The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1840 The real cause of death

Chapter 1840 The real cause of death

A bullet hit the abdomen of the Japanese commander after flying seven or eight hundred meters. The abdomen was not a vital part, but at least the Japanese officer was not killed immediately.

However, the cavity effect after the bullet entered his body still made him howl uncontrollably.

But no one came to rescue him.

The reason was that he had separated his Japanese soldiers. There were only a few Japanese soldiers around him, but they were all hit by bullets. Some were killed instantly, while others were also severely injured and rolled on the ground wailing.

The Chinese who witnessed this scene and was closest to the Japanese commander was precisely the puppet army commander.

The puppet army commander could not be too far away from the Japanese commander, otherwise people would think he was trying to escape.

He also couldn't get too close to the Japanese commander. If he got too close, he was afraid that he would not be able to control himself and would pull out his pistol and shoot the commander again!

When the gunshot rang out, he instinctively lay down. When he saw the Japanese commander fell to the ground after being shot, his eyes lit up with joy. However, when he saw that the commander was just rolling on the ground wailing and not dying immediately, disappointment appeared in his eyes again.

But as he glanced around the Japanese commander, he felt all the blood in his body rushing to his face!

  Not to be missed!

The next moment, the pseudo-army commander did not hesitate at all. He ignored the sound of gunfire and just rushed out!

Where did he jump to?

Leaped towards the Japanese commander who was still howling!

"My Lord!" the puppet army commander shouted. He squatted in front of the Japanese commander and stretched out his hands to support the commander's head.

"Sang." Unexpectedly, the Japanese commander actually called out at this time, and a rare animal-like gratitude appeared in his eyes.

But he really didn't need to thank the pseudo-legion commander for anything, because just when the pseudo-legion commander held the side of his neck with his left hand, the small sharp weapon in his right hand directly scratched his neck!

The history of human warfare has repeatedly proved that what appears to be a terrifying explosion may not necessarily result in casualties, and what appears to be silent may not necessarily result in no deaths.

However, the death of this Japanese commander was a combination of the two. He died in a horrifying manner.

Because when the sharp and tiny blade scratched his neck, a stream of blood spurted out directly, like a bloody fountain.

It was also like the scene in Nanjing where the Japanese officer chopped off a Chinese woman's head with a sharp knife.

The knife is so fast!

  There was still fear in the woman's eyes when her head flew up, but her head had already been separated from her body, and blood was like spilled water. That moment was frozen under the flash of the invading photographer!

There is retribution in the world, and no one can escape the punishment of fate?

"Oh, my great lord!" the pseudo-army commander cried out in sorrow.

He was so sad that he almost believed it himself.

But as he shouted, he used his body to cover himself and stuffed the knife in his hand into his boot. When he raised his hand again, it pinched the neck of the Japanese commander, as if to stop the bleeding.

The blood in the human body is like a tap, a closed circulation system. When you turn on the tap, the water pressure will push the water out.

The same is true for the human blood circulation system, except that the amount of blood that can be ejected is limited and only one stream.

No! One strand is not enough!

  According to the Northeastern dialect, blood spurting out is called a "gǎnr". When a person spurts out a "gǎnr" of blood, that person will not have much urine left!

The puppet army commander pinched the wound on the Japanese officer's neck, and blood gushed out again.

However, this time the amount of blood was much less, but even though it was much less, the blood still splashed onto the body and face of the puppet army officer!

The puppet army commander here did not hide. Why should he hide? It's not like he had never seen blood before. He had also seen mountains of swords and seas of blood. On the contrary, these gave him an inexplicable pleasure! So when the Japanese army arrived here, he was busy bandaging the wound of the commander of the Imperial Japanese Army, even though the commander's eyes had turned into dead fish!

This bastard is finally dead!

When he saw the Japanese army coming, the puppet army commander who had retreated to the side thought.

Although a Japanese could not be considered an expert on China, he could speak a small amount of Chinese and had a thorough understanding of the Chinese people's psychology. It was really uncomfortable for the puppet army commander to be restricted in every way by such an old devil!

Even though this guy is dead now, the matter is not over yet.

The puppet army commander quickly winked at the messenger beside him, and then his eyes turned to the puppet soldiers who were attacking the hills ahead.

This old devil who was familiar to the Chinese people was dead. As for that old devil, his deputy no longer posed much of a threat to him.

So he had to quickly send his people to inform his brother not to really fight with the Northeast Army.

It is true that there is a tacit understanding between the two parties, but if someone dies and a blood feud arises between the two sides, then this grudge will be difficult to resolve.

Especially the chaos of gunfire from the Northeast Army just now. The puppet army commander understood that if he looked at it from a bystander's perspective, he would not be able to tell whether he was with the Japanese commander.

What if his brother thought he was also beaten to death, and he and his people would make great enemies with the Northeast Army.

Or if your younger brother thought you were dead, but you were not dead yet, but because you didn't notify him in time, your younger brother thought you were dead and then took revenge for you, that wouldn't be okay either!

It can be said that the pseudo-army commander had a good idea, but after he exchanged glances with his messenger, he saw that his messenger glanced to the side with an embarrassed expression on his face.

  It was only at this time that the pseudo-army commander noticed that one of his men had fallen!

The man had been turned over by the other soldiers who followed him. There was a large pool of blood on his chest. He could no longer move and was undoubtedly dead.

The pseudo-army commander couldn't help but frown, and he hurried over.

At this time, his messenger whispered: "Captain, he is dead."

At this point, doesn’t the pseudo-legion commander understand what’s happening?

He was detained by the Japanese officer, but of course he would not be alone with the Japs.

He also has his own men, and there are more than ten guards following him.

He was afraid that the Japanese would suddenly turn against him and kill him. Although bringing more than ten people with him was not a lot, it would allow him to fight desperately with the Japanese commander when he turned against him.

When bullets came from the direction of the hill, he and his group were about forty or fifty meters away from the Japanese commander.

It should be said that the Northeast Army's shooting skills were very accurate, but although they killed more Japanese soldiers, they also killed one of his men by mistake, so it was completely certain that the soldier under his command was killed by the Northeast Army!

Until now, he still couldn't figure out how the Northeast Army discovered the location of the Japanese commander. There was no doubt that his subordinate died from a stray bullet.

The top of the hill was about seven or eight hundred meters away from here. It was normal for a bullet to fly from there and deviate several dozen meters here, but this soldier under his command was so unlucky!

The puppet army commander figured out the reason and glanced at the Japanese army again. Seeing that the Japanese deputy commander he was familiar with didn't pay attention to him, he hurriedly whispered: "Go and inform them that I'm not dead. I will bury this brother with honor!"

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