The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1618: You can’t “escape”

"If we go a few miles further, we will reach our territory." Three days later, Qiu Bo, who was walking in front of the team, sighed as he looked at the high ground in front of him.

"Yes, I just don't know if the people here are still waiting to see us." It was Qian Chuan'er who answered Qiu Bo's words.

After saying this, Qian Chuan'er looked back at Shang Zhen's face, who was dozens of meters behind them.

Shang Zhen still didn't look like an officer. He was wearing the clothes of an ordinary soldier and carrying a 38-gun rifle. The only thing that proved his identity was different from ordinary soldiers was the twenty-ring box gun and He was wearing the Kowloon belt.

Qian Chuan'er's speech was not high-pitched, so Shang Zhen naturally couldn't hear it, and his face was calm.

As the number of soldiers under Shang Zhen increased, the team expanded, and especially after experiencing some things, Shang Zhen once again emphasized discipline, which is to say as few useless things as possible during the march.

So even Qian Chuan'er doesn't want to blatantly make people think about what happened to the veteran.

Now Shang Zhen finally returned to the guerrilla zone with his people.

And what they saw and heard along the way was different from when they went out.

The difference was not only that the Japanese troops burned, killed and looted wherever they went, but also that the people along the way did not want to see them.

Needless to say, everyone knows that the Japanese are cruel.

But why don’t the common people want to see their Northeastern Army? Even the Northeast flavor they brought out when they spoke made the common people shy away!

Some people were surprised at first, but Shang Zhen said, "Isn't it all the other troops' fault?"

Among them, Wu Ziqi was from Shandong, so he used his Shandong accent to find out. After asking, it turned out to be true.

Shang Zhen's battalion is considered to have the best discipline among the Northeastern Army, but the ones with the best discipline are still sneaky. It's understandable if the discipline is not good.

Everyone is from the Northeast wearing military uniforms. Who cares which section you belong to? It’s impossible for ordinary people to tell them apart.

They say a stinky fish makes a pot of soup smelly, but when most of the fish in the pot are stinky fish, who would believe you if you say you are a good fish?

Fortunately, Shang Zhen emphasized discipline among the people many times, and Leng Xiaozhi also emphasized it many times. However, even so, it is inevitable that the abalone will last for a long time without smelling the smell.

From this point of view, Bai Zhan's dog was dealt with by Shang Zhen, so Bai Zhan was not unjust at all.

And then the boy became a deserter, and being a deserter was a capital crime.

In fact, Shang Zhen may not necessarily shoot Bai Zhan after catching him, but there is no doubt that Bai Zhan's punishment can only be heavier.

For this reason, Shang Zhen also chatted with Chu Tian.

According to Chu Tian, ​​some soldiers can be refined into steel, but the process of refining steel is like waves washing away sand, and the unqualified ones will always be ruthlessly washed away.

Chu Tian was an intellectual and naturally knew more history than Shang Zhen, so he told Shang Zhen about Qi Jiguang's fight against the Japanese in the Ming Dynasty.

Qi Jiguang also used the original troops when he first fought against the Japanese.

Qi Jiguang was very clever and capable, but even so, his soldiers were useless.

Even after a battle, some soldiers in their team burst into tears when they saw a human head brought back by their companions for reward.

Because the head belonged to his brother.

In other words, his companion killed an innocent civilian and used it to pretend to be a Japanese pirate to collect the reward!

This is because the foundation of the soldiers is too poor and their character has been set. It is simply impossible to make them consciously abide by military discipline.

So when Qi Jiguang later established his own Qi Family Army, he recruited miners who had never served in the military.

You can practice even if your military quality is not good, but if your conscience is broken, it will be useless no matter how hard you practice!

After Bai Zhan's incident, Shang Zhen agreed with Chu Tian.

It's not that Bai Zhan's conscience is bad, but that this kid is used to being free and carefree. Just follow his wishes. If he doesn't, he'll run away.

This is because Shang Zhen often leads his people to win battles. If he often loses battles, then one deserter may take away a group of deserters!

The team then moved forward.

After Shang Zhen and the others rounded the high ground in front, a fork in the road appeared. If they went to the left, that would be their guerrilla zone. If they went to the right, it would naturally be the territory of other troops, but that would be the guerrilla zone of Camp Hao Dali.

Although this is a road, the terrain is still somewhat high, and you can see the village a few hundred meters to the right.

"This village is called Wanjia, and I have been there before." Qian Chuan'er said, "The people in this village were pretty good to us at that time."

"Then, who is our Qian Chuan'er? He ranges from an eighty-year-old lady to an eight-year-old child, with young wives and girls in between. Everyone doesn't like his little nose and eyes!" Qin Chuan answered.

Before Qian Chuan'er could show his modesty, Ma Tianfang said quietly, "That's right, we Qian Chuan'er are just good talkers."

Qian Chuan'er looked at Qin Chuan and Ma Tianfang and smiled generously, but did not answer.

Only a fool would take what they both said!

We have been friends for ten years, who doesn’t know who?

