The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1436: Happy to see pig heart

Chapter 1436: Happy to see pig heart
"Sir, sir, the men from the security company are back." When a soldier ran up to Wang Qingfeng to report, the room was filled with the smell of pumpkin seeds, and Wang Qingfeng was sitting on the chair, shaking his head. Sighing, "It smells good! It smells so good!"

Although the logistics supplies of the 337th Brigade are currently insufficient, Wang Qingfeng is the logistics director, and he can always eat things that others cannot.

His situation is like a chef in a restaurant preparing a Manchu banquet.

He only needs to take one bite of dozens or hundreds of dishes after they are cooked, and then he will be full.

There are still bruises at the corners of his eyes, where he was beaten by Hou Wangshan.

Although it still looks unsightly, it is no longer painful.

As the one who was beaten, Wang Qingfeng also wanted to be open-minded. Even though he was beaten by Hou Kanshan that day, it was like killing a pig, but what's the point?

He, Wang Qingfeng, was also a veteran, and he had seen more than his tragically missing arms and legs, missing ears, and one nostril.

In some cases, even the things that carried on the family line were destroyed by shrapnel!

Comparison produces happiness, so does Wang Qingfeng’s matter still matter?

Whatever is lost must be gained,
Being beaten was a loss, but now he was chewing pumpkin seeds contentedly, which was a gain.

Humans, if you want to survive in this messy world, you have to act like an uncle when you should be an uncle, and you have to pretend to be a grandson when you should pretend to be a grandson.

He felt that when he was beaten by the dead monkey, he was the grandson, and now that he can sit on the Taishi chair and eat pumpkin seeds, he was the uncle.

"Come back as soon as you come back. It's none of my business whether you live or die, just those bastards." Wang Qingfeng said without raising his head or eyes as he still tasted the fragrance of the pumpkin seeds.

Wang Qingfeng has decided to break off all relations with these brats in the security company. These brats are too ruthless and don't regard themselves as senior officers at all!

"No! No! Sir!" the subordinate explained quickly, "I don't know where those people made a fortune, but they pulled a big fat pig!
It's over, there is a carriage behind them, and the carriage is filled with large sacks. The sacks are bloody. They say they are filled with pork halves! "

"Huh? Pork half?" Hearing what his subordinates said, Wang Qingfeng stood up with a "swish", but then he bent his left leg and stumbled and said "ouch".

"Damn monkey, wait until you get the chance to see if I don't kill you!" No need to ask, the injury on Wang Qingfeng's left knee was also kicked out by Hou Kanshan.

Hou Kanshan beat him up, but he was only imprisoned.

People should eat and drink, and they can go out for a walk if nothing happens, because that is what the security guards are watching.

For this reason, Wang Qingfeng felt itchy with hatred.

If he were asked to send someone to watch Hou Kanshan, then he would definitely hang Hou Kanshan to the beam of the house and beat his ass with some willow slivers dipped in cold water every day!
But, Wang Qingfeng was Wang Qingfeng. Once he heard that the guard company had brought back a carriage of pork ribs, his hatred for Hou Kanshan became less important.

After Wang Qingfeng scolded Hou Kanshan, he quickly asked his subordinates: "Really brought back a cart full of pork halves?"

"Of course, sir, can I still look at you? The pig is hanging out in front of the carriage! Although the pig is not very fat, it is still a pig no matter how fat it is!" the man replied quickly.

Anyone who raises pigs catches piglets in the spring, raises them for a year, and then kills them in the winter during the Chinese New Year.

It's not the time to kill the pig yet, so it's normal for the pig to be thinner. Besides, no matter how thin the pig is, wouldn't the little pork chops taste more delicious?It’s all meat!

"Come on, show me!"

It has to be said that people who are always engaged in logistics are interested in supplies, especially delicious food, which is also a professional instinct. In the blink of an eye, Wang Qingfeng abandoned the idea of ​​​​breaking off relations with the guards to Java.

