The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1461 Zhang Liangji and the Wall Ladder

Chapter 1461 Zhang Liangji and the Wall Ladder

"Get up, don't sleep, it's dawn!" When Liu He started to tell the soldiers not to sleep anymore, he saw that Li Qingfeng had already sat up and was looking at him in the dim light of the morning.

"Get up as soon as you wake up. What are your plans for today?" Liu He asked Li Qingfeng.

"Don't you recognize me as the squad leader?" Li Qingfeng curled his lips.

"Fuck." Liu He, who was speechless, swore directly.

"I'll go tell that old Xie and let's go back to our respective homes. We really can't piss in a pot with their people." Li Qingfeng stood up, and he also laughed.

It's really like learning from whomever you want. Following these rough people from the Northeast, I have learned to use bad language.

"Zhong, that's what I mean too." Liu He agreed.

The soldiers all started to climb up, all grumbling, but as they stood up, the gentle heat that was generated between them and the withered grass finally disappeared.

Qingfeng Li walked to the place where they came yesterday, playing with his box cannon as he walked.

This box cannon also has a strap, but for his short stature, the strap seems a bit long. Others can carry the box cannon up to their buttocks, but for him, it almost reaches the bend of his knees.

But just as Qingfeng Li was fiddling with his gun and walking to the edge of the small patch of bushes where they were hiding, he suddenly squatted down and turned back with a silencing gesture.

Because he didn't say anything, the soldier who saw his gesture squatted down and picked up the gun in his hand as soon as he hit the ice cream. The people standing next to him didn't know why, but when they saw the eight of them, there were six of them. He squatted down and quickly did the same.

"Don't say anything, there are two Japs!" Li Qingfeng stared straight ahead and whispered.

With Qingfeng Li's reminder just now, the soldiers were no longer surprised and all looked forward.

Sure enough, about a hundred meters ahead, there were groups of people squatting or lying there, and the guns they held were pointing in the direction of the woods where Xie Chengan and the others were resting last night.

Judging from their strength, they should have about 60 to [-] people, and they even had light machine guns set up. Those people were the puppet soldiers.

And this is only the side they saw. It is estimated that there should be puppet troops in other directions, and the woods must be surrounded.

I don’t know when the puppet troops arrived, but you can imagine why they were so eager to watch. They must have determined that Xie Chengan and the others were in the woods.

After a moment of silence, Liu He suddenly whispered to Li Qingfeng: "Okay, little Taoist priest, I recognize you as the squad leader!"

Why did Liu He say that?That was of course because it was Li Qingfeng who led them here before dark yesterday.

At that time, because there was water ahead, Qingfeng Li could have found another place or turned around and returned to the woods.

If that were the case, then they would have been made dumplings by others today amid the encirclement of the US military.

The reason why the puppet troops did not come towards them again was probably because the puppet troops also saw that there was water in front of them, and they did not want to wade into the water in this early winter morning.

So it can be said that Qingfeng Li's decision saved everyone.

But at this time, Li Qingfeng simply dismissed Liu He's praise for himself as nothing. His eyes were spinning, thinking about what to do.

"We are all Chinese, why should we have trouble with our own people?" A soldier next to him also whispered.

"It's useless to clean up. If you go by your statement, there won't be a single traitor in China!" Liu He retorted.

Then Liu He asked Li Qingfeng, "What do you think? Squad leader, should we do them?"

The people Liu He mentioned undoubtedly referred to the puppet troops.

In fact, if their squad does not want to participate in the next battle, they can retreat silently and say, "Friends are in trouble, but they are still as strong as a mountain." This is definitely a tradition in the Chinese army today.

"I'm not from the Northeast. It's up to you whether to fight or not." Li Qingfeng spoke, but who would have thought that he would say such a sentence, but he would throw the difficult question of whether to join the war to Liu He and the others. Several Northeastern Army soldiers.

Liu He and the remaining soldiers looked at each other in confusion. After a while, Liu He was the first to express his position: "We are from the Northeast, and we cannot ignore death. And we have several new twenty-ring box cannons, and Two cannons.”

In the battle yesterday morning, they successfully attacked the puppet troops with two mortars. Those American troops were undoubtedly the elite of Li Tantou's group, and most of their weapons were twenty-ring box cannons.

At that time, everyone was seizing weapons, and naturally they also seized several. Afterwards, Xie Chengan did not take those box cannons back, but said that whoever seized them would belong to them.

Who doesn't like box cannons, especially 20-ring cannons? At this point, Xie Cheng'an still handled matters very openly.

Liu He expressed his stance, and some of the remaining soldiers also said: "You said this as if I was afraid of death."

Although the other people did not speak, they obviously acquiesced to the soldier's statement, and the decision to join the war was reached. "There is no movement at all in the woods now, but because there is no movement, I guess Lao Xie and the others must have discovered the Japanese Japs. They will definitely break out from our side soon, and we can just meet them." Li Qingfeng came up with a battle plan. coming.

