Chapter 1816 The Second Ambush

The next battle that Ma Tianfang mentioned was of course the order issued by Shang Zhen to carry out a staggered blocking attack in squads and platoons.

The next battle they were talking about meant that after they had finished the battle, there was another squad waiting to attack the Japanese army. This time, the squad ambushing beside the road was led by the company commander Cheng Peng.

Cheng Peng is the company commander, so this time only Cheng Peng's company and Liu Keqiang's company entered Shuiquan Town.

Liu Keqiang led a platoon to guard Shuiquan Town.

The situation in Shuiquan Town is complicated, so of course we need someone capable to watch over it.

And what about this blocking battle? In terms of official position, apart from Shang Zhen, only Cheng Peng is left.

As a company commander, Cheng Peng needed to set an example for the soldiers behind him, so when Shang Zhen led them to ambush along both sides of the road near the Japanese encampment, Cheng Peng originally asked to stay in the first group.

However, the terrain there was not ideal, so Qin Chuan took the initiative to take on the job.

  According to Qin Chuan, the terrain here is very good and very suitable for ambush, so you should give me this nest!

For this reason, Cheng Peng really looked up to Qin Chuan.

What Qin Chuan said was very eloquent.

If Qin Chuan said that you are the company commander and you are a high-ranking official, how can you personally take the first position? In that case, Cheng Peng must stay in the first blocking position.

  If this was a dangerous mission in other armies, it would be unlikely for officers to go first. However, in the Shang Zhen Battalion, no matter which company commander, they would say, "I am the company commander, so what? Don't we, the company commander, also fight the devils?"

But Qin Chuan did not use his official position as an excuse. Instead, he said that the terrain here was very suitable for an ambush.

  As for how this terrain is good and how we should retreat, the mountain people have their own tricks, I won’t tell you!

In this way, he gave the company commander Cheng Peng a decent way out and allowed him to find a relatively favorable terrain for ambush.

Cheng Peng accepted Qin Chuan's kindness, but at the same time, he also felt that he needed to show his ability even more!

Shang Zhen was later promoted to battalion commander.

Cheng Peng was not an old man who had followed Shang Zhen, and when Shang Zhen first became his battalion commander, he was not very accustomed to the disciplines of Shang Town. Although he did not say it, he sometimes did not get along very well with the veterans under Shang Zhen.

Cheng Peng now needs to prove himself through such a battle, so as to narrow the distance between himself and veterans like Qian Chuaner.

But in fact, even if Cheng Peng won Qin Chuan's favor, his next position could only be said to be slightly better than Qin Chuan and the others'.

Compared with the ambush position of Qin Chuan and his men, the location where he led the squad was just a few more wheat fields and wormwood.

This is also something that can't be helped.

Since wheat can be grown in this area, it is all gentle hills. Who has ever seen wheat grown in the mountains? If wheat is grown in the mountains, it is not called a wheat field, it must be called a terraced field!

In other words, if you look around and see open areas for five to six hundred meters, or even thousands of meters, that is normal.

Cheng Peng really wanted to show off his skills to prove that he was not the company commander for nothing.

But who would have thought that Qian Chuaner, who took the initiative to ask to be in the same group with him, would then prove to him how smart these veterans under Shang Zhen were!

They set up an ambush on the edge of a wheat field where the wheat had already been harvested. To their right was a small patch of medium-sized wormwood.

It is impossible to block bullets with just that patch of wormwood, but if people run in the wormwood and bend over, they can block the Japanese army's sight.

At the beginning, Cheng Peng planned to set the ambush site behind the wormwood.

That's because there was grass behind the wormwood, and there were a few bushes in the sparse grass, so at least they could run after shooting at the Japanese army and retreating.

Anyway, if they set up an ambush in the wheat field, the wheat field behind them would become a hindrance to their retreat after firing their guns. And when they ran through the open space and the woods, there would be a carriage waiting for them.

Shang Zhen led his men out to stop the Japanese army in a horse-drawn carriage, and perhaps to take into account that Cheng Peng was a company commander, Zhang Zhen also specially assigned a carriage to Cheng Peng.

Of course, Shang Zhen would say that too.

What Shang Zhen said to Cheng Peng at that time was, I know you are good at fighting the Japanese, and you beat them hard, so you must run fast. A man with two legs can never outrun a four-legged horse. You have made a great contribution, so it is only right that you get a carriage.

Everyone knows that after attacking the Japanese army, the chances of running away quickly are greater. Of course, this is from the perspective of survival. How many Japanese soldiers are killed is another question!

At that time, Cheng Peng wanted to refuse, but Shang Zhen directly said, "This is an order," which left Cheng Peng speechless.

Cheng Peng is not a stupid person.

How could he not see that Shang Zhen was accommodating him and taking care of him in every way, and even ordered his veteran soldiers to take care of his dignity.

So he has to show off his skills!

According to his idea, they could fight the Japanese army for a while longer. There was a carriage behind them anyway. Once they got on the carriage, the Japanese army would not be able to catch up with them.

However, what Cheng Peng did not expect was that after observing the terrain here, Qian Chuaner opposed him to set the ambush point behind the wormwood patch, but instead set the ambush point at the place where the wormwood patch met the wheat field.

  And when Qian Chuan explained why he did this, or talked about his battle plan, Cheng Peng couldn't help but sigh, there are always weak soldiers under a strong general!

Just over half an hour after Qin Chuan and his men started the battle, the Japanese army came into the sight of Cheng Peng and his men.

Cheng Peng was the company commander. He had a telescope in his hand. Under his observation, he saw that the Japanese soldiers, who were not tall to begin with, were now on high alert, holding their rifles, with ghostly and toad-eyed looks.

It was obvious that the Japanese army was frightened by the series of attacks by Qin Chuan and his men, or by Shang Zhen's camp.

The reason why it is called an attack instead of harassment is that the purpose of an attack is to kill the enemy, while harassment is to disrupt the rhythm of the Japanese army's attack through attacks. The casualties of the latter will not be greater than those of the former.

But what’s the point of you, little Jap devil, being afraid of attacks?

As long as you want to advance towards Shuiquan Town and achieve the goal of occupying Shuiquan Town, then as soon as the Northeast Army officers and soldiers hiding in the dark fire their guns, you little Japanese devils are bound to suffer casualties!

After observing the advancing Japanese troops for a while, Cheng Peng suddenly said, "Let's not attack the scouts in front this time. I think it's better to attack the large group in the back."

Upon hearing what Cheng Peng said, Qian Chuan'er whispered, "That's a good idea!"

The reason here is that their current ambush location is about 300 meters away from the highway. The farther the distance, the hit rate will naturally decrease.

So instead of attacking the Japanese troops in front, they might as well attack the large group of Japanese troops behind.

This time their goal was not to destroy as many Japanese troops as possible, because it was obvious that the Japanese and puppet troops were too numerous for them to defeat.

But if they injure more Japanese and puppet soldiers, then they will need two people to carry one.

If there were 900 Japanese and puppet troops, and they could injure 300 of them, then all 300 of them would be unable to walk and would lie on the ground, and they would not have to fight this battle.

Because the remaining 600 Japanese puppet soldiers had to be carried by two each.

There are still 600 Japanese and puppet troops left. Of course, it cannot be said that they have lost their combat effectiveness, but is it realistic to ask the Japanese and puppet troops to carry one person each to attack Shuiquan Town? Now the Japanese and puppet troops simply do not have enough horse carriages!

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