The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1484 There Are Always Regrets

The sound of gunshots and explosions was still there, but at this moment there was an unnoticed "hiss" sound in the air. After a moment, there was a "boom" sound, and a grenade was directly controlled by Lian Guangfu. The heavy machine gun exploded not far in front.

"Company commander, the kid fired a grenade!" the soldiers nearby shouted quickly.

As mentioned before, the Japanese army is afraid of machine guns, and the Chinese machine guns are afraid of Japanese grenade launchers. This is part of the biological chain on the battlefield, just like that "big fish eats small fish, small fish eat shrimps, and shrimps eat mud."

Even Guangfu could only let go of the gun's grip.

Veterans like Lian Guangfu and the others don't know how accurate the Japanese grenades are!
The first shot is tested and the second shot will basically hit the target. These are the lessons learned by the Northeast Army with their lives and blood. How can they succeed if they don't learn from it?
But at this time, they heard another "boom" in the distance. The sound was not loud, but they were all veterans. They could still tell that the explosion was a grenade rather than a grenade.

"Where is the idiot!" The soldier who served as Lian Guangfu's ammunition supply pointed.

Of course, what the bomb feeder was pointing to was where the Japanese grenade was. There was a cloud of smoke rising from a small mound about a hundred meters away.

A Japanese soldier had turned around and ran towards the road, and behind the mound was the half-drawn body of another Japanese soldier.

"Okay, their battalion's grenades are so accurate, why didn't I hear the test firing!" the bomb supplyer shouted.

Who can blow up the Japanese grenade launchers is, of course, the grenade launcher platoon under Shang Zhen.

In this ambush battle, Qiao Xiong did not let their grenade launcher fire at the earliest possible time.

He felt sorry for the few grenades. Even though he had captured some, he couldn't bear to use them. He felt that these grenades should be used at critical moments.

As for him knocking off the Japanese grenade with a grenade, on the one hand it was because he was really accurate, and on the other hand they were an ambush party, but he had already noticed the small mound on the side of the road. .

The mound was not big, and there were not many people to hide behind it. Shang Zhen and the others would not choose to hide there during an ambush, but Qiao Xiong could imagine that once the Japanese army was attacked, it would be the perfect place to hide the Japanese grenadiers.

And now he has used his own grenade to prove that it is indeed the case!
Now that Qiao Xiong had "fired", the few men under their command also shot out the grenades.

So, looking from a high point in the distance, a few clusters of fine smoke and dust rose up from the black or yellow Japanese and puppet soldiers lying on the road.

It is unknown how many casualties this sudden grenade caused to the Japanese and puppet troops, but it undoubtedly became the last straw that crushed the fighting spirit of the Japanese and puppet troops.

All the Northeastern officers and soldiers participating in the battle finally got up and ran back when they saw the remaining Japanese and puppet troops.

But at this moment, another gunshot rang out just in front of them.

"Oh, it's too early!" Zhang Yingjie, who was watching the battle on the top of the mountain, said with regret.

And just after the gunfire, the firepower of the Japanese army suddenly increased greatly. It was Liu Naiwu's company that Shang Zhen had ambushed there in advance and opened fire.

They are all veterans, and they know how to use their brains when fighting.

Company commander Liu Naiwu, like Qiao Xiong, did not let the soldiers participate in the battle immediately. Instead, he observed and saw the Japanese and puppets retreating, but he ordered the soldiers to wait.

He planned to order shooting when the Japanese and puppet troops retreated to the position closest to them on the road.

But it was a pity that one of the recruits was nervous and fired first, thus exposing them.

Since he was exposed, he had no choice but to start fighting. Liu Naiwu was so angry that he scolded the recruit, "I'll deal with you later" and then took command of the battle.

The sudden appearance of Liu Naiwu Company naturally created greater panic among the remaining Japanese and puppet troops.

They saw that there was no ambush in the other direction, so they got off the road and fled in that direction. Although several more Japanese and puppet soldiers were shot, dozens of Japanese and puppet soldiers still ran away.

