The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1651 I thought it would be a boring battle

The village is not big, and the so-called big family just has a courtyard with three thatched houses.

According to Shuanzi, the house in the middle of the courtyard had a kang, so Shang Zhen guessed that the Japanese commander would definitely live there.

However, Shang Zhen himself felt that it was not appropriate to talk about today's battle, because so far, he had not even looked at a Japanese devil!

I couldn't see any Japanese but wanted to throw grenades into the house. This was really the first time in Shang Zhen's combat career.

But if you think about it carefully, the Japanese army chasing them could not be a large group, but there must be hundreds of people.

The Japanese army chased them before dark and set fire to them when it started to get dark.

Then it was impossible for these Japanese troops to go back the same way, and they could only camp nearby. And Shuanzi said that there were no other villages nearby, so where could these Japanese troops live if they didn't live in this village?

Therefore, your own judgment will not be wrong!

Shang Zhen strengthened his confidence and observed him for a moment before crossing the wall and entering.

Because through observation, he found that there were no Japanese sentries in the yard, but this didn't mean anything.

When Shang Zhen entered the yard, he saw dark piles of wood in the yard. Of course, he had already asked Shuanzi about this. This family was a big family but did not have a woodshed, so there were no Japanese sentries outside, so the Japanese would Will live in the house.

Shang Zhen moved towards the slightly bright window.

He listened carefully but didn't hear anything, so he dipped his finger in saliva and carefully pressed it against the window.

He pressed it very carefully. On the one hand, he was afraid that the Japanese soldiers in the house would notice, and on the other hand, it was because although nowadays Chinese rural areas generally do not install glass windows but stick window paper.

But the problem is that the window paper may not be paper, but may be a relatively thin homespun cloth. The light transmittance of that cloth is not as good as that of inferior window paper, so the light that can be borrowed in the yard is limited.

Shang Zhen stretched out his hand and pressed it, and the moment his thumb touched the window paper, the touch from his fingers confirmed to him that the window paper in this house was really made of paper.

There is a saying in the saying that "prick the window paper", which shows that the window paper is really easy to poke open.

But Shang Zhen was not in a hurry. Feeling the toughness of the window paper, he took his fingers back, wetted them with saliva again, and then gently pressed the window paper with his fingers.

After repeating this for several times, the window paper finally became wet. Shang Zhen pressed his finger gently, and he silently poked a hole in the window paper.

Then Shang Zhen raised his eyes to look inside.

Window paper blocks light, so even if a kerosene lamp is lit in the room, it will definitely be much brighter than outside.

But the moment Shang Zhen saw the situation in the room clearly, he was thankful that he used his thumb to press a small hole in the window paper.

The thumb was big enough, so even if he opened his eyes wide, the edge of the hole could not cover his eyes, so he could still see clearly what was going on in the room.

The room was much brighter than Shang Zhen imagined!

There is a table in the center of the room, and there is a lamp on the table, but it is not a kerosene lamp or a turpentine lamp like ordinary people's homes, but a gasoline lamp similar to the popular Chinese dead wind lamp!

The lamp is naturally much brighter than the kerosene lamp, and the situation in the room can naturally be seen more clearly.

Shang Zhen saw that there were four Japanese soldiers sitting around the small square table. They were all sleeping on the table, and the Japanese soldiers were lying on the floor next to each other in the room!

However, these Japanese soldiers were lying in a very orderly manner. There was a passage in the middle with Japanese soldiers lying on both sides, and the Japanese soldiers' rifles were leaning in the corner of the wall in a very orderly manner.

No Japanese soldiers woke up, and those Japanese soldiers were already fast asleep!

At this moment, Shang Zhen became excited and completely forgot about his fatigue.

What does it mean to treat people like fish and meat, and what do we mean like lambs to be slaughtered?

But then Shang Zhen felt a little regretful. Why do I have to be curious to see if there are any Japs in the house?

If he just throws the two grenades he carries in without taking a second glance, thereby killing a few little Japs, then he can brag about his awesomeness for the rest of his life, no, he can brag until he kills the Japs. Until that day!

However, Shang Zhen's distracting thoughts stopped here. The battle was about to begin, so he had to be focused on it.

Just what Shang Zhen was thinking in his heart, when his eyes fell on the door in the room, he who had already calmed down actually became excited again!

Looking at the indoor door, Shang Zhen suddenly realized that there was no kang in the room with the lights on now!

So where is the kang? Of course the kang is behind that door.

And if you open the door yourself, then the people lying on the fire bed should be Japanese army officers!

As far as Shang Zhen knows, the Japanese army is just like the national army, which is highly hierarchical.

Although many of the company commanders, battalion commanders and even regimental commanders of the Chinese army are at the forefront of the battle, and the Japanese squadron, squadron and even captains also have the habit of commanding from the front, there is no doubt that For the vast majority of ordinary soldiers, level is a gap that they cannot cross in their lifetime!

Many Chinese officers would regard the lives of soldiers as nothing, and why would the Japanese officers not slap their men's mouths loudly?

I have to blow up the Japanese officers in that room!

This idea popped out of Shang Zhen's mind. The idea was so strong that he forgot that what he said before the battle was, after throwing grenades into the house, let's run away!

Shang Zhen dodged away from the window, and then stuck to the window again.

Since he decided to throw the grenade into the room where the Japanese officers lived, he had two choices.

One, throw the grenade in from the outside window. Second, enter the house, walk through the room full of Japanese soldiers, open the door and throw the grenade in.

The advantage of the former is insurance, and I will be safe, but I can't be sure whether there are really Japanese officers living inside.

The latter was risky, as it might disturb the sleeping Japanese soldiers in the outer room, but he could take a quick look and confirm whether the people living in the inner room were Japanese army officers.

Forget it, it's better not to be too greedy, Shang Zhen tried to convince himself.

He then tiptoed past the window.

Originally he was going to the window of the room with the kang, but he happened to pass by the door of this room.

And just when he passed the door, he pulled the door gently, and with just this move, the door opened a crack silently!

Fuck! At this moment, Shang Zhen exploded in his heart. Then he stretched out his hand to find a grenade and pulled out the pin. He gently opened the door with his left hand and entered the house in a flash!

He opened the door just right, and he even closed the door as soon as he entered the house!

Then he held the grenade with the pin removed with his right hand and walked among the many Japanese soldiers lying on the ground under the illumination of the lamp. When he reached the door of the back room, his left hand A lighter with a pull-wheel came out.

He stretched out his hand to push the door open and turned the small wheel on the lighter with his hand. With a "Zi'er" sound, a beam of flame illuminated the kang in the room and the man lying on the kang who had not taken off his military uniform. Japanese military officers.

Shang Zhen smashed the grenade against the wall, and then threw the grenade onto the fire bed!

Turn around, close the door, and run towards the outer door. In the distance of only a few meters, there happened to be a sleeping Japanese soldier who stretched out his hand and reached the corridor.

Shang Zhen had actually seen that hand. He could have avoided it, but he stepped on it!

However, what came next was not the scream of the Japanese soldier who was severely stepped on by him, but the explosion of the grenade he threw on the kang in the back room!

It is already the darkness before dawn, but the explosion of this grenade indicates that the dawn has come a little early!

However, just when the Japanese soldier in the outhouse just turned over and sat up, Shang Zhen had already walked out of the outhouse door. He still did not forget to close the door, but his second and final grenade was left in the room.

Just as Shang Zhen ran towards the outer wall, the second grenade went off again.

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