Chapter 1486

It was already afternoon, the sound of gunfire had long gone, and the mountains and fields were still the same, but in the end it was the cry of an old bird that broke the tranquility in the mountains and fields.

The old bird looking for food flapped its wings slowly and circled in the sky for several times before finally falling into the fields.

There were dead bodies wearing yellow or gray clothes, and beside the bodies there were patches of blood that had turned black.

Humans are killing each other and animals are carnivaling. If it wasn't already early winter, the bloody smell would definitely attract more scavenging animals - old storks.

But just when the old bird had just landed, it suddenly flew up again, because at this time, a man suddenly appeared in the grass not far away and raised his waist.

The man's face was very dirty, and even though he had a beard, it wasn't much clean. There were scars on his face, but his eyes were shining and alert.

He looked around again, and when he saw that there was no movement, he stood up and walked towards the road with the most corpses.

But when he left, his steps were limping again, it was Mo Jianchen.

Mo Jianchen should have left long ago, but the battle in the morning kept him here. He had witnessed the entire battle, and now that the Northeastern Army had withdrawn for some time, he also wanted to pick up the pieces. Click "Yangluo (lào)" to go back.

Since he witnessed the whole process of this battle, he naturally also saw the Northeast Army cleaning the battlefield.

Maybe the Northeast Army fought too many battles, or maybe the Northeastern people were too careless. At least he saw that the battlefield of the Northeast Army was not clean.

Sure enough, just as he dragged his injured leg to the ditch on the side of the road, he saw a rifle.

A Japanese soldier stuck his head in that ditch and died. The bullet box from the guy's waist was not removed, and the rifle was pressed under him and only the butt was exposed.

Seeing the gun, Mo Jianchen's eyes flashed with excitement.

No matter how poor the Northeast Army is, it is still the Northeast Army. They don't even want the guns that should be captured, but they just get an advantage.

The Lunan Detachment of the Eighth Route Army was too poor, with only more than a hundred guns in total.

It is understandable to say that the Lunan detachment is poor. They have only developed in the past two years, and their family background is poor.

What is this like?Whether it's the Northeast Army or the local armed forces, they are all like the rich second generation with family background. Their parents have already purchased everything, so it doesn't matter if they splurge a little.

But what is the Lunan detachment?That's like the college students of later generations who go to work in other places. You are "drifting" in a city that does not belong to you. If you want to have a home, you must first save enough for a down payment, and then you must have monthly payments. Not to mention financial freedom, if you want to have economic freedom How can it be so easy to turn over?

When Mo Jianchen really got the rifle in his hand, and even tied the Japanese soldier's belt with the bullet box on his body, he suddenly felt like a serf singing.

Can he find someone with one gun and two guns? This thought surged in his mind and he could no longer contain it. He quickly looked around and saw that there was still no movement, so he began to search on the battlefield.

But he didn't know that everything about him had already entered the eyes of several people.

No one noticed when he first came out of the hiding place, but when he went to the roadside to pick up the gun, he was discovered.

"Is that guy picking up rags in Gaha?" Someone said deliberately, it was Bai Zhan.

"It's terrible to be uneducated. People are picking up foreign goods." It was Chu Tian who replied to Bai Zhan.

"This guy is so courageous. He dares to go to a pile of dead people to get a gun. I don't know which village he comes from." The third person's words had nothing to do with the content of the previous words. That was Guo Baoyou.

"How do you know he's not the second devil who came back to look for his second or third brother?" This time it was Ma Erhuzi who spoke again.

"Have you slept for a while? You are all talking nonsense here." The fifth person spoke, this time it was Shang Zhen, so the first four fell silent.

Shang Zhen had just woken up, and he only left a few people to contain the Japanese and puppet troops who might appear again. It was a pity that they had only shipped back the food and burned it.

Leaving a few more people behind was also Shang Zhen's precautionary measure.

After all, the troops were very tired, and Shang Zhen did not intend to let his battalion fight another battle with the Japanese and puppet troops, although he believed that the Japanese and puppet troops were unlikely to turn back immediately after suffering such losses.

While those four people were talking nonsense, Shang Zhen had already slept on his own, and he had just woken up.

For those who serve in the military, their biological clocks have been tempered to a particularly fine level. Even if they do not set an alarm clock, if they say they sleep for two hours and wake up, they will sleep for two hours and wake up. There is absolutely no difference.

Seeing that no one of the four people said anything, Shang Zhen was too lazy to pay attention to them. He reached out for the telescope, adjusted the focus, and looked at the person on the road ahead. Then Mo Jianchen's downcast and slovenly look appeared. Slowly appeared in his lens.

At this time, how could Mo Jianchen know that he had been locked by the telescope, but he was still looking for "Yang Luo".

