The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1827: The Art of Luring the Enemy

Chapter 1827: The Art of Luring the Enemy

In fact, the Japanese army only judged the approximate location of the shooter based on the part of their people that were shot.

As for where exactly on the hill the shooter with surprisingly accurate shooting skills was, they had no idea.

If they wanted to catch the shooter, they had no choice but to rush up the hill.

The puppet troops had learned from the previous lesson learned by Shang Zhen and were naturally unwilling to charge forward, but the problem was that they had no say in this.

The Japanese troops at the back had already started roaring, and the Japanese commander who luckily survived a bullet even ordered the machine gunners to point their guns at the puppet troops in front.

In this way, the puppet army had no choice but to charge forward.

All this naturally fell into the eyes of Shang Zhen and Shen Mugen.

"Shen Mugen, you go over there and fire a few shots at the enemy to expose your position, then run back to find Cheng Peng and the others." It was obvious that Shang Zhen had a new idea.

"Battalion Commander, what about you?" Shen Mugen asked.

"Don't worry about me. I will run back after the fight." Shang Zhen replied.

Shen Mugen believed in Shang Zhen's order without a doubt. He responded "yes" and stepped back, then took advantage of the terrain to run to the right.

Shen Mugen ran a full fifty meters in one breath. When he turned around to look at Shang Zhen, he saw Shang Zhen waving at him again. He ran forward desperately again. This time, after running dozens of meters, he looked back and saw Shang Zhen raising his hand and then putting it down.

Shen Mugen understood that Shang Zhen agreed to let him shoot here.

So Shen Mugen climbed to the top of the hill and naturally saw the Japanese and puppet troops rushing towards the hill.

Shen Mugen raised the box gun.

Anyway, Shang Zhen also said that he just wanted him to deliberately fire a few shots to expose his location, and it didn't matter whether he could hit the enemy or not.

In fact, not only he couldn't hit the target, but it was also unlikely for anyone to hit the target under such circumstances.

Shen Mugen was running out of breath. It was almost impossible for him to run a hundred meters. At this time, it was impossible for him to use a gun to hit the enemy three or four hundred meters away. Even a rifle would not work!

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang", Shen Mugen's gun fired on the top of the hill.

At this time, the Japanese and puppet troops had been marching on the gentle slope of the hill for a while, and were only about 400 meters away from the top of the hill.

This time they finally found Shen Mugen.

Then all the firepower of the Japanese and puppet troops began to concentrate fire on Shen Mugen's position.

Fortunately, Shang Zhen had previously told Shen Mugen that he was just trying to attract the enemy. When Shen Mugen heard the first gunshot from the Japanese army, he had already shrunk and ran down the hill. At this time, he heard the "chi" and "chi" sounds of bullets hitting the ground at the place where he had just shot.

At this time, Shen Mugen did not forget to turn his head and look at where Shang Zhen was.

He saw Shang Zhen was also looking at him, and when he saw him evacuate safely, he waved at him, which undoubtedly meant for him to run faster.

Shen Mugen didn't hesitate any more, turned around and ran away.

Now, not only Shen Mugen, but many soldiers in Shang Zhen’s camp have an extremely blind worship for Shang Zhen.

This kind of admiration was not something Shang Zhen said out loud, but was earned through real action. It was formed after the soldiers heard about and witnessed Shang Zhen's fighting prowess time and time again.

The soldiers put themselves in Shang Zhen's shoes when they saw him fight. They thought that if it were them, they would never come back alive. But Shang Zhen came back alive and kicking every time! And it wasn't just once or twice! You can't deny this!

Shang Zhen saw Shen Mugen retreating and then crawled forward, then went to observe the Japanese and puppet troops attacking the hills.

If the Japanese and puppet troops were a flood that had been holding back its anger, then the appearance of Shen Mugen was equivalent to giving them an opportunity to vent their anger.

