The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1838 Chapter 1800 Dilemma

Chapter 1838 Chapter 1800 Dilemma

How could the pseudo-legion commander's face be good?

The Japanese army clearly regarded him as a hostage. They wanted him to stay in front of the Japanese so that their own people could launch the attack. If his own people did not attack with all their strength, he would most likely be shot to death!

But just when he thought that the Japanese were just like that, he was wrong!

Then the Japanese commander pointed at an officer following behind him and said, "You! Attack!"

The officer was a little younger than the puppet army commander, but their features were somewhat similar.

Upon hearing what the Japanese commander said, the young officer's face changed.

At this point, the pseudo-army commander had to speak up: "Taijun, I will lead the troops to attack, and he will stay behind."

As the saying goes, "A man under his roof has to bow his head." The puppet army commander, who had been secretly competing with the Japanese army in his heart, now even had a hint of begging in his eyes.

However, the Japanese commander just glanced at him with contempt. He did not put down his outstretched left hand but said to the young officer again: "You, attack!" Was there any room for negotiation in his words?

"Brother, let me go, take care of yourself!" said the young officer to the puppet army commander.

There is no doubt that calling him "Big Brother" is correct.

Originally, he and Captain Yu were brothers, but Captain Yu was the eldest brother and he was the youngest among them.

And this is exactly where the Japanese commander was particularly insidious.

He took the pseudo-army commander, who was also the big brother, hostage, but let his younger brothers lead the troops to charge and fight Shang Zhen.

  With a hostage in hand, he is not afraid that his younger brother will not try his best!

Seeing that the Japanese commander had no intention of changing his mind, the puppet army commander lowered his head.

He is not young anymore, in his forties, and is tall and strong.

If he stood up straight, he would be a head taller than the Japanese commander.

But now he could only lower his head as much as possible so as not to meet the eyes of the Japanese commander.

His eyes were looking down at the ground. Who knew what kind of emotion was contained in his eyes when he lowered his head?

Would he dare to glare at the Japanese commander now? Of course not!

When he looked up at his brother, he could only say: "Be careful and keep yourself alive!"

His younger brother responded and could only turn around and run towards where the puppet troops were hiding. He was going to lead his troops to attack.

The commander of the tomorrow's army watched the two brothers break up, without any fluctuation in his eyes.

He didn't care what the pseudo-army commander thought, because he knew that the two brothers were already under his control.

  A few minutes later, hundreds of puppet soldiers holding rifles began to advance toward the hill, with no Japanese troops following behind them.

The Japanese soldiers behind them all lay flat on their stomachs, pointing their rifles forward.

  Although the muzzle of the gun was pointed at the hill, who could guarantee that they would not shoot at the back of the puppet soldiers?

But the puppet troops could not resist, of course because their regimental commander and some puppet troops were detained by the Japanese commander.

None of the puppet soldiers had expected that the Japanese commander would use such a trick. They were angry at his insidiousness but they really had no way to crack it.

If their regiment leader had not been held hostage by the Japanese army, their people would still be together, and the puppet regiment leader could have easily turned against the Japanese army with his people. At worst, I would fight you Japanese, and if I can't beat you, I would join the National Army, and if that doesn't work, I can join the Eighth Route Army!

  It’s a pity that those are all things in the future. Things in the future are just imaginary things that haven’t been realized yet. They have to get over the current hurdle first!

At this time, Shang Zhen, who was on the top of the hill, was stunned when he saw that the puppet army took the lead but the Japanese army did not follow.

On the top of the hill, Shang Zhenke was observing with a telescope.

  He has been staring at them ever since the puppet army came out, but now the puppet army has walked over a hundred meters away, why hasn't this Japanese soldier caught up yet?

Eh? Why doesn't this little devil play by the rules?

  Shang Zhen did not expect that the Japanese army would only use puppet troops to attack, but the Japanese army was waiting for such a move behind the scenes!

The Japanese army's fighting style is completely different from what he expected!

He had originally anticipated that once the Japanese and puppet troops attacked the mountain, he would take advantage of the tacit understanding between himself and the puppet troops, only shoot at the Japanese troops, and then lure them into the middle of the hill.

  But who would have thought that the Japanese army did not follow him this time, so who was he shooting at?

Moreover, he only left himself and a squad of troops in the direction facing the Japanese and puppet troops, and most of the rest of the troops had been hidden by him.

In fact, it does not depend on how many troops he has on hand, but on the fact that he will not shoot at the puppet army unless he has to!

There are hundreds of puppet soldiers. Since he has reached some kind of tacit understanding with the puppet soldiers, he does not want to turn them into mortal enemies.

What does it matter whether I want to or not? Thinking is just a judgment of the battlefield situation, and now things are happening in front of us. We must get through this stage, so we must change as the enemy changes!

As for why the Japanese army let the puppet army take the lead while they did not even follow, Shang naturally did not know that there was already a conflict between the Japanese army and the puppet army, and the puppet army commander had been taken hostage.

Perhaps the Japanese army ordered the puppet troops to charge, then drove their own people out of the hills, and then used the Japanese army's marksmanship to snipe and kill them.

Perhaps the Japanese army wanted to let the puppet army and their own people fight to a defeat so that they could reap the benefits.

But Shang Zhen really can’t take care of it now. He has to get through this hurdle first.

Shang Zhen, who had already made up his mind, turned his head to the right, and then he saw about a platoon of people running towards him under the cover of the hills.

Those were naturally his people, and the one leading them was Qian Chuaner.

Originally, he had placed his troops on the flank, hoping to use himself and this squad of soldiers as bait to lure the Japanese into taking the bait, and then their men would shoot from above.

Now Shang Zhen guessed that Qian Chuan'er was worried when he saw the puppet troops coming up, so he hurriedly brought people over to see how to deal with it.

Qian Chuan'er was not close to their current location, but the puppet army was naturally farther away.

Shang Zhen had been observing from the top of the hill. He not only knew where the puppet troops came from, he even knew the approximate location of the Japanese commander.

The reason was naturally that the terrain here was very open and he was on a high point, but he estimated that the Japanese commander was at least seven or eight hundred meters away from him.

The two sides were seven or eight hundred meters apart, and even with a telescope he couldn't find out who the Japanese commander was. He didn't have the ability to kill the enemy with one shot from seven or eight hundred meters away, so he could only keep watching.

Soon Qian Chuan'er and the others came over, but they didn't lie down beside Shang Zhen, but all of them lay down behind him.

The reason is that if they show up now, they will most likely be discovered by the Japanese and puppet troops, which will expose Shang Zhen's current hiding place.

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