Chapter 1845: Counterattack (I)

The Japanese army stopped attacking and the battlefield fell silent.

At this time, the Northeast Army soldier lying between the two puppet soldiers muttered disdainfully: "Damn! Loud thunder but little rain!"

Because the puppet troops had a tacit understanding with the Northeast Army, they did not open fire after they came up, and now no one knew where Cheng Peng had taken them.

The subsequent Japanese attack was deterred by the sharpshooters on the mountain.

The mountains and fields became quiet and you could even see birds flying from afar.

This is the reason why the Japanese army's rear-end attack was weak, which is what this Northeast Army soldier called "much ado about nothing."

Are the devils so easy to fight? The two puppet soldiers had an illusion.

But when they thought about it again, it wasn't the case.

If, and I mean if here, if the Japanese army attacked while they were defending here, first of all, they did not have as many Type 38 rifles as the Northeast Army, so they would not have the opportunity to shoot at the Japanese army from a long distance.

By the time the Japanese troops entered within 200 to 300 meters, their marksmanship was no match for the Japanese.

Based on the puppet soldiers' understanding of the Japanese army, the Japanese army's shooting skills should have a hit rate of 80% within 200 to 300 meters, and it is very common to shoot them in the head with one shot.

At the same time, they did not have the experience of the Northeast Army's Shang Zhenying in dealing with the Japanese army.

It could barely be considered a positional battle now, but Shang Zhenying’s fighting style made it impossible for the Japanese to organize an effective attack.

Of course, the premise here is that the Japanese army had no cannons and did not use grenade launchers.

In fact, this is not true. The Japanese army did not use grenade launchers not because they did not want to use them, but because of the terrain, the Japanese army could not get close, and the grenade launchers' range was not enough.

The two puppet soldiers were thinking about all sorts of things when they heard footsteps behind them. When they turned around, they saw the soldier who had been running back and forth behind them running out again.

When the soldier ran behind them, he looked at them in surprise, but did not ask any questions.

Then the soldier said as he ran: "The battalion commander ordered us to hide and change positions to watch out for the Japanese revenge."

While the two soldiers were curious about where the battalion commander of the Northeast Army was, they learned a trick to anticipate the enemy's moves.

They tilted their heads and watched the soldier run past them and then headed for the location of the wormwood bush. Naturally, he was notifying the soldiers there.

Of course, they were not far away from the soldiers, but before the messenger could convey the battalion commander's order again, the Japanese heavy machine guns suddenly sounded, and several of them fired at once!

The gunshot came so suddenly that the two puppet soldiers realized that the calm just now was just an illusion and that they were still fighting.

The Japanese Type 92 heavy motorcycle cannot match the Maxim heavy machine gun in terms of firing rate, but it is good at short bursts!

Originally, heavy machine guns actually play a role in regional coverage.

The situation was like a dark cloud suddenly floating in the clear sky, and then the dark cloud sprinkled raindrops. As long as you were in the raindrops, it would be difficult not to be hit.

That's what heavy machine guns are used for.

However, due to the narrow terrain and poor mineral resources in Japan, the Japanese army designed this heavy machine gun that can fire short bursts.

Short bursts of fire, at least, don't sound as scary as continuous firing, but the sound of several heavy machine guns firing together is different.

  For a moment, bullets flew everywhere on the battlefield, making the two puppet soldiers feel unprecedented pressure.

However, the place where they were lying was not shot by the Japanese army. Perhaps that was because the two of them and the Northeast Army soldier did not shoot, so they were not exposed.

However, the wormwood patch on their right was hit by the Japanese army and the grass debris flew everywhere.

They looked to the left again and saw that the bushes on the left were also broken by bullets, with branches and leaves flying everywhere.

For a moment, the whole world was filled with the sound of the Japanese army's heavy machine guns firing!

  The puppet soldiers had seen the Japanese Type 92 heavy machine gun before, and they knew that the bullets of that heavy machine gun were twice as powerful as those of the Japanese Type 38 rifle!

