The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1439 Heading north for a nap

Chapter 1439 Heading north for a nap
The 51st Army really took action.

This time the operation was no longer about resisting the Japanese attack, but about going behind enemy lines to fight guerrilla warfare. Yu Xiuzhong of the 51st Army was promoted to Commander-in-Chief of Qilu Guerrilla Forces by the old man above.

When mentioning guerrilla warfare behind enemy lines, people in later generations will always think of the Eighth Route Army, the New Fourth Army and so on. But don't think that the National Army does not want to fight guerrilla warfare.

If the current battlefield in China is compared to a large construction site, then the various armies are the various types of work on the construction site.

We don't care whether he is a bricklayer, a steel worker, a carpenter, or even a laborer who earns the least, but he still has to work after all.

As for what to do, if you are a big worker, you will naturally do the work of a big worker, and if you are a small worker, you will naturally do the work of a small worker.

Nowadays, the blood of the Northeastern Army is declining, that is, it is only consumed without replenishment. Now it is not qualified to go to the front line as cannon fodder to bear the Japanese attack, but how can it be done without working or fighting the Japanese?
So Yu Xiuzhong chose to take the remnants of his 51st Army into enemy lines to fight guerrillas.

The military orders are like mountains, and they can be moved at any time. The entire 51st Army took action again under the orders.

But by this time, it was no longer a big deal that Shang Zhen and the others used the corpses of Japanese soldiers to pretend to be pork ribs. Who would pay attention to this?
In early winter, thousands of Northeastern troops wearing Tony-style helmets were trekking.

If we look at the whole of China, Northeastern people are still tallest.

It's just that even though they are tall, they can't hide the tired look of such a tired army without their hometown.

Northeastern people are unwilling to leave home. Without home, it is like a person without a soul. If it were not for the constant support of the dream of returning to his hometown, perhaps a team like them would have dispersed long ago.

Although there are trains nowadays, and there is also the Jinpu Line running from north to south, with the deepening of the war, the railway line has naturally been cut off by the Japanese army, so the Northeast Army has no choice but to walk.

They walked like this for several hours, and it was not until noon that the order came down and the troops rested in place.

Wang Qingfeng jumped down from the carriage and stretched his numb legs, then reached out and took out a cigarette. His soldier named "Wang Qi" lit it with a lighter.

Wang Qingfeng puffed out a puff of smoke happily, feeling that the sky was so blue and her mood was so good.

Of course Wang Qingfeng had reason to be in a good mood. The reason was that his brother-in-law Liu Chengyi had been promoted again. Liu Chengyi used to be the brigade commander of the 337th Brigade, but now he has become the division commander! The division commander of the 51th Division under the 113st Army.

The brother-in-law of the brigade commander has become a thing of the past, and now he has become the brother-in-law of the division commander. As the tide rises, he, Wang Qingfeng, has also changed from the brigade commander's brother-in-law to the division commander's brother-in-law!
In this case, how could he not be happy?

"Sir, this time you can take care of those veteran scoundrels in the security company!" Seeing Wang Qingfeng in a good mood, Wang Qi, who had just lit the fire for him, said flatteringly.

"Original guard company." Wang Jiu, another logistics soldier next to him, reminded.

"They are no longer in the security company now, and they are not with the brigade commander, so our commander's handling of them is like pinching the chickens?" Wang Qi said again.

Naturally, Wang Qi and Wang Jiu are not their original names and they are not brothers. They are nicknames given to them by Wang Qingfeng. If they don't agree with Wang Qingfeng, they will not be allowed to hang around him!
Wang Qi and Wang Ji also figured it out. It's just a nickname for you. Just call it whatever you want. Seven is nine and not eight. That's better than going to the front line to fight.

"You know nothing!" Wang Jiu retorted after hearing Wang Qi's words, "The brigade commander has become a division commander, but didn't that boy Shang Zhen also get promoted to a battalion commander? The relationship between our commander and Shang Zhen The level hasn’t changed yet!”

"Shut up, you two! Get away from me if you don't piss me off again!" Wang Qingfeng, who was in a good mood, cursed angrily when he saw these two people making fun of her relationship with Shang Zhen.

So the two men quickly shut their mouths.

"I am the division commander's brother-in-law now, and I am not as familiar as those gangsters!" Then Wang Qingfeng easily found a reason for himself.