"I wish I had known we would also ambush people on the other side." A soldier said with regret.

"You know nothing!" one of the companions scolded, "There is an open field over there. If we are planning an ambush, where can we hide? How about lying down in the open?"

"There are always mugworts or something to hide." The former was dissatisfied. "You're trying to beat us and the little devil, do you think your marksmanship is better than others?" the latter scolded.

So the former was speechless.

Yes, the reason why Shang Zhen didn't send troops to ambush there was because he really didn't want his team to suffer too many casualties.

The reason why the battle plan is called a plan is just an idea. How could Shang Zhen foresee whether they could win this ambush battle? And even if it was a tragic victory, if the Japanese and puppet troops retreated, wouldn't the people responsible for their interception... There were greater casualties because there was no geographical advantage at all.

"Leave one platoon on guard, and the rest will fight back with me!" Liu Naiwu shouted.

As the separated part of the Japanese and puppet troops fled, the overall situation of this battle was determined. Liu Naiwu's company's return attack and the other three companies formed a situation to surround the remaining puppet troops who were riding in the carriage. .

At this time, Shang Zhen, who had been lying on the ground shooting, had also stood up. He finally had time to observe the entire battlefield situation.

It has to be said that commanders and combatants ultimately need a division of responsibilities.

And after just briefly scanning the battlefield, Shang Zhen suddenly shouted: "Hand over the gun and we won't kill!"

As soon as Shang Zhen shouted, his soldiers started shouting without hesitation. They spread the shout to ten, then to a hundred. Suddenly, the battlefield was full of shouts of "Hand down the gun and don't kill". .

Really, Shang Zhen really didn't think too much, because he saw that there were still puppet troops resisting with guns raised, and then he suddenly thought of what he had seen when he went to northern Shaanxi. The Eighth Route Army had never been very aggressive in battle. That's what he shouted.

Shang Zhen did not have the consciousness of the Eighth Route Army not to kill prisoners, but he knew that the rabbit would bite people when pressed.

If the puppet army knows that they will die, they will definitely resist, but if they resist, there will definitely be casualties on their side, so it is not worth it.

Does the "hand over the gun without killing" strategy work?It only works for the Chinese, that is to say, for those puppet troops.

Knowing that those who resisted would be killed, but once they heard that they would not be beheaded if they surrendered their guns, the puppet soldiers who were still resisting began to look at each other.

And when they looked at it, their leader had already died at some point, and was lying on his back not far from them, with his chest covered in blood.

"I surrender!" After a moment, a puppet soldier threw out the rifle in his hand, and then raised his hands above his head.

If there is one thing about surrender, there will be a second one. If there is a second one, then it will not be a third one, but three, four, five, six, seven or eight!

When the morale of the army is weakened, it is natural that the army will be defeated like a mountain. In fact, it is the same for both sides.

The puppet soldiers dropped their guns and began to surrender. When Shang Zhen was rushing forward, he saw several puppet soldiers beside a carriage, also raising their rifles over their heads in a gesture of surrender.

It's just a pity that all three horses pulling the cart have fallen to the ground. Now they don't even have to struggle with the hoof, and they are obviously dead.

And the reason why there are the most puppet troops left here is because they use the horse as a body.

"Damn it, do you think these three horses were killed by you?" Ma Erhuzi, who had rushed there at this time, was already anxious, and he kicked a puppet soldier on the shoulder. It gave him a somersault.

"There's no use for the horse. I'll put a harness on you and you go and pull the cart for us!" Although Ma Erhuzi was a bit harsh on the captive, he still said what Shang Zhen wanted to say.

Those of them who were closest to the ambush were not willing to hit those horses when they fired, but who would have thought that three of them fell down at once.

Now they don't want to eat horse meat, they need horse-drawn carts!

Shang Zhen looked at the other carriages. They were all horse-drawn carriages, but there were still twelve or thirteen horses standing.

Okay, that's all, Shang Zhen thought helplessly.

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