The machine guns behind him raised dust at the place where Shen Mugen had just appeared, and the puppet army was forced to rush forward under the coercion of the machine guns behind him. As for the dozens of Japanese soldiers behind him, they all knelt down and aimed their rifles at the place where Shen Mugen had just appeared. This was the effect Shang Zhen wanted. He was finally on the side of the Japanese and puppet troops attacking the hills.

When the Japanese and puppet troops attacked the hills, Shang Zhen did not want to withstand the enemy's attack head-on, and he could not withstand it!

If he was replaced by Shen Mugen, he would have had the chance to fire two or three shots at that time, and then he would have been discovered by the approaching enemy.

If he continued to shoot, he might be able to kill a few more Japanese devils, but he himself would not be able to escape death.

But now it is different. By using Shen Mugen as a false target, he not only avoided a head-on confrontation with the Japanese and puppet troops, but also bought himself some time.

Shang Zhen put down his rifle, put the box gun to his shoulder and aimed at the Japanese troops behind him.

The Japanese army's attention was still focused on their previous position, unaware that death was approaching.

As the Japanese troops got closer and closer to the puppet army, they finally got within 200 meters of Shang Zhen's position. At this time, the box gun on Shang Zhen's shoulder suddenly started to "bang", "bang", and "bang".

Shang Zhen fired in bursts, which seemed inconspicuous among the shooting of the Japanese and puppet troops, but were extremely rapid, as if he was not shooting bullets, but death warrants from the underworld.

During the battle, both sides were naturally highly nervous. As soon as Shang Zhen fired a gun, the attacking Japanese army discovered him.

But the problem was that Shang Zhen's gun was specifically aimed at the Japanese soldiers who turned around first. After he fired several shots and knocked down seven or eight Japanese soldiers, he put away his gun and rolled back, then took advantage of the cover of the top of the hill and ran desperately down the hill.

  At this time, the Japanese bullets arrived, but it was still a little too late!

"Bageyalu!" The injured Japanese commander shouted, and the command knife in his left hand first pointed to the location where Shang Zhen appeared.

But when Shang Zhen disappeared, the Japanese commander pointed his blade at the puppet soldiers in front of him and shouted with a big tongue: "Attack! Attack! Military law will be enforced!"

Then the translator shouted: "The Imperial Army wants you to attack quickly, the machine guns are pointing at you!"

At this time, the Japanese army really fired a short burst of fire at the puppet troops in front.

One of the puppet soldiers was unlucky and a bullet hit him directly on the heel. He screamed and fell to the ground.

How could the rest of the puppet soldiers know that he was only wounded? Seeing the Japanese army starting to force them to charge with machine guns, they had no choice but to fight forward.

A puppet soldier said to the puppet officer: "Captain, if you can't do it, let's rebel."

"Now is not the time to rebel. Charge up quickly!" The puppet army officer was still rational.

And he was the one who was slapped in the face by the Japanese commander earlier.

Shang Zhen ran forward desperately on the gentle slope of the hill, and the puppet army also rushed forward desperately under the supervision of Japanese machine guns.

When the puppet army rushed to the top of the hill, the first puppet soldier who rushed up actually saw the figure in the distance who was about to disappear in the bushes.

"There!" the puppet soldier shouted, then lay on the ground and pointed his rifle at the black spot.

This puppet soldier is also a veteran. Shooting can be divided into shooting with support and shooting without support. Lying on the ground is undoubtedly the most stable and the most accurate.

The puppet soldier didn't know whether he could hit the disappearing figure in front of him, but just as he aimed and pulled the trigger, a hand reached out and pushed him.

So he didn't know where the shot went.

"Hey!" The Ming puppet soldier turned around angrily, only to see the puppet army officer lying beside him.

"If we keep him, maybe we can kill a few more bastards." said the puppet army officer.

The soldier suddenly realized that although his superiors did not say it clearly, who were the bastards? Of course, it was the bastards who were behind them, forcing them to charge forward with guns!

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