The war of resistance against mountains is heavy

Chapter 1852 Mutual Rescue on the Hilltop

Chapter 1852 Mutual Rescue on the Hilltop

"Don't shoot!" When the puppet army commander just stepped onto the top of the hill, he heard the shout of another puppet soldier. The so-called other puppet soldier was exactly A among the Puppet Armies A and B.

With that reminder, the puppet army commander looked forward and saw a Northeast Army soldier pointing a box gun at him.

Since the puppet army commander knew that the Japanese troops had rushed up the hill and there were sounds of gunfire and shouting, it proved that the battle was not over yet, so he was naturally on full alert.

As soon as he saw a Northeast Army soldier pointing a gun at him, he instinctively sat down and pointed his box gun at the other side.

However, he was too slow in aiming the shot. Before his gun muzzle could move horizontally, the other man's gun muzzle had already been raised!

The life and death of the puppet army commander is just a thread hanging by a thread.

  And at this critical moment, there was a sudden "bang" of a gunshot, and at the same time there was a "clang" sound. The box gun of the Northeast Army soldier was actually knocked to the ground by a shot from the side. Even the puppet army commander saw the sparks splashed by the bullet hitting the box gun!

Let’s not talk about the fact that the Northeast Army soldier who was about to raise his gun to shoot was stunned by this shot.

When the puppet army commander breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that he had escaped, he happened to see that a Japanese soldier disguised as a puppet soldier who had been lying on the ground behind the soldier to the right suddenly sat up.

When that guy sat up, he also raised his right hand and threw a black grenade at his head!

Before the Japanese imperialists invaded China, there were few melon-shaped grenades on the Chinese mainland. They were all grenades with wooden handles.

It was only after seeing the grenade that the Chinese realized that the iron lump needed to be hit against a hard object in order to activate the fuse.

The hard object that triggered the fuse could be a gun butt, a stone, a tile, or even the heel of a pair of shoes. Of course, it also included the steel helmets on the heads of Japanese soldiers.

Seeing that the Japanese soldier was about to throw a grenade, the puppet army commander instinctively moved the muzzle of his gun and fired a short burst of shots.

At the same time, there was a gunshot, and the Japanese soldier who was shot let go of the grenade, which fell down but did not explode.

The above is just one detail of this battle. There are certainly questions, but the battle is not over yet. The pseudo-legion commander knows that now is not the time to pursue the details.

"Hurry up and shoot again." The puppet army commander heard someone shouting. He also raised his gun and looked around. At this time, he was surprised to find that although the dozen or so Northeast soldiers were shooting at the Japanese soldiers, this also showed that there was no one standing on the top of the mountain.

The puppet army commander really didn't expect that this group of Northeast Army people would act so quickly and ruthlessly!

As soon as he thought about it, he understood that no matter whether they were Japanese soldiers wearing yellow clothes or Japanese soldiers disguised as puppet soldiers, they were all holding Type 38 rifles.

In terms of bayonet combat, the Type 38 rifle certainly has the advantage, but when he looked back at the Northeast Army soldiers, he was surprised to find that they were all holding box guns, even though there were rifles scattered around them.

What does this indicate? Of course, it indicates that the Northeast Army was using box guns to counter bayonets.

  No matter how sharp a knife is, it is not as fast as a gun. What's more, the worst box cannon they have can only fire ten shots, and most of them can fire twenty shots. So they are definitely an elite force!

The puppet corps commander was thinking about this when he heard someone shout, "Retreat quickly! The Japs are about to fire!"

This time, the pseudo-army commander looked specifically at the person who was shouting. He was surprised to find that the person who was shouting was the sharpshooter who had been lying in ambush in front of him on the right when he was rushing up.

But his face was covered with mud and grass juice, so his appearance could not be seen clearly. Only his two eyes were bright black.

I couldn't tell how old he was, but judging from his voice, he seemed to be around 26 or 27 years old.

  The battle developed so quickly that the puppet army commander had no time to think carefully. As soon as the man finished shouting, everyone heard a few "hiss" and "hiss" sounds, and then explosions were heard on the top of the hill. The Japanese army actually fired grenades!

No one could figure out what the Japanese were thinking. They probably thought that their people were too few and too many, so they used "small cannons" to hurt both sides this time? Moreover, the Japanese were firing at the top of the hill. They could not see the situation on the hill from where they fired grenades, so they did not test fire this time. Did they want to cover them directly with grenades?

  Looking at the Japanese soldier who usually laughed and joked, the puppet army commander never thought that the other person was actually a ruthless character!

The Northeast Army soldiers began to run to the side of the hill, and while running they picked up rifles on the ground, Type 38 rifles, but they did not grab the bullet boxes of the dead Japanese soldiers, probably because they were afraid that they would not have enough time.

If you guys run, I have to run too! The pseudo-army commander also ran after him.

What was he still doing here? He was being held hostage by the Japanese. If he dared to stay here, the Japanese would either cut him into pieces or use him as a shield!

The puppet army commander was running with others when he heard one of his men beside him suddenly shout.

  When he turned around, he saw that one of his two soldiers was actually fine, just being knocked away by someone, and that person had already run to his side. It was the sharpshooter of the Northeast Army!

But before the pseudo-army commander could say anything, they heard the "hissing" and "hissing" sounds coming from the bottom of the hill again.

It cannot be said that the puppet army commander reacted slowly. When he determined that the Japanese army was firing grenades at the hill again, he was knocked to the ground by a huge force.

At the moment of life and death, the force was so great that the puppet army commander even threw his own box gun away!

But then, in the smoke of the explosion more than ten meters ahead, the puppet army commander knew that he had been saved.

He reacted only after he heard the whistling sound and realized that it was a Japanese grenade launcher, but it seemed as if the other party had not made any judgment at all and knocked him to the ground the moment the grenade was launched.

It's the difference between fighting often and fighting once in a while.

At this time, the hissing sound of grenades continued, and several more grenades hit in front of them. In the smoke of the explosion, the puppet army commander saw a Northeast Army soldier drop his gun and fall down, obviously he was hit by a Japanese grenade.

"We can't do this!" The pseudo-legion commander heard the sharpshooter who had just knocked him down seem to mutter in a low voice.

Then he saw the man climb up, holding a camouflaged Type 38 rifle in his hand, and went to the left, which was facing the Japanese army, while his twenty-shot box in a wooden box was shaking behind him.

What is this kid going to do? The pseudo-corps commander was surprised.

"Captain, let's go too." The puppet army commander was wondering when the puppet soldier A who was following him said.

"Let's see what he's going to do." What does curiosity kill the cat mean? The pseudo-corps commander replied inexplicably.

This sharpshooter of the Northeast Army left an indelible impression on the puppet army commander.

  He was really curious now. When the Japanese army was firing grenades, everyone else was running for their lives but this guy didn't run. What on earth was he trying to do?

After a moment, gunshots were heard.

It was at the sound of the gunshot that the pseudo-army commander suddenly realized that the boy had actually run to the top of the hill.

Or maybe he used his own shooting to attract the attention of the Japanese grenades, allowing other Northeast Army soldiers to escape!

Damn, do we Chinese really have such heroes? This time the pseudo-corps commander was really surprised.

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