Although he knew that with the temper of Shang Zhen's group of veterans, if he dared to keep talking, he would probably get beaten.

At this time, among the resting team, the people from Shang Zhen's battalion were naturally resting as well.

The soldiers drank water and sat together to talk.

None of them would think of Wang Qingfeng, they were chatting about their own affairs.

"I had a dream last night." This is what Qingfeng Li said.

"What did you do? It was a dream. What a dream? Did the little Taoist dream of marrying a wife?" These were Qin Chuan's words, and the veterans all laughed. "If you can dream, then dream fast. I'm afraid if the fight continues, we won't even have the chance to dream." But someone said this at this time, and the only one who could say such embarrassing words at this time was Chen Hanwen.

"Life is like a dream. When you die, you fall asleep. You can always dream there.

But no matter how wonderful your dream is, what's the use? It's a matter of the underworld. Do you still have a chance to tell the dream? "Chen Hanwen's words were really heartbreaking. He successfully silenced all the soldiers.

After a while, Qian Chuan said angrily: "I really don't know how to talk about age, so why can't I make progress in my speech?"

Chen Hanwen has a somewhat pedantic personality.

Pedantic people often tell the truth and don't pay attention to the occasion when they speak.

The so-called nagging means talking about other people's happy things. Chen Hanwen always talks about other people's sad things, so doesn't he always get scolded?
Sure enough, Qin Chuan continued to criticize Chen Hanwen and said, "I'm talking about a scholar, and you are also a scholar. You see, that scholar among them is already a junior scholar. What's wrong with you?"

The other scholar Qin Chuan mentioned was of course Chu Tian.

Not only did Mr. Wang succeed in making his daughter-in-law's belly bulge, but Chu Tian also succeeded in target shooting. According to rumors, the female student also had one!
So, even though they are both talented people, why is the gap so big?

Chen Hanwen knew that he was in trouble again and stopped talking.

"Little Taoist, please tell me about your dream. What is it like? Do you dream of marrying a wife? Do you want to marry someone with a big waist and a round face and hair on the mouth, or do you want to marry someone who is small and exquisite and you can carry it away with your hands?"

Does a woman with a big waist and round mouth have to have hair on her face?The woman is so small, can Li Qingfeng, who is less than 1.6 meters tall, reach out and carry her around?

Qin Chuan's words successfully changed the atmosphere of the scene, and the scene became lively again.

"What kind of wife should I marry?" Li Qingfeng said angrily, "I dreamed that we were fighting with foreigners.

But those foreigners are not Japanese devils. They are all very white, translucent white.

Otherwise, they are very black, as black as coal. Only the eyeballs and teeth are white when they smile, and they look like little devils! "

"What kind of dream is this? Li Qingfeng, you are a Taoist priest yourself. Please interpret the dream for yourself." Ma Erhuzi said.

"The people you mentioned who look like that are really not Japanese soldiers. The Japanese soldiers are Japanese devils. I feel like you are talking about Western devils?" At this time, Bai Zhan, who was well-informed, analyzed. .

"Pull him down, have you ever seen someone who looks like a briquette?" Ma Erhuzi said disapprovingly.

"Why not?" Bai Zhan retorted, "I think there were such Western devils when the Eight-Nation Allied Forces entered BJ!" Bai Zhan said.

Does anyone really look like a briquette?Bai Zhan's words caused discussion among the soldiers.

At this time, in the resting queue, Mr. Wang was looking behind the queue like a long queue with some worry. But after all, the queue was like a long queue, so what could he see besides the big-headed soldiers? ?

Previously, the 51st Army was in the Dabie Mountains, but this time it was going to Shandong, so it was naturally marching from south to north.

Mr. Wang didn't want to be separated from his little wife, so he asked two soldiers to pull Ju Hongxia, who was also wearing military uniforms, and the female student from Chu Tian in a carriage to accompany them.

But after all, the troops were marching, so how could he be with them blatantly, so he was still a little worried.

"What are you worried about? When you get to Shandong, you and Aunt Wang will find a good place to have a cat. I will tell the public that you were killed or missing. Then you will also retire from the world?" Shang Zhen comforted from the side.

At this time, Wang Laomao no longer argued with Shang Zhen, and he responded with a "hmm" and a heavy nod.

He really can't stay in the army anymore. He's too old and can't run anymore. It's better to retire from the world!

(End of this chapter)

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