Chapter 1710 Return ()

“A lewd thief can recognize a woman by smelling her fragrance.

The thief could see the gold glowing from miles away.

So the question is, what can smell the fragrance of food from hundreds of miles away? "This is Qin Chuan's question.

Then the soldiers standing opposite Qinchuan responded in unison: "Rat!"

Then the soldiers dispersed in a hurry, leaving behind Wang Qingfeng who was stunned at first and then jumped up and cursed, and the soldiers from the company behind who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh.

This was the unique welcome ceremony organized by Shang Zhen's veterans to welcome Wang Qingfeng.

Everyone is an old acquaintance.

At this moment there are no so-called officers and soldiers.

Wang Qingfeng, who was so angry at Qin Chuan, started to curse.

Many mothers and grandmothers flew out of his mouth, until he almost ran out of spittle and curses, but Qian Chuaner came around from behind him and touched him with a kettle in his hand and said: "Sir Wang, why don't you drink some water first and then continue to curse?"

"Get the fuck out of here, you're called a yìn when a donkey or horse is dead!" Wang Qingfeng wanted to scold Shang Zhen's veterans, but couldn't. Seeing Qian Chuan'er coming over, he had someone to vent his anger on.

"Report to Chief Wang!" Qian Chuan'er said seriously, "Donkeys, horses, rotten people are all curses, and beasts are called yìn."

"Yes! Only beasts are called yìn!" Huanshi Wang Qingfeng, who was scolding others, followed suit, but then realized that he was scolding himself again!

Qian Chuan smiled and turned around and ran away.

Wang Qingfeng used his broken gong voice to curse as hard as he could.

Ouch, he scolded that and that Huahua! The soldiers present couldn't hold back their joy, but if any woman had listened, they would have been scolded until their faces turned red.

Wang Qingfeng didn't care whether anyone was listening or not, but he continued to curse for more than twenty minutes. If he didn't feel that if he continued to curse, it would be dark, so he stopped, then pulled his neck and shouted: "Qian Chuanzi" , go call your business commander!"

At this time, he picked up the water bottle that Qian Chuaner had given him before and took a big sip. He sighed, "I haven't scolded him so much in a long time!"

During this period of time, he was at the division headquarters with his brother-in-law and commander. How could he dare to curse?

Shang Zhen showed up as scheduled.

Wang Qingfeng, who is in love, is scolding her on the other side of the mountain, but Shang Zhen is hiding on the other side of the mountain.

Seeing Shang Zhen coming, Wang Qingfeng came to "pee" again: "Where did you die, you little bastard?"

Shang Zhen looked at Wang Qingfeng, who was still not in the mood for scolding, and waited for a moment before slowly saying: "Sir Wang, you can scold me, but don't mention the word 'death'. There are fewer and fewer old people among us you know.

There are fewer and fewer old people, and the scolding you make becomes less and less interesting. "

After all, Wang Qingfeng was not a fool. When he heard what Shang Zhen said, he stopped cursing and asked Shang Zhen: "I heard that your camp has made a fortune again?"

"How does Chief Wang know?" Shang Zhen asked.

"Do you think everyone else is blind and deaf?" Wang Qingfeng pointed to the fully loaded carriages in the middle of the three hills.

Shang Zhen chuckled, and then said: "Sir Wang, you are wrong."

"What did I say wrong?" Wang Qingfeng raised his eyes. He thought that Shang Zhen was trying to beat him up. Now that "people are dirty", you still want to beat him up? How could he not be anxious?

"It's not that we have made a fortune, but we, you, Commander Wang, and our 113th Division have made a fortune!" Shang Zhen said with a smile. "Hey, hey, you little bastard!" Wang Qingfeng pointed at Shang Zhen. He really didn't expect Shang Zhen to say that. After finally calming down, he smiled and cursed, "Why did I never notice you? How can a little bastard be so good at talking?"

Shang Zhen was about to say something else, when Qian Chuan'er intervened from the side: "Isn't that good?"

"Okay! Okay!" Wang Qingfeng said two good words in a row. To be honest, he didn't receive this kind of treatment very often when he came to Shang Zhen's camp. The veterans only scolded him or teased him, just talking to his mother and grandmother. I'm afraid of scolding those veterans.

As for Shang Zhen, rather than keeping a respectful distance from him, it is better to say that he is too lazy to pay attention to him and has stayed away from him for a long time!

In any case, although this time it started with Qin Chuan and others criticizing Wang Qingfeng, they got along well with each other after Shang Zhen appeared.

Next, Shang Zhen led Wang Qingfeng around among the carriages on the open ground.

Wang Qingfeng didn't believe it when he saw the cartloads of bulging sacks, so he asked the soldiers to randomly open a few bags. When he saw that there was really food inside, he couldn't stop smiling.

When Shang Zhen brought him to a carriage, he asked Wang Qingfeng to reach out and touch the sack.

Wang Qingfeng's eyes lit up when he saw the shape of the sack. Then someone's sack full of grain couldn't be in this shape. When he really put his hand outside the sack to figure it out, his hand didn't even notice. Shaking!

When Shang Zhen asked the soldiers to open a bag and Wang Qingfeng saw the ocean full of the bag, he became stunned even though he had a premonition.

Wang Qingfeng held up a handful of silver coins with trembling hands and raised them high. The silver coins collided and made a jingling sound.

And after all the silver coins in Wang Qingfeng's hand fell, the ears of everyone present were filled with that crisp and long echo!

"This is really the best sound in the world!" Wang Qingfeng sighed for a long time, without realizing that the corners of his mouth were crackling!

At this time, Shang Zhen pointed to the silver coins on the carriage and said: "Ours, yours, your brother-in-law's, our 113th Division's.

So how to transport these good things back has to be discussed with Chief Wang. "

"Easy to say, easy to say." Wang Qingfeng probably doesn't know what to say now.

The moon rises in the east.

The moon on the fifteenth day is sixteen round, and the moon is indeed brighter tonight.

It's a pity that there is no wine, which makes Wang Qingfeng really regretful.

But even though he didn't drink, he kept talking to Shang Zhen and said everything he knew!

Heaven and earth conscience!

Wang Qingfeng has never been so harmonious with Shang Zhen and other veterans. It turned out that there was a time when he and Wang Laomao and other veterans drank together, and they couldn't do this when everyone drank too much.

It is true that men tell the truth after drinking, but if the vast majority of men drink too much and say that they cannot remember anything after drinking, then most of the time it is nonsense!

Why do people think of me? It is of course because I am an individual.

I always have my own interests and selfish desires. Who can be truly honest with others? So no matter how much you drink at the wine table, some of your words are still meant to deceive others!

But today, the oceans that Shang Zhen showed Wang Qingfeng seemed to have become the twinkling stars in the sky, guiding Wang Qingfeng to tell everything he knew.

For example, how did Zhao Tieying become the commander of the regiment, what happened to the division during the Anti-Japanese Army Suppression Campaign, for example, Wang Qingfeng figured out the mental journey of his brother-in-law, such as... etc., etc.

On the night with the bright full moon when Shang Zhen was talking to Wang Qingfeng, outside the hills, there were many sentries of the Northeast Army hidden in places where people could be hidden.

There were so many sentries that there was a company.

It turned out that Wang Qingfeng was so grateful that Shang Zhen was able to snatch back so much ocean and food for the 113th Division that he simply sent all the troops of the company he brought to the perimeter to serve as sentries!

Under the full moon, who knows what will happen tonight?

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