The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1702: Substituting one's strengths and weaknesses and serial schemes

Chapter 1702: Substituting one's strengths and weaknesses and serial schemes

He Liao rummaged through the pockets of the dead bandits very carefully. In the spirit of a goose plucking hairs and a pig plucking the meat, he did not miss any trace. He even saw some bandits who were well-dressed and would use He pried open his mouth with a bayonet to see if he had gold teeth.

Of course, ever since he joined Shang Zhen's camp, Shang Zhen has said that he has to hand over the seized things. As for whether to give them to you or not, that's up to me.

Since it was early in the morning, the Japanese and puppet troops did not attack Baiyungu immediately. He Liao had relatively ample time. He searched carefully, so how could the search be fast?

After searching all the way, although he also harvested some messy things, he only found more than ten pieces of the ocean that made a "ding" sound when touched. As for the gold and silver, he didn't find it at all!

How can He Liao be satisfied with this?

"They're fucking bandits! They're all so poor!" He Liao angrily blinked and cursed.

At this time, he saw a person's feet exposed behind a set of rocks near the top of the mountain. The shoes looked quite new.

So he hunched over and headed there under the cover of the rocks.

"A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his gold. Don't let me down!" He Liao muttered and ducked behind the stone.

But when he saw the scene behind the stone, he thought he could see another corpse and make a little fortune, but he suddenly stopped moving. His entire facial expression and body movements suddenly stopped completely, as if he was petrified. Just average!

After a moment, he yelled with great difficulty: "Battle, battalion commander."

Because what kind of bandits did he see? But it was battalion commander Shang Zhen who was leaning on the stone and looking at him!

And right behind this rock, isn't that just Battalion Commander Shang Zhen? But there are still many veterans, such as Qin Chuan, Gao Wenli, Gu Bing and others, who are looking at him!

Shang Zhen brought a total of more than 20 people here, but most of them were occupied here!

It's just that everyone is looking at him now, as if they were looking at a clown in a circus, no! To put it in Northeastern dialect, it’s as if everyone is watching him play dumb!

"Okay, put these things aside for now, maybe the little devil will attack soon.

Oh, by the way, we are making food in the back. You and Li Xikui go and have a bite. "Finally Shang Zhen said.

"Yes, Battalion Commander!" He Liao did not expect that Battalion Commander Shang Zhen would let him go so easily. He threw the clothes with the trophies on the ground, making a "dang" and "dang" sound, and he He turned back to look for Li Xikui.

When He Liao turned around and ran away, Shang Zhen and the veterans looked at each other and started laughing.

Shang Zhen and the others' efforts last night have finally paid off. At least in Shang Zhen's opinion, the next battle will not be very difficult.

He did not expect that the Japanese and puppet troops did not withdraw from Baiyungu yesterday, but instead stationed themselves in the village.

This time, in order to grab the food, he brought out the entire camp.

The more than 20 veterans he brought with him were the only ones who captured Baiyungu. It was a surprise attack from the back mountain.

The three companies of their battalion have all been placed on the road where the Japanese and puppet troops come to Baiyungu Village. They can intercept the Japanese troops who have to retreat after failing to attack Baiyungu, and prevent the Japanese and puppet troops from coming to help.

Now Shang Zhen can be sure that the Japanese and puppet troops in the village have no more than a hundred combat effectiveness. In fact, they are already the turtles in the urn.

He used his three battalions of more than 300 people to fight against these 100 people, and the puppet troops were the majority. He was completely sure, but he just didn't fight!

So after completely occupying Baiyungu, he even asked the veterans to cook food using the bandit's stove fire. After eating, he took most of the veterans to the back of the defensive position to catch up on their sleep. !

"Batalion Commander, it's getting daylight. When are we going to attack the village below?" Ma Erhuzi, who could no longer bear it, asked Shang Zhen.

"Can't help it?" Shang Zhen laughed. "Yeah!" Ma Erhuzi nodded heavily.

Shang Zhen smiled and said nothing, because he suddenly had another idea.

"That's right, battalion commander, if you don't fight, don't you have a long dream that the little devils will come to reinforce you?" At this time, Gu Bing also reminded him.

