The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1425 The delayed “retirement”

The news that Fatty Wang Wang Qingfeng had been beaten again spread like the wind throughout the brigade headquarters and the guard company, and also reached Old Mao Wang's face.

"What's wrong with you?" When Mr. Wang appeared in front of Ju Hongxia in the house, Ju Hongxia sensitively noticed that Mr. Wang's expression was different from usual.

Mr. Wang didn't immediately answer his wife's question. Instead, he took out a cigarette, lit it for himself, took a deep breath and spit it out. He didn't care that Xu Hongxia's stomach was already bulging.

It’s no wonder that Old Man Wang is concerned. In China today, adults don’t know how to survive, so who can care about the fetus in their belly?

What's more, people at that time lacked the common sense that smoke would affect the health of the fetus.

"It seems we have to slow down our affairs for a while." After exhaling the smoke in his lungs, Mr. Wang said.

"Why?" Ju Hongxia asked curiously.

Mr. Wang is determined to "retreat from the world" with his little wife Ju Hongxia and his unknown child.

Several months have passed since the Baisha River Blockade, and autumn has turned into winter.

After the failure of the Baisha River blockade, the entire 51st Army had retreated to the Dabie Mountains in the west.

In the Baisha River blockade, the 51st Army was already severely weakened.

It's just that no matter how fierce they fought, it was only a part of this great battle.

The vast majority of grassroots officers and soldiers do not know the causes and consequences of this battle, that is to say, what happened before, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future.

In fact, there were too many major events surrounding the Wuhan battle.

Incident [-]: The Huayuankou embankment burst before the Battle of Wuhan.

The Nationalist Government was afraid that the Japanese army would march westward to Zhengzhou and then attack Wuhan after capturing Zhengzhou, so they launched the Huayuankou embankment breach with water as a weapon.

The Huayuankou dyke burst, which means that the Yellow River water was artificially drained from the dyke and no longer followed its original path, thus flooding the area below the rupture.

The mess was so vast that it became the so-called yellow flood zone.

Just after the embankment burst, locust plagues and wind disasters occurred in the Yellow Flood Area.

It is said that the house leaks only when it rains all night. The locust plague and the wind disaster did not happen one after another, but they happened at the same time.

Flood disasters are easy to understand. When the water is strong, people will be drowned and farmland will be flooded.

The emergence of the locust plague is due to the sedimentation of sand in the yellow flood zone, and the emergence of swamps and reeds, which provide excellent conditions for the survival of locusts.

Thousands of miles of once fertile land have disappeared, and the emergence of locust plagues has intensified the suffering of farmers, causing their only crops to be destroyed by locusts.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention wind disasters. The lack of vegetation has caused the strong winds carrying sediment to lose their barrier. It is like the "end of the world", exacerbating the deterioration of the ecological environment, and causing violent soil everywhere.

When the Huayuankou embankment burst, 89 people drowned, leaving 400 people homeless. With the locust plague and the lack of fertile farmland, more than 300 people starved to death in the Henan Famine in [-]. Thousands of people!
Then if Huangpizi (weasel) entered the chicken rack in the middle of the night and killed dozens of chickens, he would still be the boss.

When more than 300 million human beings died in one fell swoop, there are no words that can be too miserable to describe it.

There are different opinions on the aftermath of the Huayuankou embankment breach incident, and we do not intend to engage in unnecessary disputes here.But thinking about it, one thing is unquestionable, that is, a government that cannot defeat the invaders but preys on the people should be the most incompetent government in the world!
Event two, the fall of Madang Fortress.

Who knows whether the Japanese army has plans to march westward to Zhengzhou?
In any case, the Huayuankou was captured, and the Japanese army's actions were hindered. As for whether the Japanese army was drowned more, it is a confusing account of history.

In the end, the method adopted by the Japanese army was to launch an attack on Wuhan along the north and south banks of the Yangtze River.

The Yangtze River is naturally dangerous. Compared with the Yangtze River, the Baisha River can only be regarded as a small ditch.

Since it was a natural hazard, a fortress had to be set up at a strategically important place, and that's how the Madang Fortress came about.

Let me just highlight the key points. Just when the Japanese army was about to attack the Madang Fortress, the commander of the national army who was responsible for guarding Madang actually opened a military and political university and invited elites from all walks of life to the university to drink and eat.

I don't know if each of them was drunk, but it was a definite fact that the defenders could not find their commander when the Japanese army attacked.

As a result, the Madang Fortress, which the senior officials of the Nationalist Government thought could be defended for a month, was lost within a few days.

This incident is a world-wide anecdote, or it is definitely a world-wide scandal!
Event Three, the Great Victory at Wanjialing

To put it briefly, the Japanese 106th Division went deep alone, but the Chinese army captured the fighter plane and used three armies to besiege it.

Killing 3000 enemies and injuring them without any calculation, they achieved such a great victory.It was also the only battle in the Anti-Japanese War in which the Chinese army completely wiped out a Japanese division.

As the saying goes, the land of China has been suffering for a long time, so such a great victory should be written down in a big book!
Well, whether it was the previous breach of the Huayuankou embankment or the subsequent great victory at Wanjialing, the lower-level officers and soldiers of the 51st Army were not very clear about it.

But this is worry-free. They don't need to be angry because of the suffering of the people, nor do they need to cheer for the elimination of a Japanese division.

The battle they fought was only a part of this great battle.

They just knew that they had lost many companions they did not know, and thousands of their fellow Northeasterners were buried in a foreign land in China, or simply exposed in the wilderness.

In the guard company, Wang Laomao is the oldest. He has experienced many wars and experienced many tragedies.

He no longer has any direct relatives in the Northeast.

Speaking of which, it turned out that there was just a widow who was his sweetheart.

But as a man, now that he has his current little wife, how can he think about the widow he once was.

The war had already made him feel tired, and he only got close to Ju Hongxia later. Under the current national conditions, if he married a wife and had children when he was young, then he would be old enough to be a grandfather, so why didn't he retire? Jianghu?
Ju Hongxia agreed with Wang Laomao's idea, not to mention that now that they were in the Dabie Mountains, they could find a place that was not affected by the war and live a normal life.

If you say that you are leaving the army, it is equivalent to becoming a deserter. In Wang Laomao's eyes, this is not a problem at all.

As long as he takes his wife far away, what does it matter?He would not believe that Shang Zhen would lead his troops to capture him and go back!
"Today, that damn fat man was arrogant and brought up the original story again, and was beaten by Fatty Monkey again." Mr. Wang explained as he looked at his wife's suspicious eyes.

He knew that Ju Hongxia might not fully understand what he said, so he continued: "This is another feud with that damn fat man. If the two of us leave at this time, we may be targeted by the damn fat man, so we won't be able to calm down, so We’ll have to wait.”

Ju Hongxia understood this time. Just when she said "Oh", their door was suddenly knocked outside, and then the voice of Qian Chuaner was heard loudly: "Uncle Wang, old uncle Uncle Wang, are you at home? What fun, that Xiaolong Bian is actually a woman!"

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