The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1834 If the bandits can go, I can go too!

Chapter 1834 If the bandits can go, I can go too!

"Fuck your grandma, you good-for-nothing!" Wu Ziqi reacted and rushed forward.

Seeing that Fan Tongzuo actually shot at people in his own camp, he knew that Fan Tongzuo would become Wu Ziqi's sworn enemy.

  I taught you how to be brave, but you actually bit me back!

How could Wu Ziqi care about his own life or death now?

All he wanted was to pounce on Fan Tongzuo and strangle him to death even if he had to pinch the back of his neck!

How far were the two people? Three steps? Four steps? He just kicked Fan Tongzuo down.

But at this time, Fan Tongzuo shouted in a low voice: "Run! It's the Japs! I lied to them!"

  After saying that, Fan Tongzuo ignored Wu Ziqi who was rushing towards him with the force of a mountain pressing down on him, and turned sideways to the left and pulled the trigger again, "Snap", "Snap"!

"What?" Wu Ziqi really heard what Fan Tongzuo said, but now that he had pounced on him, he felt something was wrong, so he twisted his body to the side while kicking with his feet, and ended up falling directly to the right side of Fan Tongzuo.

  "Run! I lied to them! It was the Japanese devils. I saw the glasses!" "Snap, snap, snap!" "Snap, snap, snap." "Snap!"

It was obvious that Fan Tongzuo had predicted Wu Ziqi's reaction, so he hurried to explain.

While explaining, he was still shooting in the direction of the Japanese army he mentioned, but in the end only fired one shot.

The reason was that during his rapid shooting just now, he had used up all the bullets in the box gun, and the sound of the box gun in his hand emptying the chamber came from it.

  Everyone gets excited when talking about the Japanese devils!

Wu Ziqi lay on the ground with his head tilted and looked to the left. At this time, he saw two people had fallen down at the entrance of the main alley.

The two men were not far away from them, only thirty or forty meters.

It only took Wu Ziqi a quick glance to determine that the two people were probably not from their camp, because everyone in their camp was wearing military uniforms, while the man lying on the ground was wearing plain clothes.

As for the glasses that Fan Tongzuo mentioned to him just now, they should be the clearest proof that the people on the other side were Japanese troops.

The so-called "glasses" naturally refers to the Japanese translator named Yuan Chongde who was captured by Shang Zhen's camp.

Yuan Chongde was captured by Wang Xiaodan, but Wu Ziqi was also present when Shang Zhen interrogated Yuan Chongde.

The reason why Wu Ziqi remembered this translator so clearly was really because of the glasses that guy wore.

Because it was quite miraculous that Wang Xiaodan caught that guy.

The guy might not have worn glasses at the time in order to hide his identity, but because he was nearsighted, he had to squint when seeing things without glasses, so he was recognized by Wang Xiaoyong.

Wu Ziqi thought this matter was very interesting, so he told his brothers Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu about it.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Fan Tongzuo to say that he judged the other party to be a Japanese devil by seeing the glasses.

  China today is poor and backward, lacking everything, even myopia!

Myopia represents culture. The illiteracy rate in China is extremely high nowadays, and there are not many educated people, so there are naturally very few people with myopia!

These things sound complicated, but for Wu Ziqi, it only takes a moment to think about them.

He saw that at the entrance of the alley, someone leaned out and fired two shots at them.

Fortunately, the opponent was not an expert at using a box gun, and the bullet flew away, making a "clang" sound when it hit the wall.

At this time, there was another sound of box gun fire behind Wu Ziqi and Fan Tongzuo. It was Fan Tongwu, who stayed behind to wait for his brother, who fired back.

"Hurry to the other side!" Seeing another enemy showing up, Wu Ziqi supported himself with his hands and crawled into the alley opposite, and Fan Tongzuo followed him in.

When the two of them turned around at the alley, they saw Fan Tongwu, who had also put away his gun in the alley opposite, loading bullets into his box gun.

Fan Tongwu used a ten-round box gun that could only fire bursts.

However, in order to save his brothers Fan Tongzuo and Wu Ziqi, he pulled the trigger one after another, and all the bullets in the box gun were used up in just a moment.

It can be said that these ten bullets were not fired in vain, as another person fell down at the entrance of the alley opposite.

"Gun!" Wu Ziqi shouted.

