The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1468 Someone is making trouble

"You are a prodigal, you will be ruined by this family sooner or later!" Wang Lao Mao cursed in a rare curse in the camp headquarters compound.

It was rare for the recruits in their battalion. At least it was the first time they saw the deputy battalion commander yelling like this, even though the battalion commander was not there.

As for those veterans, they should do whatever they have to do.

Seeing that Mr. Wang was already dry with curses, something happened again that shocked the recruits. Someone came forward, and it was Ma Tianfang, who only had one arm and one hand.

Ma Tianfang used his remaining right hand to hold a bowl of tea that he got from somewhere. He walked up to Mr. Wang and said respectfully: "Uncle Wang, please take a drink first."

"Huh?" Mr. Wang looked at Ma Tianfang, this guy is quite discerning today!
But who would have thought that Ma Tianfang then said: "Moisten your throat before continuing to scold."

"What are you throwing away?" Mr. Wang was stunned by Ma Tianfang's cold humor.

What does Ma Tian mean by letting your lame horse go?Do you think it's a big deal just to watch the fun?Are you listening to me talking about storytelling?

But before Mr. Wang could say anything, Ma Tianfang, who would pull out a few sheep dung eggs whenever they poked their butts, said in time: "Uncle Wang, the tea is good, it's full of stars."

What is Gypsophila?Later generations also called it "high broken". To put it bluntly, it was actually tea foam!Only working people without status drink the so-called Gypsophila.

Are you going to use tea foam against me?Mr. Wang is going to scold again.

But at this time, Ma Tianfang sighed faintly and said: "Oh, I only have one arm left after fighting the Japanese. I can't even walk a mile in a march or fight."

When he said this, Ma Tianfang had already put down the steaming bowl of "Gypsophila", and then jumped out with a twist of his butt.

Isn't that right? He only has one arm now, so isn't it difficult for him to run?

"Ma Tianfang, you bastard!" Wang Lao Mao finally realized what he was doing. He was so angry that he jumped to his feet and cursed, "I've crippled one of your legs, and I'll make you jump all over the place!"

With a sound of "coaxing", the veterans in the yard couldn't hold it back any longer and finally laughed. Then they were afraid of being scolded, so they didn't care about military orders, but they also ran out of the yard. They didn't want Mr. Wang to scold him and make him angry. come over.

But the recruits in the yard didn't dare to move, they were recruits!

According to the summary of soldiers from Shang Zhen camp, their camp has three sets of rules.

The first set of rules is called the whole camp's rules. Anyone who violates them will be subject to military law. You can't be polite.

The second set is called veterans' rules.

The third set of rules is called recruits' rules.

Veterans know the rules. As long as they don't violate military discipline, they don't have to follow the rules.

The new recruits also know the rules. Even if the veterans run out, they still have to stand in the yard. If they have never fought side by side with the veterans, they should not talk about the rules of the veterans.

In the blink of an eye, all the veterans in the yard were gone. When the recruits peeked at their deputy battalion commander, Wang Laomao, they saw Wang Laomao with his mouth wide open and his eyes wide open, like a wooden sculpture.

After a while, Mr. Wang came back to life. There was a smile in the corner of his eyes, and he actually went to drink the bowl of gypsophila.

In fact, it's no wonder that Mr. Wang is anxious. In just over half a month, Shang Zhen visited several local armed forces with certain combat effectiveness, but he sent out more than 20 rifles!
And those guns are still good guns. They are all Type [-] rifles they captured. One rifle plus twenty or thirty rounds of ammunition, this is almost standard equipment!

Wang Lao Mao also knew this, because Wang Lao Mao rarely stayed in the camp during this period, but he was always at home with his little wife.He was a little tired from scolding him just now. When Old Man Wang took a sip of Gypsophila and looked up again, he saw that the recruits in the yard were also winking. He was about to scold the recruits, but then a soldier shouted "Battle" at the door. "Chang", but Shang Zhen had already walked in from outside the courtyard gate.

"There are no extra guns. I won't give away any this time, hehe." Shang Zhen obviously also knew that Mr. Wang was cursing, so he came in and explained first.

Wang Laomao's mouth was blocked again by someone's unpredictability.

When Mr. Wang was about to say something more, the sound of "thumping" footsteps suddenly came from outside the hospital.

Anyone can hear the sound of hurried footsteps, but all veterans are particularly sensitive to the sound of hurried footsteps.

Because no one would run if there was no emergency, and what time is it now?Although their battalion had not fought against the Japanese and puppets in a short period of time, their fighting habits could not be changed.

Amidst the "thumping" of footsteps, Mr. Wang stretched out his hand and grasped the handle of the box cannon at his waist, and Shang Zhen did the same.

At this time, Guo Baoyou's shout came from outside: "Batalion Commander, the old idiot Bian Xiaolong got into a fight with others, and you may suffer a loss!" Then Guo Baoyou broke in.

"Explain clearly, what's going on?" Shang Zhen was also anxious.

"A fight is a fight, not a gun! People from other divisions came to our territory to rob the people's things, but Da Laobeng and Bian Xiaolong refused to let them go, so they started fighting with them!" Guo Baoyou was also a veteran after all, and he immediately realized What I just said could easily cause misunderstandings between Shang Zhen and Mr. Wang.

Those in other divisions are called friendly forces, but if the Japanese invaders enter the town, it is an enemy situation. The nature is different, so it is a fight rather than a war.

"How many people are there on the other side?" Mr. Wang asked anxiously.

"There will be a company soon!" Guo Baoyou replied hastily.

"Ask Qiu Bo to bring the whole company to me!" Shang Zhen also jumped up.

No one cares which friendly force the other party is, but it is absolutely not okay for one's own people to be beaten on their own territory, not even if the King of Heaven comes. This is the iron law of leading troops nowadays!
Why?If there is something that new-style armies like the Eighth Route Army rely on to unite soldiers, it is common beliefs and military discipline.

But what did the old army rely on to keep the soldiers together?Then if you say that it’s the Republic of China now, and it’s that, uh--three-ism or something, that’s a long way off. No one at the top of the National Government believes it. Are you telling the people below?
If you want to say that you have faith, fighting the Japanese devils counts as one.

What maintained the cohesion of the old-style army was military discipline and the kind of personal relationships from top to bottom.

I protect my people, I can bully my people, but you outsiders can't bully you!

The division commander covers the regiment commander, the regiment commander covers the battalion and company commander, and the battalion and company commander in turn covers his own soldiers below.

An army is also a team. If you don’t have a few backbones who really work for you, who will help you when you are really desperate?

Have you not watched later movies and TV dramas? When the subordinates of the Chinese army choose to fight or escape, they will often say "Don't you treat me badly?"

It just means that *** treats me very well. If I don’t feel guilty at the critical moment, I will die!
But the subtext is, if *** treats me poorly, don't blame me for withdrawing the ladder at the critical moment!
Although Shang Zhen's army is much stronger than the old army, he is not immune to the common denominator.

Now that Shang Zhen heard that it was just a fight, although he loosened his grip on the gun, he ran out in a hurry.

Mr. Wang also ran after him, and when he ran to the door, he didn't forget to say to the recruits at home: "You guys look after my home, don't let others take care of our home again!"

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