"Then what if they think that we, the Japs, don't break out from this side?" At this time, a soldier interjected.

"Then you chase them from behind and bring them back!" Liu He said angrily.

The soldier was silenced by Liu He.

In fact, in terms of combat experience and ability, Liu He could definitely be a squad leader or something. However, he has always been a bad talker, which is why his grandma didn't love him and his uncle didn't love him.

"Okay, get ready to fight." Li Qingfeng was used to the Northeastern soldiers arguing with each other, so he stopped participating.

I wonder if those two cannons can still be used?At this time, Li Qingfeng thought again, but after thinking about it, he might as well forget it. No one in their group knew how to use a mortar, and no one could learn it just by watching Lin Yaozu use it once.

And more importantly, there are only two artillery shells left now. At their level, they can test-fire it, but after the test-firing, the shells are gone. Isn't it full to use mortars? ?

Qingfeng Li and the others began to prepare for the battle, and when they had just finished preparing for the battle, the gunshots in front of them rang out like a torrential rain.

The sound of gunfire can be like a torrential rain, but it's not just rifles, there's even the "chugging" sound of light machine gun fire.

However, none of this surprised Li Qingfeng and the others. Since the puppet army came well prepared, it was expected that they would have strong firepower.

But what surprised Li Qingfeng and the others was that no soldiers from the Northeast Army rushed out from the woods toward them, and the puppet soldiers just in front of them who were "waiting" naturally did not move.

"Oops." Some soldiers expressed surprise. Of course, it could also be said that they doubted Qingfeng Li's judgment just now.

"If they really don't break out from this end, don't blame us for not helping." Liu He spoke.

No one answered, but no doubt others thought the same way.

Now that they don't evacuate secretly but stay to take over, that's absolutely interesting. They don't believe that Xie Chengan doesn't know that they are here. If there is a road to heaven, you don't take it, and if there is no door to hell, you go to it. How can this be done? Who is to blame?
The sound of gunfire at the other end of the woods was quieter, but it was still ringing. It seemed that Xie Chengan and the others had really broken through from that end.

At this time, Li Qingfeng and the others couldn't bear the loneliness when they looked at the puppet army outside the woods. They actually stood up, apparently planning to encircle them.

"Fuck you! Fuck you! What kind of bloody battle is this for the company commander?" Liu He was already a little anxious.

He really wanted to take action, but his reason told him that he really couldn't take action at this time!
If they take action at this time, not only Xie Chengan and the others will be wiped out by the puppet army, but even those of them who originally stayed out of the matter will not be able to survive alone.

Although Liu He did not take action, due to his excitement, he did not notice that the gunshots from the other end were quieter, and there were even faint shouts from the other side of the woods.

"Get ready to fight, Lao Xie and the others are coming out from here!" Li Qingfeng suddenly shouted, and then he didn't forget to add, "Beat the assigned heads!"

When Qingfeng Li said this, everyone felt a chill in their hearts. They all hurriedly adjusted their shooting postures and aimed the guns in their hands at the previously designated target.

At this time, gunshots really rang out from the other side of the woods.

The puppet soldiers at this end paid the price for standing up. Bullets were shot from the woods, and several puppet soldiers were knocked down without being able to lie down.

But for the puppet troops at the other end of the woods, the greater price they paid was at the back, because Qingfeng Li had already shouted "Hit!", and then Qingfeng Li's gunshots rang out.

Qingfeng Li and his group were not many, less than ten, but as soon as their guns rang out, more of the puppet soldiers were shot. Even the machine gunner lying behind the machine gun lay there without firing a bullet. Can't move!

This is the inevitable result of Qingfeng Li and others' preparations for battle. Fixed people shoot fixed targets to prevent two people from hitting the same target. Qingfeng Li learned this trick from veterans like Shang Zhen, so that the first shot can be fired Maximize shooting efficiency.

At this time, Xie Chengan, who was rushing out of the woods with men and guns, was overjoyed when he saw gunshots coming from behind the puppet army, and shouted: "Little Taoist priests and the others are responding, hurry up!"

You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder.

When he woke up and found that his group was surrounded by puppet troops, Xie Chenganna also used his brains on how to rush out.

Of course he would lead troops to break out of Qingfeng Li and the others, but before actually breaking out, he came to "build the plank road openly and secretly attack the warehouse". He had people launch a feint attack from the opposite direction, and then lured the puppet troops With the firepower at full blast, the real breakthrough began from Qingfeng Li and the others.

Thousands of frost-day competitions are free.

Therefore, the little people involved in this war are doing their best to kill the enemy and save themselves, but the Chinese still fall in thousands.

I control my own life?Forget it, life or death is nothing more than time and fate. The last survivor ended up with the sigh of "the green mountains are still there, and the sunset turns red a few times."

(End of this chapter)

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