by someone!"

"Ah?" Bian Xiaolong was shocked, "Then what should we do? Let's run!"

"Then how can I run? There is still a company behind." The big old stupid replied, but he was already touching his rifle in his hand.

The old man is simple and honest by nature, he has no habit of training others, and he doesn't know how to train others. If it were those Northeast veterans who heard Bian Xiaolong say this, they would definitely blow up the temple: "What? If you dare to run, I will shoot you first!"

Big old stupid now has two guns in his hand, a long one and a short one.

The long gun is a [-]-style rifle. He is tall and has long arms. The [-]-style rifle that is very long in other people's hands is just average in his hands.

The short gun is a semi-automatic box cannon, loaded with ten rounds, which can fire single shots but not bursts.

This time, after Shang Zhen and the others attacked the Japanese plainclothes team, they originally wanted to distribute a twenty-gun box cannon to the old man, but the old man said that he was used to using this one.

In fact, this matter is just like Li Qingfeng said, "Why do you get used to it? Our family's big stupid is just good-hearted!"

The big guy thinks so too, just leave the good things to others first.

Just as the old man was loading the bullet, Bian Xiaolong yelled again: "Look, look! I saw the Japanese devils!"

When the old hat pointed his rifle in the direction of the shed, he saw the Japanese devils as expected.

Although Bian Xiaolong saw only small figures, but the old man had good eyesight, but he could already see that those people were still wearing gray and black clothes.

That's definitely not going to battle, what they wear to go to battle, those of them are wearing the uniforms of the Northeast Army.

Due to the occlusion of the terrain, the big fool can't figure out how many people are on the other side, but it seems that there are always 40 to [-] people.

And the direction those people were heading was the hill occupied by Shang Zhen and the others, so who could those people be if they weren't the plainclothes team of the Japanese army?
The old man took aim briefly and pulled the trigger.

In fact, the marksmanship of a big brother is not very accurate. Shooting requires both talent and strict training.

But this is not important. The important thing is that the role of the sentinel is not to kill many enemies, but to fire a warning shot.

A "snap" sounded like this in the open mountains.

Since Big Boss had only fired one shot so far, the sound of the shot still had a curling echo.

But another battle started like this. Who knows what is waiting for the soldiers of the 337th Brigade Guard Company in this battle?

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