The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1825: One Person Repulses the Enemy

Chapter 1825: One Man Repulses the Enemy

"It must be the battalion commander!" When Qian Chuan'er saw the soldiers of their battalion again, he confirmed his guess.

The reason was that, although he and Cheng Peng had not yet joined up with their own men, when they advanced a few dozen meters and came to a small patch of bushes, he was shocked to see the soldiers of their battalion hiding on the top of the hill.

This time they saw that there were more than a hundred of their own people, all hiding behind the gentle round top of the hill, forming a large black mass.

  We are all in the same battalion. How many soldiers are there in their entire battalion? How could they not know?

This time, in addition to Chu Tian's company and the platoon that stayed in Shuiquan Town, the ambush force should be one company and two platoons.

  The reason why they were shocked was not because they saw most of the camp’s people, but because the people from various groups that were sent to ambush had actually gathered together!

Breaking the whole into parts and then putting the parts back together again is equivalent to changing the battle plan.

So, what other explanation could there be for such a big move other than Battalion Commander Shang Zhen personally leading the team?

However, they were looking at those familiar faces and wondered where to find the battalion commander Shang Zhen, so Cheng Peng asked loudly, "Where is the battalion commander?"

However, what surprised Cheng Peng was that after he asked, he saw that the soldiers who were some distance away from him were all looking at him in surprise, and no one said a word for a moment.

After a while, one of his platoon leaders pointed at him.

"Damn! What the hell do you want me to do when I go to see the battalion commander?" Cheng Peng was anxious.

"No, Captain, under your feet." The platoon leader explained quickly.

Cheng Peng looked down in confusion, and then he noticed that there was a person lying in the small bush right in front of his feet.

It is now midsummer and the grass and trees are lush. The man went into the bushes, so the shape of the bushes has not changed.

It was only through the gaps in the bushes that he could see the difference in color between the crouching man's clothes and the background.

  Fortunately, Cheng Peng did not move forward. If he had taken another step forward, he would have stepped on the other person's lower back!

At this time, the man spoke, and it was Shang Zhen's voice: "If you step on my intestines again, they will burst!"

Shang Zhen's words made Cheng Peng feel awkward. He chuckled and didn't know what to say for a moment. Qian Chuan'er, who was standing behind Cheng Peng, laughed instead: "It's summer, and you're burning your belly here, Battalion Commander?"

The bushes trembled slightly, and Shang Zhen crawled out from it, saying, "You burned several traitors to death with your belly?"

"I definitely can't do it, but the battalion commander definitely can!" Qian Chuan'er was still grinning and talking nonsense.

By this time Shang Zhen had already climbed up. Qian Chuaner and Cheng Peng were surprised to find that Shang Zhen had been carefully disguised.

His disguise was not just the gray-green camouflage clothes he was wearing, with leaves and branches inserted on them and a grass wreath wrapped around his hat. Even Shang Zhen's face was covered with dirt. The black was made of mud, the green was made of grass sap, and even the box gun used by Shang Zhen was wrapped with grass.

Even though Qian Chuan'er has been with Shang Zhen since the September 18 Incident, this is the first time he has seen Shang Zhen in such a look.

We are all veterans, so we naturally understand that in this lush summer, people just have to hide behind the dense bushes and leaves, and sometimes you can't see them even if they are ten meters away.

  So when the enemy is looking at the shooter hiding in the bushes from two or three hundred meters away, if the shooter has made such camouflage, it will be extremely difficult to be discovered, even with a telescope!

"Battalion Commander, how many Japanese soldiers did you kill?" Although the battle situation was urgent, Qian Chuan'er couldn't help but ask.

"It's already so useless, why are you caring about this?" Shang Zhen said unhappily.

But his eyes betrayed him. After Qian Chuan'er finished asking, there appeared a hint of pride in his eyes that Qian Chuan'er was familiar with. Then Shang Zhen stretched out his left hand and made a gesture towards the bottom of the hill, but he quickly said, "Tell me what's going on there?"

"What's going on?" Cheng Peng was stunned. He didn't react at all. What he remembered in his mind was still Shang Zhen stretching out his hand and moving it towards the bottom of the hill.

Making a movement with your hands is a form of body language. In the Northeastern people's gestures, it means a pile.

  What does Shang Zhen mean by the gesture of a pile and a piece with his hands?

At this moment Cheng Peng suddenly came to his senses. Could it be that all those puppet soldiers under the hill were knocked down by Shang Zhen alone?

"You ask me? I'm asking you!" Shang Zhen said angrily when he saw Cheng Peng's absent-minded look.

  "Oh." Only then did Cheng Peng react. How could he be shocked by Shang Zhen's fighting ability? Besides, what kind of fighting ability did Shang Zhen have? Forget it! It's not surprising that he has any kind of fighting ability!

Next, Cheng Peng and Shang Zhen briefly discussed each other's situations.

Let’s not talk about Cheng Peng’s side. Shang Zhen is naturally also concerned about the battle situation here.

When he noticed that the battle on Cheng Peng's side was prolonged, he realized that the situation had changed.

So he simply took a few people and headed here, gathering all the ambush teams in front of him along the way.

When they rushed over, they happened to encounter the puppet army that was trying to occupy the commanding heights of the hill.

Shang Zhen was too familiar with the behavior of the puppet army, but he did not want to reveal too early that he was bringing troops with him this time.

So he asked the rest of the people to hide and watch the battle from the side, while he lay alone in the bushes. During this process, he used a twenty-shot gun with a wooden box to signal the puppet soldiers to report!

The weapons used by the puppet army were not as good as those of the Northeast Army, and their marksmanship was naturally not as good as Shang Zhen's.

Since Shang Zhen had carefully disguised himself beforehand, the puppet army had no idea where he was.

Moreover, the puppet army and the original Chinese army in the civil war had one problem in common: they were particularly afraid of sharpshooters.

This is certainly related to the poor quality of the rifles used by the Chinese military, but also because they lack rigorous training.

Whenever Shang Zhen fired his gun, someone would be shot and fall to the ground. He knocked down more than ten puppet soldiers one after another.

  The puppet army is not stupid.

Of course I could tell that it was the burst fire of a box gun. If it was a rifle it wouldn't be possible to fire continuously like this!

The puppet army, which had no fighting spirit to begin with, encountered such a sharpshooter. At first, an officer even directed the soldiers to shoot in the direction of Shang Zhen.

But then, Shang Zhen shot the officer to death and silenced the puppet army's light machine gun.

The remaining puppet soldiers were afraid that the fatal bullet would fall on their heads, so they retreated directly.

At this time, Cheng Peng and his men were running on the top of the hill where the Japanese army could not find them, so they heard the noise but did not see the truth at all.

"You set up a second ambush for the Japanese?" After listening to Cheng Peng's brief introduction of the battle situation on their side, Shang Zhen keenly grasped the key points. Then his eyes lit up and he suddenly raised his voice and said, "This is a good trick! I think we can use it again!"

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