When he looked at Fan Tongzuo again, he saw that Fan Tongzuo was busy inserting the magazine into the 20-shot box gun.

"Oh, look at how clumsy you are! What a good-for-nothing!" Wu Ziqi said angrily. He reached out and snatched the gun and magazine, and decided to do it himself.

Then he loaded the gun without stretching his head to estimate the approximate height, handed the box gun out from the corner and pulled the trigger.

He fired two short bursts of shots before he leaned forward, exposing his upper body and holding the gun with both hands, aiming at the alley opposite.

At this time, Fan Tongwu, who had already used up all the bullets in his gun, had the chance to run into the alley. This matter sounds complicated, but in fact, they were just at a crossroads.

"Let's run! There are quite a lot of Japanese devils in this group!" said Fan Tongwu.

  Wu Ziqi also knew that except for the three of them who were in the same group, the rest of the platoon in Shuiquan Town was in the village. How could they defeat dozens of Japanese soldiers?

Then, run.

The three of them ran forward along the alley.

In a moment they reached another alley. At this point Wu Ziqi was extra careful, for he was afraid that if the Japanese saw that they were at a disadvantage, they would send someone to come back and trap the three of them inside.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen until the three of them jumped into another alley.

This alley is much messier than the previous one. The houses are not very neatly arranged. Firewood piles, pig pens and other things are all facing the street, so the environment is much more complicated.

Only then did Wu Ziqi feel relieved. He shouted "Stop" and leaned against the doorpost of a house and began to breathe heavily.

Brothers Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu naturally took a break as well.

"I was wrong about you just now." Only then did Wu Ziqi have time to talk to Fan Tongzuo.

"It's not your fault. If I were in your shoes, I would be anxious too. I couldn't do anything when they detained my brother." Fan Tongzuo explained honestly.

There is no need for so much pretentiousness in friendship between men! Besides, the war environment has already made people extremely carefree, and now that the matter has been brought to light, it is over.

After a while, Wu Ziqi asked curiously, "You have returned to the Security Division, so why do you want to follow our Northeast Army? Why?"

"No reason at all." Fan Tongzuo scratched his head and said thoughtfully, "Your people are good. They don't hit me, and they don't look down on me."

Wu Ziqi said "Oh".

Wu Ziqi is not good at preaching, and Fan Tongzuo is not the kind of person who can preach. Anyway, he feels comfortable with the people in Shang Zhenying, and that is enough.

After a while, they heard no gunshots behind them and the town had become quiet.

But this made Wu Ziqi feel uneasy.

He thought for a moment and suddenly said, "The road the Japanese took should be heading out of the town, right?"

"It seems so." Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu answered at the same time.

They were not locals, but judging from the direction the Japanese troops were heading, they were heading towards the town entrance.

At this time, faint gunshots were heard from the direction of the town entrance. They guessed that it must be Shang Zhen and his men who were blocking the Japanese army.

"We didn't kill that guy with glasses just now, did we?" Wu Ziqi asked anxiously.

"There shouldn't be any. At least the two guys I shot down shouldn't be them." Fan Tongzuo replied.

"The one I killed wasn't him either." Fan Tongwu also replied.

"That four-eyed dog won't lead the Japanese devils to attack our battalion, right? No! Not our battalion, it should be our battalion!" Wu Ziqi corrected himself.

"What else can they do when they go out except attacking our people?" Fan Tongwu said.

  Yes, the Japs are about to leave the town, so what else can we do except help them?

"No! We can't let them go so easily. Do you dare to beat him with me again?" Wu Ziqi asked.

"Dare!" The brothers Fan Tongzuo and Fan Tongwu answered in unison.

"Let's go! Let's head to the town entrance and see if we can intercept them again." Wu Ziqi said.

Now Wu Ziqi is the leader of the two brothers, and the two brothers followed Wu Ziqi and ran towards the town entrance.

But when they crossed several streets and alleys, before they could run to the end, they suddenly heard fierce gunfire coming from the left front!

In Wu Ziqi's impression, the place where the gunshots were heard was the main street leading to the town entrance.

According to the time, if the Japanese devils didn't chase the three of them, they should be able to reach that location.

But now the gunshots were so loud, it was obvious that someone was fighting with the Japanese army again.

So who will it be this time?

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