Qin Chuan's words in front seemed like praise, but what Ma Tianfang said in the back was true, and he meant it. The urinal is rimmed with gold—it means you have a good mouth!

This is the skill of veterans talking together.

If Qian Chuan'er raised an objection, Ma Tianfang would retort, "I just praised you, I didn't say that your urinal was rimmed with gold. Wouldn't that mean you were scolding yourself?"

So the best way is to treat it indifferently and pretend not to listen. Seeing that Qian Chuan'er refused to be fooled, Qin Chuan and Ma Tian put aside their regrets.

But at this moment, someone in the team suddenly said: "Look, Wanjia is on fire!"

When everyone heard the sound and looked around, they saw smoke coming from a place in Wanjia Village.

The smoke was not the green smoke coming out of the chimney. It looked like it was on fire, and within a short time the smoke turned into a column of smoke reaching into the sky.

"Everyone lie down and be alert!" Qiu Bo shouted, and just behind his company, Cheng Peng Company and Liu Keqiang Company also shouted.

The so-called "Operation Solemnity" of the Japanese army is not over yet. On the way back, Shang Zhen and the others also inquired about it. There were signs of Japanese military activities nearby, so they naturally had to be careful when there was smoke in the village.

Hundreds of officers and soldiers just lay on the ground, and the road was covered with darkness.

Fortunately, Shang Zhen camp has been fighting these days, and no soldiers will complain about gasping for breath. War is a matter of life and death, and caution is a must.

At this time, those who have telescopes will naturally use them to see.

But after just looking at it for a while, everyone using the telescope frowned.

"What's going on?" Ma Tianfang asked Qian Chuan'er who had just put down the telescope.

"Other troops are robbing things in the village." Qian Chuan'er replied, his face already turning ugly.

As for the other troops he mentioned, what other troops could they be? It should be from the Northeast Army. I don't know if he is from Hao Dali's camp.

Everyone looked at Shang Zhen, who had already put down his binoculars and got up.

"Keep going!" Shang Zhen shouted and waved his hand.

At his command, the soldiers all got up.

But some soldiers turned their heads and looked at Wanjia Village where the smoke was getting thicker and thicker, and showed an unhappy expression.

"Go forward quickly!" Shang Zhen was a little anxious, so the soldiers who were unhappy could only turn around and start walking quickly.

"Still slow! Run!" Shang Zhen said angrily, and the soldiers started trotting again.

As soon as Bai Zhan's incident came out, Shang Zhen also reflected on himself. He was still not strict with the soldiers!

But this time it was no wonder that these soldiers looked unhappy.

Thousands of people have different faces, and undisciplined troops will harm the common people. However, under the influence of Shang Zhen and his battalion's consistent concept of being close to the people, many soldiers like him do not want to see the common people suffer.

If Shang Zhen gives the order now, these soldiers will definitely rush into Wanjia Village, and at least they will start a fight with those troops with disordered discipline. The focus may be on swords and guns!

In fact, Shang Zhen didn't understand the mood of these soldiers.

But he can't control this kind of thing!

Those who harmed the common people were all friendly troops, and some of them were even indulged by the commander of the regiment. From this perspective, what did it mean for a battalion commander like me to stop the other party from harming the common people?

From another perspective, just because the other party is a friendly force, I still need the help of friendly forces when fighting the Japanese army.

The friendly troops are all from the Northeast who are doing mischief, and they are not bad at fighting the Japanese.

But if you prevent friendly forces from robbing supplies and harming the people, who will help you when your own team is in trouble? What's more, Wanjia Village is someone else's guerrilla zone, someone else's territory.

Shang Zhen has been practicing martial arts for almost ten years and has experienced so many things. Why doesn't he understand that when the water is clear, there will be no fish?

So now he can only let the troops return to his guerrilla zone. If other troops come to his territory to harm the people, he can stop it.

The team marched in the planned direction again. Shang Zhen felt that he was also a deserter at this time, a deserter who could not make decisions for the people. For the first time, he found that his official position was too small. If he were a regiment leader or a higher official, he should How nice!

It's just that the world is so strange, it's not something Shang Zhen can escape if he wants to.

Just after their unit descended to the higher ground and trotted for more than half an hour, the soldiers' shouts suddenly came from behind.

The soldiers were shouting "battalion commander", and it wasn't like Shang Zhen couldn't hear it so he stopped and looked back.

In front of him, a soldier ran over from behind, and beside the soldier was a commoner.

What does it mean? Shang Zhen began to guess. Didn't the common people know that his team was passing by to ask for help?

But when the soldier and the common man came closer, Shang Zhen realized that he was wrong. It was true that the man was wearing common people's clothes, but how could he be a common man? He is Wang Jiu, one of Wang Qingfeng's followers.

"Oh mother, I'm exhausted! Battalion Commander Shang, you have to go back. Deputy Battalion Commander Wang is in that village.

Deputy Battalion Commander Wang is about to give birth, no! Aunt Wang, wife of Deputy Battalion Commander Wang, is about to give birth! "Wang Jiu breathed heavily and brought a shocking news.

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