Not to mention, after searching, he found two more rifles. In addition to the Type [-] rifle he found first, he now has two Type [-] rifles and one made in Hanyang.

Mo Jianchen couldn't help but smile, feeling comfortable, and even felt that the injured leg he was dragging didn't hurt so much.A gun with dozens of bullets is inconspicuous, but in the hands of Eighth Route Army soldiers, how useful it can be!
Needless to say, the Eighth Route Army was really poor, extremely poor. Do you think that the "Three Guns and Tu Eighth Route Army" was called for nothing?Then if the fourth shot is fired, we all lose!
It's almost time to leave.

Mo Jianchen, who was thinking in his mind, was about to raise his head when he saw something good again. Oops, there was a dead puppet soldier in the grass in front of him.

It would be fine if they were just puppet troops, but that guy actually held a box cannon in his hand!

The box gun immediately took away Mo Jianchen's soul, and he took three steps at a time to get the gun.

But just before he touched the gun, someone behind him suddenly said coldly: "Don't move, you will die if you dare to touch it!"

Mo Jianchen didn't expect that there was sudden movement behind him. Not only did his stretched out hand, but also his whole body freeze at the words.

He wanted to turn his head away, but he felt that his neck was stiff, as if there was a heavy stone lock on it that a martial artist would use to practice martial arts!

But no matter who the person is, he should always respond, preferably from the Northeast Army, Mo Jianchen thought to himself and raised his head with all his strength.

But before he even raised his head, he felt the sound of wind, the kind of wind that comes when a blunt object approaches.

Mo Jianchen moved subconsciously, and a huge force hit the general on his shoulder. He screamed "ah" and fell down.

And when he fell down, he saw that the man in front of him who he had unknowingly deceived was actually wearing the clothes of a puppet army!
"Third brother, you've ended up in this situation. Even after you die, there are still people who won't let you stop!" The puppet soldier actually said this.

This guy cares about who is called Third Brother, where did this guy come from or is he coming back. These are no longer important. What Mo Jianchen knows is that people may not care about his identity at this time. What is important is that he is now If you don't resist, you will die!
Li Tantou's puppet troops are bandits, and killing people is no different from killing a chicken.

Mo Jianchen struggled to get up, but as soon as he moved, he saw that the other party was already swinging the butt of the gun towards him!
Mo Jianchen wanted to hide, but the part of his body that was lying on the ground was exactly where his leg was injured, and his shoulder, which was injured by the puppet soldier just now, was still on the same side.

The moment he moved, his arms and legs hurt. He couldn't avoid it in time.
But at this moment, Mo Jianchen heard the sound of gunfire, and then the puppet soldier smashed the upside down rifle in his hand.

It’s over, I’ll stop mumbling!
For some reason, at this moment, Mo Jianchen didn't think of the "sacrifice" they commonly used, but instead thought of the straightforward and vulgar way of death of the Northeastern people.

Then the rifle hit him with the butt downwards.

Mo Jianchen had already closed his eyes. He was even thinking about what people would think about when they were dying.

But after a while, Mo Jianchen felt pain when the rifle hit him, but he didn't seem to be hurt.

At this moment, he felt something hot and sticky touching his hand.

That is - blood!

Oh, by the way, the gun went off just now. There was no way that guy hit himself with the butt of the gun and then made the gun go off.

When Mo Jianchen subconsciously opened his eyes, he saw that the puppet soldier had fallen.

The guy's head was lying face down next to his hand, but there was already a hole in the guy's temple, and blood was flowing out. This was how the blood that his hand touched came from. .

Who fired the shot?Who saved me?Am I getting up?Or wait until dark before moving?

Mo Jianchen hesitated for a moment.

At this time, Shang Zhen on the hilltop in the distance had put his rifle aside. He had originally fired this shot.

Shang Zhen still didn't recognize Mo Jianchen, but he saw that this man was the man he let go this morning who was imprisoned by the puppet army.

"Batalion Commander, who are you saving?" Ma Erhuzi asked from the side. He was also looking with a telescope, but Mo Jianchen had already fallen. Due to the angle of view, he couldn't see Mo Jianchen at all. Face.

"A stranger whom we met for the second time." Shang Zhen replied casually.

"Then why did you save him? Do you know he belongs to Gaha?" Ma Erhuzi asked curiously, not really understanding.

"The enemy wants him dead, then I have to let him live." Shang Zhen still answered casually.

"You're talking more and more like a scholar, and you're turning around the bush." ​​Ma Erhuzi complained.

He said this and Shang Zhen pretended not to listen, but Chu Tian glared at him.

Ten minutes later, the sky was getting slightly darker, and at this time Shang Zhen and the others saw that the man rescued by Shang Zhen in the distance finally got up from the ground, with four rifles on his body, and in his hands He also took the box cannon and moved step by step into the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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