In other words, the Japanese Type 6.5 rifle bullet is 13mm, so the heavy machine gun bullet must reach mm.

  Just look at the bullets fired from the heavy machine gun plus the momentum of the heavy machine gun. If the bullets hit a person, they will break wherever they hit. Even if they don't hit the vital parts, the person will be absolutely disabled!

Out of fear of the Japanese heavy machine guns, the two puppet soldiers didn't even look at the soldier of the Central North Army lying between them, and quickly crawled back. The Japanese army didn't use heavy guns to attack here now, but that didn't mean they wouldn't attack later.

As the two of them were crawling back, they heard the Northeast Army soldier say in dissatisfaction in the interval between the heavy machine gun fire: "Damn, it's over, dog meat can't be served at the banquet!"

  Naturally, the two puppet soldiers didn't dare to say anything. So what? It was better than losing their lives here!

The two men retreated with red faces, and only stopped after crawling back a body length. Their heads were facing the feet of the Northeast Army soldier in front of them.

But in this way, the two of them can talk to each other. Otherwise, if they had talked just now, they would definitely have been scolded by the Northeast Army soldier again.

"The road here is difficult to walk on. It's all thanks to the Japanese. No, it's all thanks to the Japanese devils for not moving the cannons here." Puppet Soldier B muttered in a low voice.

"Shut up!" said the puppet soldier hurriedly.

If you say that the Japanese are going to use artillery at this time, you are just bringing up things that are not related to the topic. If the Northeast soldier in front hears it, you two will be scolded again.

But at this moment, they both heard the screams of soldiers suddenly coming from the wormwood bushes on the right.

The two men lay on the ground and tilted their heads to look, and saw that wherever the bullets could reach the wormwood bush, it was full of flying grass debris, and the camouflage of the Northeast Army soldiers was very realistic, so they really couldn't make out the specific situation.

"Who is injured?" At this moment, the Northeast Army soldier in front of the two puppet soldiers suddenly asked loudly.

But before the other side could answer, the two puppet soldiers A and B heard the sound of bullets hitting the ground!

They could hear the sound of bullets hitting the ground when the heavy machine gun was firing, which only meant that the bullets hit right in front of them.

The two puppet soldiers instinctively lowered their heads and fell to the ground.

At this moment, they had completely forgotten about the Northeast Army's attack on the Japanese army just now. Their idea was to let it go and save their own lives first!

"Dong dong dong" "Dong dong dong", the Japanese heavy machine guns were still roaring, and the two puppet soldiers still had their faces pressed tightly to the ground.

Puppet soldier B was braver, and he was the first to open his eyes.

I saw that Soldier A happened to have his left cheek pressed to the ground, and as I could see the other party, of course my right cheek was pressed to the ground.

"As long as it's not artillery fire, we'll be fine." Puppet Soldier B couldn't help but say something.

In fact, he spoke to give himself courage, or he was testing him, because he saw that Soldier A had his eyes closed, and even his eyelashes did not tremble, and he thought to himself, could he have been killed by the Japanese machine guns?

Fortunately, after he finished speaking, his companion opened his eyes.

The two looked at each other and both felt like they had survived a disaster.

At this time, they both heard the sound of the bullet entering the ground which was getting farther away from them, so they raised their heads and looked forward.

The Northeast Army soldier in front was still lying there obediently.

But at this time, the puppet army B felt that something was not right!

The sound of the bullet hitting the ground just now seemed to be right in front of him. And this Northeast soldier was asking who was injured, so how come there was no sound in the blink of an eye?

He suddenly realized something, reached out and touched the foot of the Northeast Army soldier, saying: "Brother, are you okay?"

But when he touched him, the Northeast Army soldier did not react.

The puppet soldier B increased the strength of his hands and tried to pull the feet of the Northeast Army soldier.

But when his hand touched the soldier's feet, his face changed.

"What's wrong?" The puppet soldier A also noticed that something was wrong with him.

The puppet soldier B withdrew his hands that were holding the feet of the Northeast Army soldier.

He spread out his palms, which were covered in blood! Bright red blood!

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