"Do you remember the village closest to Baiyungu, right? The Japs reinforcements won't arrive for a while, and it's unlikely that they will be traveling all night." Shang Zhen analyzed, "But that's what you said, it's dawn, what about the Japs? Why don't you come to attack the mountain? I guess the little devils suffered a lot yesterday.

They didn't think about whether to fight or retreat, and they were half-hearted.

In this case, Brother Huzi, you take two people to set fire to all the firewood on the mountain. I guess the little devil thinks that we are going to run away and we should be anxious! "

(Note: Erersisi, dialect, means hesitation, between two options)

"Why don't I just burn down the house that has no food?" Ma Erhuzi was happy when Shang Zhen said this.

"Besides, I have to keep the house. I'm also thinking of asking Qian Chuan'er to deliver a message and let the Eighth Route Army come and occupy this place!" Shang Zhen replied.

"Okay!" After hearing what Shang Zhen said, Ma Erhuzi happily ran to the back of the mountain with the two of them.

And when the top of Baiyungou Mountain was really covered by thick smoke, the Japanese and puppet troops at the foot of the mountain really appeared.

However, most of the Japanese troops hid behind the shrubs and shrubs at the foot of Baiyun Gu Mountain. There were more than 40 puppet troops who came out of those shrubs and shrubs and ran towards Baiyun Gu. As for the Japanese troops, there were only more than ten Japanese troops. , and all hid behind the puppet troops.

"Batalion Commander, you are really clever and clever. This is such a good move!" Gu Bing, who was hiding in the defensive position and had fully understood Shang Zhen's intention to fight, praised sincerely.

Now he understood what Shang Zhen meant.

Although the number of Japanese and puppet troops is not very large now, if their battalion forcefully attacks Baiyungu Village, there will definitely be casualties.

Shang Zhen took advantage of the fact that the Japanese army did not know that Baiyungu had changed its owner, and set fire to lure the Japanese army to attack. If they annihilated dozens more Japanese and puppet troops, the remaining Japanese and puppet troops would not be able to escape even if they wanted to!

Is it just that the Japanese army can escape if they want to? Needless to say, what are the three companies Shang Zhen placed at the foot of the mountain used for?

Therefore, in the next battle, it is easier than any other battle to eliminate the dozens of Japanese and puppet troops who came to attack the mountain.

Why? Or because Shang Zhen and the others secretly occupied Baiyungu, the Japanese and puppet troops didn't know it and thought they were still bandits guarding the mountain.

Obviously, the bandits did not have good guns that could reach about four to five hundred meters, so the Japanese and puppet troops moved forward unscrupulously.

If the Japanese and puppet troops at the foot of the mountain now knew that the rifles used by Shang Zhen on the mountain were Type 38 and Japanese, how could they possibly have dozens of people coming over at once?

Not only will these dozens of people not come over, but all the Japanese and puppet troops hiding behind shrubs and shrubs will probably hide in the village.

Just because, now, all the Japanese and puppet troops that Shang Zhen and the others can see are within the range of the Type 38 rifle!

And the ingenuity of Shang Zhen's tactics doesn't stop there.

If the Japanese and puppet troops failed to attack the mountain next, they would really be unable to hold on, and they would have no choice but to retreat.

And as soon as they retreat, they will inevitably enter the ambush circle arranged at the foot of Shang Zhen Mountain!

However, Shang Zhen turned what was originally a tough battle against the Japanese and puppet troops into two battles that were extremely beneficial to his own side. The first was a tactic of subverting the pillars, and the latter was a chain of tactics. As long as this kind of battle is fought normally, it is impossible to win. It’s all difficult!

"When the fighting starts later, Da Laobeng, Hu Zhuzi, and Qin Chuan use box cannons to hit the puppet troops in the front, and everyone else uses rifles to hit the Japanese in the back, including the Japanese in the Zashu at the back!

As long as the Japanese casualties were greater, they would not be able to withdraw even if they wanted to.

Okay, get ready to take my orders. "These were the last words Shang Zhen said before the war.

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