He limped out and led his men out of the house towards the town. He thought about the fat pigs, thin pigs and old sows in the car, and even felt that the knee injured by Hou Kanshan's kick did not hurt so much. .He was still thinking in his mind that even though he was beaten up again by that bitch Hou Kanshan, Shang Zhen's guard company had a hard time with these brats. He mixed sand into the grain, but they actually got a cart back. Come pig!
Sure enough, Wang Qingfeng, who walked onto the street, quickly saw the people from the security company.

The veterans of the guard company were walking like they didn't recognize their relatives. Wang Laomao, Qian Chuan'er, Qiu Bo, and Hu Zhuzhu were all there, but Shang Zhen was not.

And among them, there really were two carriages.

The carriages were all tied with tarpaulins, and the front half of a pig's body, including the pig's head and front trough, was exposed under the felt cloth on the carriage in front.

The pig's mouth was ferocious and its teeth were exposed, but it was obviously dead.

Looking at the size of the pig's head, it was exactly what his men saw. It was neither fat nor thin. No one could deny that it was a pig!

Except for this "half pig", the rest of the car was covered tightly with a tarpaulin. Naturally, it was impossible to see what was underneath. However, looking at the outline of the tarpaulin, one could also see that the shape was all ragged. , obviously, the guards even snatched back more than one pig.

On the car behind, there were stacks of food under the canvas. It looked like they should be grains packed in sacks.

"These brats!" Wang Qingfeng muttered vaguely, and it was unclear whether he was scolding or praising someone. Then, he stretched out his hand to pull away the men who were blocking him and stepped forward.

"Do you want Gaha?" As soon as Wang Qingfeng appeared, the veterans of the guard company were on alert, and Hu Zhuzhu even raised his gun at him.

To say that Wang Qingfeng's appearance was quite sudden, you must know that the guard had won a battle and returned with a cart of pigs.

This news has spread throughout the town, and the people will naturally come to watch. There are quite a few people watching. Not only is it like celebrating the New Year, it is almost like attending a big fair.

But as soon as Wang Qingfeng appeared, the reaction of the veterans of the guard company was extremely fast. Obviously they were prepared for Wang Qingfeng's appearance. As the saying goes, beware of devils, traitors, and this damn fat man!

"Hey, how did you treat the commander? Hurry up, put down the gun for me!" Wang Qingfeng became nervous when he saw the veterans raising their guns, not to mention that it was Hu Zhuzi who was pointing the gun at him. , so he, who was always eloquent, became stuttering.

There is an old saying in the East that goes, "A tiger is afraid of being stunned until it is stunned for its life."

The name "Tiger Pillar" contains the word "tiger", but in fact he is not just a tiger, he is the kind of person who does not care about his life.

Of course, Wang Qingfeng had heard about all the things about Tiger Pillar.

A soldier who was able to fight with the other troops and charge against the Japanese army was the only one Wang Qingfeng had ever heard of in his life.

And in the subsequent contact, while he was being beaten violently by the soldiers, he personally saw Hu Zhuzi being hugged by other soldiers.

Why is Tiger Pillar being hugged?Of course it was to prevent Hu Zhuzhu from beating him.

Afterwards, he reconciled with the veterans and entered the "honeymoon period". While drinking, the veterans also explained to him,

Were they really not trying to protect him, Wang Qingfeng, from being beaten?

Although they would hurt Wang Qingfeng very much when they hit him, they would do so in a measured manner. But Hu Zhuzhu was different. Hu Zhu might kill him with just one blow!

Wang Qingfeng has always been a cowardly person who is afraid of death. This timidity has been brought out since he came out of his mother's womb.

And Hu Zhuzi's unreasonableness is that he is a fool like the black whirlwind Li Kui, which is also natural.

Who cares about your tongue, who cares about the power behind you? He only recognizes dead people in his eyes. If he doesn't accept it, he will hit him with a pestle or shoot him!
So Tiger Pillar is Wang Qingfeng's natural nemesis. Seeing Tiger Pillar raising a gun at him, how can Wang Qingfeng not be afraid?
Now Hu Zhuzi's eyes started to stand up again. At this moment, Wang Qingfeng felt like two people were fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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